
Remind men that once they perceive these 6 abnormalities in the body, check it as soon as possible and cannot drag it

Cancer has always plagued human beings, no matter how much everyone has achieved, cancer may come to the door, to talk about why cancer is life-threatening, one of the main reasons is that many people do not pay attention to the arrival of cancer a few distress signals;

Especially in the daily life of male friends, the work pressure is greater, even if there are uncomfortable symptoms, it is only forced to endure, so it is easy to miss the best treatment period for the disease.

Therefore, remind male friends that once the following abnormalities are detected, it is best to rush to the hospital for treatment.

Remind men that once they perceive these 6 abnormalities in the body, check it as soon as possible and cannot drag it

1. Physical fatigue

For office workers, working continuously for several days does have a feeling of exhaustion, but this feeling of exhaustion will often improve after getting enough rest;

Keru ruo has enough time to rest, but still has symptoms of drowsiness and weakness in the limbs, and it is likely that there is a problem in some part of the body.

Especially after the occurrence of cancer, in the process of cancer cell growth and reproduction, it is easy to consume excess energy in the human body, so that people have excessive fatigue and lack of vitality.

Remind men that once they perceive these 6 abnormalities in the body, check it as soon as possible and cannot drag it

2. Inexplicable weight loss

Although having a slender figure is the goal of many people, if there is no deliberate weight loss, but the weight has decreased, and only a few months have lost about 10% of the original weight, then consider whether it is caused by cancer;

For example, the common clinical liver cancer, lung cancer and other cancers are easy to affect the digestion of food, and cancer cells will also compete with the operation of various organs in the body for nutrients, and eventually the consequences of weight loss.

Remind men that once they perceive these 6 abnormalities in the body, check it as soon as possible and cannot drag it

3. Abnormal bowel movements

Urination is the most common physiological behavior, in general, if there is a willingness to go to the right place to defecate, it will be very smooth, but some men in life have painful urination, frequent urination and urgency.

In this case, you must go to the hospital for prostate examination as soon as possible, because after prostate cancer occurs, the increase in the volume of cancer will often pull the nerves and occupy the area of the urethra.

Remind men that once they perceive these 6 abnormalities in the body, check it as soon as possible and cannot drag it

4. Non-stop coughing

Although there are many factors that cause cough, they do not persist, but if the cough has become more and more frequent in recent times, and there is blood color, it is necessary to consider whether it is caused by lung cancer.

Because when lung cancer occurs, it will constantly irritate the throat area, causing capillaries to rupture and bleed, which in turn triggers irritating choking cough and symptoms of blood in sputum.

Remind men that once they perceive these 6 abnormalities in the body, check it as soon as possible and cannot drag it

5. Digestive disorders

If you have recently and inexplicably had bloating and acid reflux and other manifestations, you must not simply think that it is indigestion, but also consider whether it is a symptom caused by cancer of the stomach, liver or pancreas.

6. Jaundice

Jaundice refers to the yellowing of the color of the facial eyeballs, which can be triggered by pancreatic cancer, especially if there is a cancer in the pancreatic head, it will compress the common bile duct to affect bilirubin metabolism and bile discharge.

Remind men that once they perceive these 6 abnormalities in the body, check it as soon as possible and cannot drag it

All in all, for male friends who do not pay much attention to regular physical examinations in the hospital, we must pay more attention to physical performance on weekdays, once there is indigestion, jaundice, cough, weight loss and physical fatigue and other symptoms, it is necessary to consider whether it is organ lesions.

At this time, it is necessary to go to the hospital for a detailed physical examination at the first time, and to find out the cause of the correct treatment in order to prevent life from being threatened.

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