
Crab's greater contribution to humanity than food is here

Crab's greater contribution to humanity than food is here

Crabs and humans, for a long time, I was in rivers and lakes, you were in the land hills, not much of a boundary. It was only when crabs invaded humans and found that it was a superb delicacy that they became intimate and warm. There are written records that it has been two or three thousand years. The Zhou Li Tianguan Herpes says that Zhou Tianzi eats "crabs of Qingzhou", and Baopuzi calls crabs "intestinal-free princes".

Make brave

Who was the first to eat crab? There are many theories, including Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and there are local sayings everywhere.

When I was a child, I heard that in Jiangnan, there was a person named Yang Minshi (pronounced), who was a magistrate. He toured the countryside, and the people told him that there was an eight-legged insect, and with a large tong, the rice stalks were clamped by it, and the rice fields were caught in pieces, and the harvest was greatly reduced. How to extinguish it? The Yangmin clan told the peasants to catch it and boil it with boiling water, but they knew that the aroma was fragrant, peeled it off and tasted it, it was very delicious, so they ate it.

Crab's greater contribution to humanity than food is here

Crab hunting is busy in late autumn.

More broadly, a thousand or two thousand years ago there was a man named Ba xie, who was a soldier who was guarding the city at that time. One year, the number of crabs increased greatly, flooded, climbed out of the lake, clamped people's feet, and people were very afraid. As a result, people poured boiling water into the ditches around the city, and the crabs were cooked, red, and emitted a fragrance. Curious, Bashe broke open the crab shell and found the meat inside the shell tempting, so he took a bite and shouted delicious. People start eating crabs.

It is likely that it is the same version, adding oil and vinegar, linking dayu zhishui, ba xie, and Yangcheng lake. Saying yes, Dayu went to Jiangnan to open the river to control the water, and sent the zhuang shi Ba Xie to supervise the work in the Yangcheng Lake area where water and land intersected. At night, a fire was lit at the mouth of the shed, who knew that the light of the fire attracted a large number of "people and insects" and surged forward. The infestation of "sandwich insects" hindered the river opening project. The PLO came up with a solution, asking migrant workers to dig a deep ditch on the edge of the city, raise a fire in the evening, and fill the ditch with boiling boiling water. The "clip worms" swept over and fell into the boiling water ditch and were burned to death. The scalded "sandwich worms" are red and piled up like mountains, emitting an appetizing and delicious fragrance. The PRC boldly took a bite, and the crab meat was delicious, and the more you ate it, the more fragrant it became. Migrant workers also ate. After the local people learned about it, they also followed the example of catching "people and insects" to eat, so it became a delicacy.

Eating, exploring, inventing, including wording, all have first people. Some called the initiator, what a miracle; some called great, the first person to eat crab, remarkable. In particular, Lu Xun said, "The first person to eat crab is very admirable, not a warrior who dares to eat it?" ”

Can it be said that this is the greater contribution of crabs to human beings than food, and it has achieved a spirit, the spirit of eating crabs.


Crabs have a bad reputation, one is rampant and lawless; the other is overbearing and unreasonable.

Crabs are eight-legged, four on the left and right, and they are born like this, but they can be left and right, not back and forth. Although there are eight legs, such as centipedes, their speed is not fast; on the shore, swarming up, dense, domineering is inevitable, you let me pass you again. Two claws, such as large pincers, offensive and self-defense weapons, such as ox horns, sheep horns, ivory, and plants such as cacti thorns, the needles of the moon flower, in order to survive, you have to attack, but also have to defend yourself.

The notoriety of crabs running rampant, in fact, is just a borrowing, talking about people. Most of the people who run amok are hooligans, robbers and bullies, as well as evil officials and traitors who hold great power, are lawless, and do whatever they want.

To be fair, the crab is innocent, has made a contribution to mankind, contributed the word "overbearing", contributed the image metaphor of the overbearing, sacrificed its own image, and borne the notoriety.


There is a kind of crab catching, like fishing alone in the snow of the cold river: the autumn wind rises, on the riverbank, build a grass shed, a bamboo curtain, stretch into the river, light an oil lamp, the crabs are like moths to the fire, they climb up from the bamboo curtain to the shore, catch one, and another. The crabs were thrown into cages, foaming at the mouth, crawling around, still free. In one night, a few pounds of crabs will not be less. Catching crabs at will in the river and in the fields today has become a nostalgia in Jiangnan: yesterday's crabs are in the ditch, today's crabs are in the net.

