
It's really important to be with great people

It's really important to be with great people

Text | Li Siyuan Figure | Internet

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Keep up with the people who are coming in

When I first started learning yoga, I always liked to practice with people who were very motivated.

For example, many people were chatting and playing with their phones in the same place before class, but they had already started warm-up exercises, and I practiced with them.

For example, when the teacher asks to do the action during the class, if it is more difficult, they will try their best, and I will try it slowly.

For example, after class, they would also ask the teacher for some specific action details, and I learned a lot from standing on the sidelines.

Most of the time, people will influence each other.

It's really important to be with great people

If the people around you can be lazy and lazy, and can be perfunctory, then you will become like this.

On the contrary, if the people around you always demand themselves with strict standards, then you will also become more and more hard and excellent under their leadership.

There's a saying that goes, "You're not lazy with hard-working people." With procrastinators, you're not going to be positive. ”

Perhaps, with the people who keep up, you will have some pressure, and even you will have to constantly challenge and surpass yourself.

But you always have to know that there is pressure to be motivated, and if you relax easily, it is difficult to make progress and improvement.

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Be with optimistic people

Once, I met an acquaintance.

Every time I talk to her, she always complains about the unsatisfactory work, the disharmony of the family, even the bad weather, and even her own bad luck.

In the beginning, I would give her some words of encouragement and comfort.

But over time, I found that her negative energy not only did not decrease in the slightest, but also made me unconsciously become full of negative energy.

In life:

A person who accidentally steps on a puddle and complains all day long, will not be too lucky.

One who missed the last late train and joked that it was a rare experience and usually lucky.

There are two sides to everything.

The same is lost five dollars, encountered a rainy day, accidentally fell, pessimistic people will tell you that they fell bad luck again,

But optimistic people will tell zai that this is a small matter, and even find luck in it.

With optimistic people, your life will be illuminated by the sun every day, and they will bring you more positive energy.

But with pessimistic people, your life is full of sorrows every day, and they will only make you gradually lose the perception of happiness.

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Be with good people

There is a saying: "Intelligence is a talent, but kindness is a choice." ”

Sometimes, when you are with good people, even if there is a great conflict and contradiction, you will never be maliciously hit and retaliated against.

But with evil people, even the slightest discord between them will be infinitely magnified, making you restless.

There is such a story.

There was a man arguing with a neighbor over a small matter.

One day, the man met a fairy, and the fairy pulled him aside and said to him:

"If you have any wish, you can say it, and I will help you fulfill it, but no matter what wish you make, your neighbor will get doubled."

After the man listened, he couldn't help but think in his heart:

"If I want a house, my neighbors will get two, and if I want 100 million, the neighbors will get 200 million." How can this go on, how can he live better than me! ”

So he finally made a wish to the immortal: "I want you to blind one of my eyes!" ”

People are mutual.

When you are with a person with good intentions, your nature will at least not deteriorate, and you can slowly learn to understand and tolerate.

But when you are with a person with a bad heart, it is easy to entangle with each other, not to let go of each other, and ultimately to hurt each other.

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In fact, what kind of person you are with is really important.

Because the people around you will always bring you a subtle influence, and will continue to change you and become worse or better in the accumulation of time.

With the people who keep up, you will not slacken off and will work towards a better self.

With optimistic people, you will rarely have pessimism, and your mentality will become better and better.

With good people, you will not become evil, you will only make your heart softer and more loving.

Sometimes, what a person looks like, you can see the person who has been closest to him, has the closest relationship, and even the person who is always together.

There is a saying that says: "Those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black." ”

Between a group of people, there must be some kind of similarity to come together.

Even if they are different, they will assimilate and influence each other because they have been together for a long time.

What kind of person you want to be, try to get close to such a person, and try to make yourself like this first.

It's really important to be with great people

You always have to believe:

Butterflies attract butterflies, but flies also attract flies.

Good people are always attracted to each other, and mediocre people are always attracted to each other.

For the rest of your life, may you become a better version of yourself.

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