
In order to destroy the Shangganling tunnel, the enemy lost one after another, and in vain they also taught the volunteers

author:Run to the rising sun

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In order to destroy the Shangganling tunnel, the enemy lost one after another, and in vain they also taught the volunteers

In the smoke of the Korean War, Shangganling became the focus of fierce battles between the Chinese and North Korean armies and the American army. With their firm will and heroic fighting spirit, the volunteer soldiers held their positions in the strong tunnels and fought to the death against the enemy. In order to destroy the tunnels of the volunteers, the US army racked their brains, but every attempt was like a grasshopper shaking a tree, not only failed, but became a valuable experience for the volunteers to learn and learn from.

In order to destroy the Shangganling tunnel, the enemy lost one after another, and in vain they also taught the volunteers

In the early days of the war, US commander Smith ordered the use of poison gas bombs. They thought that this chemical weapon would quickly destroy the will of the volunteer fighters to resist. However, Li Tiezhu, the commander of the volunteer company, had already anticipated this move, and he ordered the soldiers to wear gas masks and set up a simple filter device in the tunnel. When the gas bombs fell, the volunteer fighters, although slightly unwell, quickly returned to normal. On the other hand, the U.S. military suffered heavy losses due to the side effects of poison gas bombs, and this trick can be described as self-inflicted.

Smith didn't stop there, and he planned another blasting attack. The U.S. military mobilized artillery and explosives and carried out a fierce bombardment of the tunnels in Shangganling. The entire hill was blown up beyond recognition, but the volunteer soldiers stuck to the tunnel like a rock. They took advantage of the fortified facilities in the tunnels and successfully resisted the enemy bombardment. However, the U.S. military ran out of ammunition due to the long bombardment, and finally had no choice but to retreat.

In order to destroy the Shangganling tunnel, the enemy lost one after another, and in vain they also taught the volunteers

Smith was so angry that he decided to resort to psychological tactics. He used radio and leaflets to deliver false information to the volunteer fighters in an attempt to break their will. However, Li Tiezhu was unmoved. He knew that the psychological defenses of the fighters were impregnable, so he organized the fighters to have fun to relieve tension and improve morale. Under his leadership, the volunteer soldiers were not only not swayed by the enemy's psychology and tactics, but strengthened their determination to defend their positions.

In the midst of successive setbacks, Smith came to realize that it was not wise to go head-to-head with the Volunteers. He realized that another way had to be found to deal with the tunnel fortifications of the Volunteer Army. However, by this time he was already in a difficult situation. The volunteer soldiers took advantage of the tunnel fortifications to constantly counterattack and harass the enemy. In the end, the U.S. military had to abandon its plan to continue the attack on Shangganling after paying a huge price.

In order to destroy the Shangganling tunnel, the enemy lost one after another, and in vain they also taught the volunteers

In this battle, the volunteer soldiers showed amazing wisdom and courage. Not only did they successfully fend off enemy attacks and sabotage, but they also learned valuable experience from enemy tactics. They learned how to make better use of the pit fortifications for defense and counterattack, which made them more handy in the subsequent battles.

At the same time, this battle has also left a profound warning to the world. It teaches us that wisdom and courage are the keys to victory in war. In the face of a powerful enemy, we should not act blindly and brutely, but should look for the best strategy and method to deal with it. In addition, we should also learn to learn from our failures and constantly improve our abilities and levels.

In order to destroy the Shangganling tunnel, the enemy lost one after another, and in vain they also taught the volunteers

The heroic deeds and fighting spirit of the volunteer soldiers will forever be engraved in the long river of history. They have used their practical actions to explain what is the true spirit of heroism. And the defeat of U.S. Commander Smith also teaches us a truth: in war, any attempt to achieve victory through losses is futile. True victory comes from a contest of wits and courage.

So, as a reader, do you have any lessons to learn from this battle? In the face of difficulties and challenges, should we maintain firm faith and courage to overcome them? Or should we learn to learn from our failures and constantly improve our abilities and skills? These are questions worth pondering.