
The collapse of the Soviet Union, the bitter lessons of history

On December 26, 1991, after a symbolic show of hands, the Soviet Union as a country officially ceased to exist in legal terms, the giants collapsed, the member countries scattered, the world was in an uproar and booing, and the United States on the other side of the ocean declared itself the final winner with the posture of a victor, but it was not the Communist Party, not Marxism-Leninism, nor socialism, but the Soviet Union that failed.

The collapse of the Soviet Union, the bitter lessons of history

Today, except for some yellow and rusty broken copper and broken walls, it can still be barely proved that the existence of this empire, everything has become history, this powerful country is in our north, using the same system, for a period of time there was a lot of friendship, and affectionately called it Big Brother, but it once overwhelmed us breathlessly.

The Cuban Missile Crisis, the Tsar's Hydrogen Bomb, the giant constantly wields the nuclear stick in his hand, touching the sensitive nerves of the world. De-Stalinization, the Sino-Soviet rupture, the arms race, Gorbachev's new thinking reforms, etc., the giant continued to advance on the wrong path, and even fantasized about reconciliation with the United States at the end.

The collapse of the Soviet Union, the bitter lessons of history

If the early days of the Cold War were a contest of technology and weaponry, then the United States obviously changed its strategy later, using two new weapons, something more powerful than nuclear missiles: thinking and public opinion! There are too many negative lessons of the Soviet Union that deserve our deep consideration, but the author believes that what should be reflected most is that even if we enter the modern society, the regime changes in the history books and the demise of the state still exists.

Even after the Industrial Revolution, mankind developed rapidly, even if the progress of science and technology allowed the ruling regime to master powerful nuclear weapons, the Internet and other dazzling means, even with the blessing of these things, but when a political party fails, these things can not save it, can not protect it, it is like the collapse of the mountain, irreparable.

The collapse of the Soviet Union, the bitter lessons of history

There is a way under the heavens, and there is a way to win the people, and the world is to be gained. To gain the way of his people, to gain his heart, to get the people. He who has a way of heart, and who desires to be with him, does not give him what he hates.

Resentment is not big, but fearful of people, carrying a boat over the boat, it is advisable to be cautious.

For the way of government, to conform to the people's hearts as the basis, to the people's livelihood as the basis.

Where the government is prosperous, it is in accordance with the people's hearts, and where the government is abolished, it is against the people's hearts. The people are precious, the society is secondary, and the king is light.

In fact, the most important and unchanging thing is the people's hearts, those who win the hearts of the people win the world, the Xiongnu, the Turks, and even the Mongolia that dominates eurasia, because of their poor governance ability, one by one, they are knocked to the ground by the forces gathered by the strong people's hearts.

The collapse of the Soviet Union, the bitter lessons of history

In the end, the gravediggers buried themselves in the grave, and Gorbachev said a few simple words, this country, like the powerful countries and regimes in history, destroyed itself before the enemy destroyed itself, and the demise of a country was ended by a few words in this instant, short-lived.

Finally, a line was left in the history books: it was a federal socialist state that existed from 1922 to 1991.

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