
Today's summer solstice to eat noodles, teach you to make zero-difficulty sesame sauce mixed noodles, refreshing and appetizing, delicious and not greasy

author:Pot of chestnut orange

Each flavor awakens a memory

Today's summer solstice to eat noodles, teach you to make zero-difficulty sesame sauce mixed noodles, refreshing and appetizing, delicious and not greasy

Winter solstice dumplings summer solstice noodles, today is the summer solstice, have you eaten noodles? There are many types of noodles, soup noodles, fried noodles, mixed noodles, cold noodles, oil noodles, etc., as a small editor of northerners, no matter which kind of noodles I like to eat. But now that it's summer, it's best to eat some cool noodles.

Today's summer solstice to eat noodles, teach you to make zero-difficulty sesame sauce mixed noodles, refreshing and appetizing, delicious and not greasy

Today we will make appetizing and greasy sesame sauce mixed noodles, the method is super simple, even if it is only a small partner who can cook instant noodles, it can be successfully made at one time. However, although the method is simple, it is super delicious, Xiaobian has to eat 2 bowls each time, and then we start to make it.

Today's summer solstice to eat noodles, teach you to make zero-difficulty sesame sauce mixed noodles, refreshing and appetizing, delicious and not greasy

Ingredients: noodles, soy sauce, soy sauce, red oil, sesame oil, sesame paste, chopped coriander, crushed peanuts, squeezed vegetables, and other side dishes you like.

Today's summer solstice to eat noodles, teach you to make zero-difficulty sesame sauce mixed noodles, refreshing and appetizing, delicious and not greasy

It is best to use alkali water surface to make mixed noodles, alkali water surface is not easy to lump, after mixing, the roots are clear, each one is wrapped with a full sauce, just looking at it is very tempting, making people appetite. As for the type of side dish, there is actually no limit, capers, sauce beef, pickle diced, chicken shreds can be, secretly tell everyone a mysterious side dish, salted duck eggs, after putting other side dishes, the oily salted duck eggs mashed into the noodles, the taste is amazing, to ensure that you eat once you still want to eat.

Today's summer solstice to eat noodles, teach you to make zero-difficulty sesame sauce mixed noodles, refreshing and appetizing, delicious and not greasy

First, mix the sauce, add 1 spoonful of light soy sauce to the bowl, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce and 1 spoonful of red oil, mix well with sesame sauce, pour in, stir well and set aside.

Then we boil the noodles, after the water is boiled, the noodles are laid out, boiled for 2-3 minutes to fish out, over the cold water, because there is oil in the sauce, so after the cold water directly into the noodle bowl on the line.

Today's summer solstice to eat noodles, teach you to make zero-difficulty sesame sauce mixed noodles, refreshing and appetizing, delicious and not greasy

3. Pour in the sauce, add the side dish, sprinkle with chopped parsley, mix well and eat.

Delicious and not greasy sesame sauce mixed noodles are ready to do, want to eat a cooler little partner, noodles fished out after the ice water on the line, cold and cold, especially refreshing, eat a summer will not be greasy.

Today's summer solstice to eat noodles, teach you to make zero-difficulty sesame sauce mixed noodles, refreshing and appetizing, delicious and not greasy

How' it went, did you learn? After work in the evening, make your own to eat it, like the small partner of this article, remember to like the collection and pay attention to Oh.

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