
A constellation that will never be exploited, insightful of human nature, with great insight, and does not eat any routines

A constellation that will never be exploited, insightful of human nature, with great insight, and does not eat any routines

In the process of dealing with the world, we will inevitably be used by others, and even routines. Whether it's in our relationships or in other ways, we don't want to be used by other people, or routines. But many people are always deceived because they are soft-hearted, or because they don't have enough insight.

But there is also a category of people who are born with a very strong sixth sense, and their understanding and grasp of human nature is also very good. Their insight is excellent, always able to see human nature and the real purpose behind others. This kind of person does not suffer any losses, so it is difficult to be used.

A constellation that will never be exploited, insightful of human nature, with great insight, and does not eat any routines

Today we will talk about these constellations that are difficult to use from the perspective of the astrolabe. They have insight into human nature and are extremely insightful.

Sun Scorpio + Mercury Scorpio

When a person's Sun and Mercury fall on Scorpio at the same time, the person's insight is very strong. They are very meticulous in terms of intuition and sixth sense and logical thinking. It can be said that there is a little clue here that they have discovered, and they may all deduce the true purpose of the other party.

Scorpio itself is a very insightful constellation. Especially when the Sun and Mercury merge in Scorpio, the qualities of Scorpio are magnified. And Scorpio people, they have a deep understanding and insight into human nature, especially the complexity and darkness of human nature, Scorpio is even more familiar with it.

A constellation that will never be exploited, insightful of human nature, with great insight, and does not eat any routines

People whose Mercury falls in Scorpio are born with the ability to reach the essence of problems. They pay more attention to the real purpose behind things and are not deceived by superficial phenomena. So this type of person, if you lie in front of them, is likely to be exposed. Because their insight is really too strong.

It is precisely because of their excellent insight that it is difficult for them to be used, let alone routine. Because they have long seen each other's routines clearly, they want to make them suffer, unless they are willing, it is difficult to use them in any way.

A constellation that will never be exploited, insightful of human nature, with great insight, and does not eat any routines

Sun Virgin + Mercury Virgin

Among the twelve zodiac signs, in addition to Scorpio, another person with strong insight is Virgo. If Scorpio's ability to perceive human nature comes from their intuition and sixth sense. For Virgos, then, their ability to recognize other people's routines comes from their meticulous logical thinking.

Virgo is a zodiac sign that does not rely on subjective feelings to judge problems. They will always use objective logical thinking to infer the ins and outs of the whole thing, and finally get a result. This result may feel uncomfortable, but for Virgo, your objective way is the most accurate conclusion.

A constellation that will never be exploited, insightful of human nature, with great insight, and does not eat any routines

Especially for people whose Mercury falls on Virgo, their logical thinking is actually more rigorous than that of the Sun Virgin. And when the Sun and Mercury converge in Virgo, their abilities in this area will be greatly enhanced. This kind of person can always start from the unreasonable place and find the real problem behind it.

This kind of person, they never believe in pie in the sky, so they will not be used by others, let alone routine. They may not be able to expose each other's lies at the first time, but they can use rigorous thinking to overturn each other's logic. That's where Virgo is powerful.

A constellation that will never be exploited, insightful of human nature, with great insight, and does not eat any routines

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