
The main perpetrator of the Nanjing Massacre, who was hated to the bone, was executed, and the people cursed incessantly and were too relieved

The main perpetrator of the Nanjing Massacre, who was hated to the bone, was executed, and the people cursed incessantly and were too relieved

What we Chinese people have always hated and hated in their hearts is war, but the last thing we want to mention is the war of the Japanese army's invasion of our country that we hate the most, that is, the most tragic war of resistance against Japan in the whole nation, in which our people and the country have experienced storms and disasters, among which too many patriots have heroically and heroically sacrificed because of resistance, and this road to national salvation is undoubtedly tortuous, difficult, difficult, and full of thorns, and too many people have been displaced and their families have been destroyed.

Our great historical power has never suffered these humiliations, our people will not and do not want to be subjected to such inhumane slaughter and persecution, and the achievements of our civilization and wisdom over the past five thousand years in China will never be beaten by any difficulties.

The main perpetrator of the Nanjing Massacre, who was hated to the bone, was executed, and the people cursed incessantly and were too relieved

China is one of the ancient civilizations in the world, and Chinese civilization, also known as Chinese civilization, is one of the oldest civilizations in the world and one of the longest-lasting civilizations in the world.

The history of Chinese civilization has a long history, if you count from the time of the Yellow Emperor, it is about 4700 years. It is universally recognized that China is one of the oldest ancient civilizations.

The Chinese nation has a long history. Since ancient times, the ancestors of the people of all ethnic groups in China have labored, lived and multiplied on the land of our motherland, and jointly contributed their talents to the Chinese civilization and the establishment of a unified multi-ethnic country.

Especially in the Tang Dynasty is the most brilliant moment in china, the Tang Dynasty of China, the country is rich and the people are strong, through the capital Chang'an to the Mediterranean coast of the land Silk Road, the brilliant Chinese civilization spread all over the world, many countries of the monarchs, envoys, merchants, monks, scholars, craftsmen, doctors, Orchids flocked to Chang'an, completed the economic, cultural, handicraft, music and dance, national integration, the achievement of the heyday of ancient Chinese culture.

"Tang people" has become a famous brand for Chinese walking in the world, and the "Chinatown" that can be seen everywhere in the world has enabled Chinese to find a warmth and nostalgia from the homeland in a foreign country, and in the hearts of foreigners, Chinese should be called "Tang people", because even they know that in the far East, there is a city, called Chang'an, still guarding the prosperous song of the Tang Dynasty.

However, all this was shattered by the invasion of the Japanese army, and in the midst of this war of resistance against Japan there was a great massacre, that is, we will never forget the inhumane atrocities committed by the Japanese army against our people."

Nanjing Massacre

"The main culprit of this incident, however, is the abhorrent Gu Shoufu.

The main perpetrator of the Nanjing Massacre, who was hated to the bone, was executed, and the people cursed incessantly and were too relieved

Hisao Tani:

A lieutenant general of the Japanese Army, a first-class war criminal of the Japanese army invading China, and one of the main perpetrators of the Nanjing Massacre. A native of Okayama Prefecture, Japan, he graduated from the Japanese Army University and fought in the Russo-Japanese War. After the July 7 Incident in 1937, he was sent to China, and in northern China he connived at the burning and looting of troops. During the Battle of Songhu, he led his army to detour through Hangzhou Bay and landed. On December 12, 1937, he led his unit to invade Nanjing from Zhonghua Gate and together with the 16th Division, the 18th Division, and the 114th Division, they caused the Nanjing Massacre.

In the midst of this Nanjing Massacre, too many innocent people died and countless unjust souls were left on this land, and these ruthless and cold-blooded Japanese executioners brutally killed more than 200,000 or even more than 300,000 Chinese civilians and prisoners of war in the city of Nanjing, which were killed by the Japanese army, and the city of Nanjing was wantonly set on fire and looted by the Japanese army, resulting in the destruction of one-third of the city of Nanjing, and countless property losses.

After the July 7 Incident in 1937, the Japanese army launched a full-scale military invasion of China.