Crab's greater contribution to humanity than food is here

Even slices of crab pond.

Compared with the chrysanthemums that are ordered at the same time, there are few crab poems and few good sentences. In "Dream of the Red Chamber", the three poems of Jia Baoyu, Lin Daiyu, and Xue Baochao, the poet believes, is still Xue Baochao's "the road in front of you has no longitude and latitude, and the spring and autumn sky in Pili is black and yellow" is better, and the ugliness of the crab-like person in the world is portrayed in three points, which can be called "the song of crab eating". It is probably related to the ugly appearance of crabs and unscrupulous behavior, which is not in line with the interests of the literati, so most of the poems are also counted crabs running rampant, and Pi Rixiu's "unsunapted sea is well-known, and bones are still born from meat." Mo Dao has no intention of fearing thunder and lightning, and the Sea Dragon King is also rampant", reversing the cliché and turning ridicule into praise, which is a special case.

It is said that the Yellow Nest has a Chrysanthemum poem" "Stay until the autumn comes on September 8, and I will kill a hundred flowers after the flowers bloom." The incense of the sky penetrates Chang'an, and the city is full of golden armor", Li Zicheng Yong Crab poem "A body of armor runs rampant, full of xuanhuang is not easy to evaluate." Habitually stealing valleys from Qiu Qi, he prefers to steal camps at night. The double ao is just a steel fork lift, and the eight strands are like a sword. I am only afraid that the angler will set up a erbium, and the catch will send the boiling kettle to the remnants", whether it is praise or irony, both show the arrogance of the rebel.

Crabs are included in the painting, and there are countless famous artists. In modern times, Li Kuchan's "Banana As a Double Crab Diagram" and "Drinking Alone Under the Moon", Ren Bonian's "Ju Crab Diagram", Zhu Qizhan's "Autumn Light" and "Ju Crab Diagram" are all famous works. Qi Baishi painted crabs and seemed to be more famous. Painters often use chrysanthemums and crabs to accompany them, chrysanthemums and yellow crabs are fat, and Qi Baishi painted a cage to match the crabs, which is intriguing.

Eating is physiology and culture, the so-called eating culture. Eat crabs, chew big, call cattle eat crabs; if you taste, tea crabs, it is interesting. How to taste, what tools, what condiments, with a pot of Shaoxing old wine, and then chant the first five words and seven long and short sentences, crab culture overflowing, or rush or trickle out. Most of this is a literati patent. As evidenced, the 1987 version of the "Dream of the Red Chamber" TV series added a scene of Lengzi Xingpin crabs, with a set of "eight crab pieces", fine molds and fine samples of crabs. This is something that the original book does not have, telling you, how can the literati eat crabs and chew them?


The hairy crab in Yangcheng Lake is not a daimyō or a registered name in the household registration book, but a milk name or a common name. The Eight Classics of Zheng'er should be called "Chinese Velvet Crab". The velvet is shaped, a pair of large claws are born with fluff, and China is the hometown.

Twenty years later, when I was eating crabs in 2002, the Jiefang Daily supplement "Chaohua" published an article entitled "Training Hairy Crabs". I'm talking about imposters. The author is late autumn. The article says:

"Crabs have scientific names, land domain names, and today there is one more, called: training hairy crabs."

The full name of training hairy crab is called Yangcheng Lake Training Hairy Crab. The origin of this name, in fact, has a period of history, at least forty or five years, seven or eight years, said that a few years ago, The hairy crabs in Yangcheng Lake were all red, the market was tight, and the clever crab farmers entered the young and middle-aged crabs from other places, mainly in northern Jiangsu, and put them into the enclosure of Yangcheng Lake, some for one or two months, some for twenty or thirty days, and the crab cages in the lake water for a few days, sink a few times, drink a few mouthfuls of lake water, and get some water vapor in Yangcheng Lake. Raising is 'training', and it has cultivated Yangcheng Lake to train hairy crabs. A month or two ago, the Shanghai newspaper sent a message saying that the Yangcheng hairy crabs in the Shanghai market 'flowed backwards' to Yangcheng Lake, and the price in Shanghai was cheaper than Kunshan. It is the crabs from other places to Shanghai and then to Yangcheng Lake to train. Crab farmers will never say that this crab has the word 'training', whether it is authentic or not, it is a brand: Yangcheng Lake hairy crab.

