
Born at 25 weeks of pregnancy The youngest baby in the UK weighs only 325 grams

Before giving birth, 325 grams of Hannah Stibbles Jr. was born in the UK on December 30, 2021, and before giving birth, doctors warned mum Ellie Barton, 17, and dad Brandon, 21, that their children had "little chance of survival" and needed to be rescued immediately after birth.

However, to everyone's surprise, the newborn little Hannah could breathe herself.

This incredible little doll, she was born only the size of her mother's palm.

Born at 25 weeks of pregnancy The youngest baby in the UK weighs only 325 grams

Previously, the youngest baby girl in the UK was Aaliyah Hart, who weighed 340 grams (12 ounces) at birth in 2003; the youngest baby boy on record in the UK was Frankie Thomson, who weighed 368 grams (13 ounces) at birth.

After giving birth, Ellie couldn't help but say: "We are really proud of her, she has been fighting for her life since birth, although at first everyone was worried about her body, but she is already a lively and cute little troublemaker." 」 ”

Ellie recalls that during her 20-week obstetric exam, the doctor told her the placenta was not in the right placenta.

Over the next few weeks, doctors examined the mother and daughter for a full body, and on December 29, Ellie was taken to the local hospital for epigastric discomfort.

Born at 25 weeks of pregnancy The youngest baby in the UK weighs only 325 grams

It turned out she had been diagnosed with preeclampsia, a dangerous disease that raises a woman's blood pressure and can cause damage to the liver and kidneys, sometimes fatally.

Doctors told the couple the only option was to transfer Ellie to Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) in Glasgow and have specialists deliver the baby at 25 weeks, but said the baby might not be saved.

Hannah arrived at QEH at 1:04 a.m. on Dec. 30 and began fighting for her life.

Hannah's dad, Brandon, thought of that dangerous night and couldn't help but say, "We know very well that Hannah has basically no hope." ”

"The doctors prepared for the worst, told us they needed to get her back and they would make sure Ellie was okay."

Born at 25 weeks of pregnancy The youngest baby in the UK weighs only 325 grams

Ellie said: "As soon as she was born, they took her to the neonatal intensive care unit, but she didn't need rescue, so this immediately gave us hope. We know she's a warrior. ”

Since then, while Hannah has wrapped herself in bubble wraps every day to ensure a suitable environment, medications have been needed to help her lungs develop. However, as Hannah began to grow up slowly, both her brain and heart scans showed no abnormalities.

Hannah usually feeds vitamins through tubes and occasionally eats some of her mother's breast milk – which helped her gain 25 grams of weight.

What the couple want most now is that Hannah will soon reach 500 grams so she can be transferred to their local hospital in Kilmarnock and one step closer to their hometown of Newmills in East Ayrshire.

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