
The general attended the banquet and ate a fly to save the cook's life, but lost his future

author:Run to the rising sun

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The general attended the banquet and ate a fly to save the cook's life, but lost his future

In the ancient dynasty, there was a famous general, his name was Li Jing. He had made great achievements on the battlefield and was one of the emperor's most relied on generals. However, on a quiet night, a banquet changed the course of his life.

It was a grand palace banquet, brightly lit and full of guests. Li Jing was dressed in gorgeous clothes and walked into the banquet hall with extraordinary bearing. His gaze wandered through the crowd, searching for familiar faces. However, just as he was about to take his seat, a detail caught his attention.

Not far away, a cook is busily serving dishes. His face was pale, his hands trembled, and he seemed to have something on his mind. Li Jing was puzzled, so he quietly approached to observe. I saw that the cook accidentally dropped a fly into the emperor's soup, and he suddenly turned pale and frightened.

Li Jing's heart tightened, he knew that in this hierarchical dynasty, a small mistake could lead to a different head. He looked around and saw that no one had noticed the detail. However, he knew that if the emperor found out, the cook would die.

The general attended the banquet and ate a fly to save the cook's life, but lost his future

At this moment, the attendants beside the emperor announced in a loud voice: "Your Majesty has arrived!" The crowd stood up to greet him. Li Jing knew that something was wrong, and he had to find a way to save the cook.

He had an idea, quickly walked up to the emperor, and bowed respectfully. Then, he deliberately knocked over the wine glass in his hand and spilled it on the emperor's imperial soup. The emperor was furious and asked Li Jing why he was so rude. Li Jing took a deep breath and said calmly: "Your Majesty is angry, Weichen didn't mean to offend. It's just that when I tasted this bowl of soup, I found a fly in it. Wechen knows that this is a royal dish, and there must be no room for error. Therefore, Weichen dared to knock over the wine glass to show his innocence. ”

When the emperor heard this, he was furious and ordered the cook to be brought up. The cook knelt before the emperor, trembling all over, unable to finish his words. Seeing this, Li Jing's heart tightened. He knew that if the emperor pursued him, the cook would surely die.

However, at this moment, Li Jing suddenly made a startling move. He walked over to the soup, scooped up the fly with a spoon, and put it in his mouth without hesitation. He closed his eyes and swallowed the fly against his nausea.

The entire banquet hall was suddenly silent, and everyone was stunned by Li Jing's actions. The emperor was also stunned, he looked at Li Jing, and a complicated look flashed in his eyes.

The general attended the banquet and ate a fly to save the cook's life, but lost his future

Afterwards, the emperor did not hold the cook responsible, but Li Jing lost the emperor's trust and reuse because of this. His official position was demoted again and again, and he was eventually reduced to an ordinary soldier.

The story soon spread among the dynasty, and people talked about Li Jing's bravery and integrity. However, there are also those who lament his experience, believing that he was treated unfairly because he was too upright.

This story has a profound revelation for us. It tells us how we should choose between power and morality. Li Jing chose to stick to morality and conscience, and he saved an innocent life with his actions. However, he also paid a heavy price for this, losing his future and status.

This story also teaches us that in this complex and ever-changing world, we need to keep a clear head and strong faith at all times. We cannot sacrifice our morals and conscience in the pursuit of power and status. Only by sticking to the righteousness and kindness in our hearts can we go further and more steadily on the road of life.

So, when faced with the choice between power and morality, how do you choose? Do you pursue power and status, or do you stick to morality and conscience? This is a question worth pondering. Perhaps, in this era full of challenges and opportunities, we need to be more courageous in facing our own choices and use our actions to explain what true bravery and justice are.

The general attended the banquet and ate a fly to save the cook's life, but lost his future

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