According to experts, they are all fished out of the lake, and it is difficult to distinguish from the appearance who is the authentic Yangcheng Lake hairy crab and who is the trained hairy crab, perhaps the taste is different, and it is difficult to distinguish it clearly. What's more, crab tasters and wine tasters, there are several professional level in the world, many crab eaters, chew crabs only, the tip of the tongue can not distinguish the difference between Jiangnan and Jiangbei in the crab molecules. Therefore, Yangcheng Lake training hairy crab sales are still very good. However, the two words of training still ruined the reputation of hairy crabs in Yangcheng Lake. This year, Suzhou 'exported' 150 tons of Hong Kong hairy crabs, only 2 tons are from Yangcheng Lake, and the rest are Taihu lake crabs. The hairy crabs of Yangcheng Lake followed in the footsteps of Biluochun. There are Biluochun everywhere in the market, and it is difficult to find the real Biluochun. ”

Twenty years, training hairy crabs, imposters? No. Don't believe it, you go to the Suzhou market to see, obviously it is a foreign crab, but it is a hairy crab in Yangcheng Lake, and it is not "training", and the anti-counterfeiting signs are readily available. It seems that the real hairy crab production area, anti-counterfeiting and counterfeiting still have a long way to go.

Lang got a false name, but it was in vain, and the hairy crab in Yangcheng Lake, today, half of it is still applicable. Did you hear that? The hairy crabs of Yangcheng Lake are roaring: Don't waste my reputation!

Became a horse

Taihu Lake was polluted, cyanobacteria stinked, and the "Zero Point Action" to treat Taihu Lake began.

Who is the source of pollution? Who is the culprit? Township enterprises, domestic sewage, it is difficult to blame. And what about purse seine crabs?

There is an episode, when "Operation Zero" began, a TV station broadcast a Taihu Lake pollution control program, which had a clip specially designed to wash the white of crabs. There is a narration in the picture, saying that crabs not only do not pollute the lake water, but also help to control pollution, water grass crazy growth will also make the lake water lack of oxygen, and crabs feed on aquatic grass, can prevent staining, crabs can be raised. It's like a gold medal, the crab is not chopped. Since then, crab farming in Taihu Lake has not been banned, and it has been expanded year by year, and the "Taihu Crab" has become a well-known brand, competing with the hairy crabs in Yangcheng Lake. It is said that crabs eat grass is a fact, but it is far from the pollution of crab breeding such as feed, drugs, etc. Compared with the advantages and disadvantages, the disadvantages outweigh the benefits, and the seine crabs should be prohibited.

Crab's greater contribution to humanity than food is here

Fishing for Taihu crabs.

Xinhua Daily reported that Taihu Lake is the third largest freshwater lake in China, with a lake area of 2233 square kilometers. Since the 1980s, purse seine culture has been started in Taihu Lake. "Good water to raise crabs", Taihu Hairy Crabs are famous, driven by interests, not only local fishermen to raise crabs in Taihu Lake, farmers and outsiders have also joined the purse seine crab breeding team, with a maximum purse seine area of 204,300 mu. After two centralized renovations in 1998 and 2008, it has been gradually reduced to 45,000 mu now, mainly concentrated in Dongshan Island in Wuzhong District and Miaogang and Qidu coasts in Wujiang District. In accordance with the relevant regulations of the State Council and Jiangsu Province, by 2020, the taihu net enclosure culture will be cancelled and the original ecological appearance of the breeding area will be restored.

The taihu lake purse seine crabs became horse mots, and farmers cut off the ma mobs with tears.

The world is invincible (no natural enemy), rampant, and human beings do not agree.

Finally, let's talk about the story of late autumn and crabs: 1947, 1948, late autumn seven or eight years old, summer, the left instep was hit by something, bloody, went home and grabbed the incense ash, did not take it seriously. It is useless to take it seriously, never go to the hospital, boils and sores, skin and flesh wounds are self-contained, including colds and coughs. Originally thought that it would heal in ten days and eight days, but if it was infected, the surface of the foot was festering, and it had not healed in January. The old man in the village said that go to the river to catch a crab, peel it, wash the shell of the crab and roast it on the fire, until it is browned, knock it into powder, sprinkle it on the wound, and it will be good for ten days. Try it, it really works, and the wound heals. To this day, there is still a large scar on the surface of the foot, like a chrysanthemum. Crab shell powder can cure wounds? Whether there is a scientific basis, I do not know. Anyway, late autumn has to say to the crab, thank you! If you have sepsis and whining, there will be no crab in late autumn.

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