
Top Recognition: Genghis Khan looks at the character of his teammates from a bunch of bonfires, and success is not blown out


There is such a sentence in "Han Feizi Says Lin Shang": "Seeing the micro-knowledge, the opportunity for success or failure is also the opportunity, and the life of the husband and the war is also lost to the unexpected." The meaning of this sentence is actually to say that in many things, in fact, it is through the details to judge success or failure. If the details are done better, then the probability of success of the thing itself is relatively large, but if the thing is not done well, then the probability of success of the matter will be infinitely reduced.


In our ancient Chinese wars, people often saw details about pursuits and ambushes. In pursuit, experienced generals observe whether the trajectory of the carriages and horses is disorganized when the enemy army flees. If it is neat and orderly or can be chaotic, it means that there is an enemy ambush in front of it, and it must not be pursued deeply; and when advancing, it will also judge the terrain in front, and if the terrain such as the canyon has to pass, it must be passed at the fastest speed, otherwise it is likely to be ambushed by the enemy.

Top Recognition: Genghis Khan looks at the character of his teammates from a bunch of bonfires, and success is not blown out

In addition to these experiences, there are many things that are judged from the details, just like when entering the jungle, people will also observe whether the birds in the forest will scatter and fly. If this is the case, it also means that there will be an ambush. Only by observing and feeling the changes in the situation in the details can we truly win. At this point, Genghis Khan is definitely the best person to do.

Top Recognition: Genghis Khan looks at the character of his teammates from a bunch of bonfires, and success is not blown out

At a very young age, Genghis Khan's life was actually very tortuous. We all know that Genghis Khan is Temujin, and if we are ordinary people in modern times, we may not even be able to survive, let alone build a country that spans The Eurasian continent. The reason for this situation is also caused by the disputes between the various tribes of the nomadic people at that time. It was also in this kind of fighting that Temujin had to rely on his mother and brother as a teenager. But even though the reality was so difficult, he still did not give up his desire to restore his tribe.


On the verge of desperation, Temujin thought of his father's brother, Wang Khan. It was hoped that the various tribes in the Mongol region could be unified through the help of Wang Khan, and at that time, it was precisely because of Wang Khan's help that Temujin was able to continue to grow. However, when Wang Khan faced this kind of young hero, he did not show his due temperament, but instead kept worrying about the other party's influence getting stronger and stronger, and eventually what if his subordinates all obeyed his orders. Because of this, when the two jointly decided to attack a tribe called Naiman, something happened that caused the two to be separated.

Top Recognition: Genghis Khan looks at the character of his teammates from a bunch of bonfires, and success is not blown out

At that time, the power of the two could be said to be absolutely strong compared to the Naiman tribe. At the beginning, he naturally achieved a certain victory, but just when he was preparing for further action, Wang Khan made a move that made Temujin wary from then on. While confronting the enemy, Wang Khan learned from Zhuge Liang to use the empty city strategy, filled his camp with bonfires, and then led the army to move back. However, such a thing did not inform Temujin, the enemy did not know whether it was true or false, but Temujin saw Wang Khan's thoughts at a glance.

Top Recognition: Genghis Khan looks at the character of his teammates from a bunch of bonfires, and success is not blown out

In this way, when the war broke out, Temujin resisted the other side's attack, and Wang Khan did not send troops to help. However, fortunately, the combat effectiveness of Temujin's army itself was indeed not covered, and even in the face of an enemy that exceeded its own number, it still achieved victory. After this incident occurred, Temujin did not ask questions as we ordinary people think, but showed the broad and broad mind of a ruler. After recognizing that the other party intends to "borrow a knife to kill people", the past love naturally ceases to exist. However, it does not matter now, but in the future, there is just a reason to fight each other.


Temujin could see that in fact, the mastermind behind this matter was not Wang Khan himself, but Wang Khan's son. Wang Khan himself was just a man without opinion, and when his son threatened him with Temujin, Wang Khan did not know what to do. On the one hand, he was unwilling to take the initiative to set up the Hongmen Banquet, on the other hand, he was unwilling to watch Temujin sit up, so he simply made such a decision.

Top Recognition: Genghis Khan looks at the character of his teammates from a bunch of bonfires, and success is not blown out

But for whatever reason or excuse, things have happened and can't be recovered again. After this, the relationship between the two also became more and more frosty. However, when facing Wang Khan, in fact, Genghis Khan has always been thinking of old feelings. Unfortunately, on the way to escape later, Wang Khan was still killed by other tribes and used to ask for credit. Faced with such a situation, Genghis Khan naturally did not say much.


No matter what kind of excuse it was, in fact, the moment he knew that the bonfire was lit and the soldiers retreated, Genghis Khan had already understood the real mind of Wang Khan. We are in God's perspective, and naturally we can see through such a trick, but if it is really time to enter the role, how many people can do this? Genghis Khan's success is indeed not blown out, which has a lot to do with his knowledge of people and good at distinguishing and employing people, and when we develop our careers, we learn Genghis Khan's skills of knowing people, which is of great help to the success of our careers.

Reference: Han Feizi Says On the Forest

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