On November 8, 1937, Chiang Kai-shek ordered a full-scale retreat, and four days later Shanghai fell and the Battle of Songhu ended. After Shanghai was occupied by the Japanese, the Japanese army took advantage of the situation to rush to Nanjing in three ways. The Chinese side thus began to prepare for the defense of the capital Nanjing, only more than 300 kilometers west of Shanghai, but because the order to withdraw was too hasty, the handover of the defense fortifications in the rear was mistaken, and with the large-scale bombing of the Japanese bombers, the retreat evolved into a major rout, so that the main force of the Japanese army on the north road reached Nanjing smoothly. Nanjing, the capital of the Republic of China, was under direct threat from the Japanese army. Due to the extreme confusion of the retreat from Shanghai, the Chinese army failed to organize an effective resistance along the route from Shanghai to Nanjing.

Japan had originally planned to eliminate the main force of the Chinese army near Shanghai, thus forcing the Chinese Nationalist government, however, the Japanese Shanghai dispatch army to fight hard for three months in the Songhu battlefield, suffered heavy losses, and the Japanese decision-making level was divided on whether to directly attack Nanjing. Concerned about the Soviet military threat in the north, Tada Jun, deputy chief of the Japanese General Staff Headquarters, and others advocated "not expanding" the war. Therefore, on November 7, when Tokyo temporarily organized the Shanghai Dispatch Army and the 10th Army into the Central China Front, it limited the area of operation of the Front to the east of the Suzhou and Jiaxing fronts (that is, the "Lingling Line"). However, the Japanese field commander strongly demanded an attack on Nanjing.

Soon after the attack on Nanjing began, the frenzied advancing combat troops left the heavy troops behind, and because the Japanese army did not have the logistical preparations to fight deep inland, the troops immediately faced the serious problem of food supply interruption, so the Japanese army command issued an order to "expropriate on the spot" that actually wanted the troops to rob. The Japanese army in the robbery is usually accompanied by the atrocity of raping women, in order to cover up their own robbery and rape, the Japanese army in addition to killing the victim, often set fire to the entire village.

After the tenacious struggle of the Chinese people, the revolutionary spirit of throwing away his head and spilling blood only to protect his homeland, he finally drove the Japanese army out of Chinese territory, our country and people ushered in a new China and a new life and hope, our Chinese nation stood up again, and later the Japanese army surrendered unconditionally, but the crimes committed on the land of our motherland, especially the main criminal Gu Shoufu of the Nanjing Massacre.

The main perpetrator of the Nanjing Massacre, who was hated to the bone, was executed, and the people cursed incessantly and were too relieved

After Japan's surrender, Gu Shoufu was arrested by the Allied General Command as a war criminal and handed over to China, and in 1947, the Nanjing Military Tribunal was publicly tried, and the Nanjing government court pronounced the death penalty, and Gu Shoufu was still making a sophistry argument against the appeal: In order to save his own life, Gu Shoufu meditated on the "trilogy" of unreasonable sophistry: First, he denied that there was a Nanjing Massacre: "I have not even seen a dead person on the streets of Nanjing, nor have I even heard of the murder, but after the war, I saw in the newspapers that there was such a thing as the Nanjing Massacre." However, Chiang Kai-shek gave instructions to uphold the original judgment. Gu Shoufu was shot at Yuhuatai in Nanjing.

Tang Zeqi, a veteran of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression who executed Gu Shoufu, recalled that according to international practice, a gunfighter only needs one shot to die, that is, a shot in the back of the head, and basically everyone will die. However, at that time, Gu Shoufu was extremely evil, and it was difficult to calm the infinite anger of the Chinese with one shot, and for the sake of prudence, Gu Shoufu was shot three times in a row to confirm death before he was willing to leave.

The main perpetrator of the Nanjing Massacre, who was hated to the bone, was executed, and the people cursed incessantly and were too relieved

At that time, the ordinary people who came to watch Gu Shoufu's execution by shooting gathered for miles and scolded and cursed endlessly. For this person whose hands are stained with the blood of our Chinese and full of evil, it is really very happy and very relieved to end up in this fate.

Therefore, we must cherish this hard-won peaceful life, read well to serve the country, only when we are strong can we defend peace, can we avoid the aggression of the enemy, love peace, and desire peace is the greatest wish of our people, only when we are strong and no longer bullied by others, is the greatest consolation to those revolutionary martyrs and innocent people who sacrificed, and finally hope that the dove of peace will always soar in the blue sky with an olive branch.

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