
After the end of World War II, the fate of female traitors was to be a "head" person

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

When it comes to han traitors, people will certainly not have any good words to describe, and what is more interesting is that those who often play han traitors or Japanese officers in film and television dramas will be scolded by netizens, which shows how hateful han traitors are.

The nature of the work of the traitor and the eunuch is very similar, before the work has begun to be injured, the eunuch family is physically injured, the traitor is psychologically injured, the eunuch is unable to touch the woman, and the traitor is unable to see the Chinese.

No matter how the traitors are spurned, the profession of fighting and chaos still flourishes, which can be described as "dashing for a while, being scolded for a lifetime".

During World War II, all countries have given up too many soft bones of national righteousness for personal life and death, and once the war is over, both men and women cannot avoid the reckoning of history.

Today we will take a look at how France and the Soviet Union treated female traitors after the end of World War II.

After the end of World War II, the fate of female traitors was to be a "head" person

After the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, there was such a sentence: "Leave your head without hair, leave your hair without your head", but this sentence was more popular in the Soviet Union and France after the end of World War II.

After the end of World War II, when people celebrated victory, they did not forget the humiliation of the fall of the country, and the Soviet Union and France, after driving out the Germans, vented their vengeful anger on the women who had lost their dignity.

The usual practice in the two countries is to shave the female traitors into a bald head, strip off their underwear, and cover their bodies with tar on the streets to show the public, making these women humiliated inside and their lives even more painful.

After the end of World War II, the fate of female traitors was to be a "head" person

Look at this girl who is shaving her head, how beautiful, you can't imagine that she will be a traitor when you see it on the street!

After the end of World War II, the fate of female traitors was to be a "head" person

This is during the German fascist occupation, a young French girl lives with the Germans and gives birth to a child, they are asked to hold the child and parade in the streets.

After the end of World War II, the fate of female traitors was to be a "head" person

Traitors exist not only in times of war, but also in times of peace, down to corporations and up to nations.

After looking at these photos, those who want to steal company secrets and sell money, you have to be leisurely, and if you are caught, you will not shave your head!

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