
Why did King Qin Zhao have to give death to Bai Qi? Historian: If it were you, you would also give death to nothing_5

author:Run to the rising sun

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Why did King Qin Zhao have to give death to Bai Qi? Historian: If it were you, you would have died in vain

In the last years of the Warring States period, the Qin State had risen to become the overlord of the vassal states, and behind this powerful empire, there was a general known as the "God of Killing" - Bai Qi. The Qin army led by him swept through the Six Kingdoms like an autumn wind sweeping away leaves, making the enemy fearful. However, at the critical moment when the Qin State was about to dominate the world, King Qin Zhao made an unexpected decision - to give death to nothing. This decision not only shocked the Qin state at that time, but also made later historians deeply puzzled. So, why did King Qin Zhao have to give death to Bai Qi? Historians have said that if it were them, they would have made the same decision.

Why did King Qin Zhao have to give death to Bai Qi? Historian: If it were you, you would also give death to nothing_5

From the white, from the word, the people of Yiyi have shown extraordinary military talent since childhood. He followed the Qin army to fight in the south and the north, and made great achievements. Under the appreciation of King Qin Zhao, Bai Qi gradually became the right-hand man of the Qin State. The campaigns he commanded, both in terms of tactical use and strategic vision, showed extraordinary talent. However, it was these achievements that made Bai Qi's prestige in the army reach its peak, even surpassing that of King Qin.

Militarily, Bai Qi was known for his ruthlessness. He is good at using tactics such as surprise attacks and encirclement to catch the enemy off guard. In the Battle of Changping, he killed 400,000 soldiers of Zhao in one fell swoop, which greatly damaged Zhao Guo's vitality and had no power to fight back. This battle not only made Bai Qi's prestige far and wide, but also allowed Qin to take a solid step on the road to unifying the six countries.

Why did King Qin Zhao have to give death to Bai Qi? Historian: If it were you, you would also give death to nothing_5

However, Bai Qi's prestige and achievements also attracted the jealousy and hostility of his colleagues. Fan Ju, a strategist who played an important role in the political arena of the Qin State, had differences with Bai Qi on military strategy. After the Battle of Changping, Fan Ju had advised King Qin Zhao to accept Zhao's request for peace and cede part of the land as compensation. However, Bai Qi advocated a complete elimination of Zhao in one go. Eventually, King Qin Zhao adopted Fan Ju's advice, which led to the Qin army suffering heavy losses in the Battle of Handan. This failure caused Fan Ju to have a deep resentment and dissatisfaction with Bai Qi, and he began to constantly slander Bai Qi in front of the King of Qin, provoking the relationship between the King of Qin and Bai Qi.

As time passed, King Qin's suspicion and dissatisfaction with Bai Qi gradually deepened. He began to wonder if Bai Qi was truly loyal to the Qin State and whether he would betray him at a critical moment. And Fan Ju's slander made the doubts in King Qin's heart like a snowball. Finally, one day, King Qin made up his mind - he wanted to give death to Bai Qi.

Why did King Qin Zhao have to give death to Bai Qi? Historian: If it were you, you would also give death to nothing_5

When he received the order of the King of Qin to give him death, Bai Qi was recuperating at home. When he heard the news, he felt extremely shocked and desperate. He couldn't believe that he had fought for the south and north of the Qin State all his life, and made great achievements, but in the end he ended up like this. However, he had to accept this cruel reality. Before the execution, Bai Qi looked up to the sky and sighed: "What crime do I have? It ended up like this! ”

After the news of Bai Qi's death came out, the entire Qin State was shocked. People felt sorry and saddened for this loyal and courageous general. However, historians believe that if they were in the position of King Zhao of Qin, they would have made the same decision. Because for a monarch, maintaining his own dominance and the stability of the country is the most important. And Bai Qi's prestige and military strength may become his capital for rebellion in the future. Therefore, although it was cruel for King Qin Zhao to give death to Bai Qi, it was a helpless move.

Why did King Qin Zhao have to give death to Bai Qi? Historian: If it were you, you would also give death to nothing_5

In addition, Bai Qi's character is also an important factor in his tragic fate. He was too ruthless and showed no mercy to his enemies, which also made him many enemies in the army. His arrogance and conceit also strained his relationship with his colleagues. All of these factors left him politically isolated, which ultimately led to his tragic fate.

From this history, we can see how the game of power and profit distorts human nature. Although Bai Qi was an outstanding general, he was also inevitably influenced by power and interests. His tragic fate makes us deeply regretful, but it also reminds us to be wary of the corrosive effect of power and profit on human nature. At the same time, this story also makes us think: how should we maintain our principles and bottom line in the face of power and interests?

So, if you were King Qin Zhao, how would you handle your relationship with Bai Qi? Will you choose to believe in Him and continue to reuse Him, or will you choose to doubt Him and eventually give Him death? There may not be a fixed answer to this question, but it provokes us to think deeply about power and human nature. Hopefully, this story will bring some inspiration and warning to readers.