
Vegetarian - Fish Ball Soup Vegetarian Health Healthy Life

author:Gluttonous snoozing little lazy cats

Ingredients: 150 grams of fresh milk, 25 grams of fresh mushrooms, 25 grams of tender loofah, water starch, refined salt, white pepper noodles, vegetarian soup, cooked peanut oil.


1. Dilute the water starch with 100 grams of water and milk. Put the wok on a high heat and add 50 grams of water to boil, stir the starch syrup evenly while putting it into the pot, stir with a spoon while putting it, until the pulp juice is poured and stirred into the mature paste, pour it into the bowl, and then continue to stir with bamboo chopsticks for about a minute, grab it with your left hand while it is hot, squeeze it into a two-centimeter diameter "fish ball" into a clear water bowl, let it condense.


3. Wash and cut the mushrooms and loofah into thin slices. Bring the vegetarian soup to a boil in a wok over high heat, add fresh mushrooms, loofah slices, and fish balls to the pot, and add salt and cooked peanut oil. Bring to a large bowl and sprinkle with pepper noodles.

Features: Fragrant and smooth.

Water starch is added with dry starch, and together it is called water starch


There have been many families in ancient and modern times, all of which have accumulated virtue.

The first person between heaven and earth, or reading.!

I hope that more people can join the vegetarian life and reduce the intake of meat.

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