
She worked as a geisha in Japan at the age of 15, became the president's wife at the age of 19 with her beauty, and still walked on the catwalk at the age of 76!

Sukarno is a well-known name in modern world politics. He worked in his youth to the national independence movement and was arrested several times. After the Japanese invasion of Indonesia in 1942, Sukarno regained his freedom, but the Japanese occupied Indonesia until the end of World War II, when the Japanese fascists surrendered. Indonesia also declared its independence on August 17, 1945, and established the Republic of Indonesia, with Sukarno being the first Indonesian president.

She worked as a geisha in Japan at the age of 15, became the president's wife at the age of 19 with her beauty, and still walked on the catwalk at the age of 76!

Sukarno's reputation in Indonesia was so high that he was even called the "Father of the Nation", but after coming to power, Sukarno began to be more laissez-faire, so much so that in March 1967 he was removed from the presidency and placed under house arrest.

Leaving aside his merits and demerits, today I would like to talk about the story between his fourth wife, Latona Sally Devi. Many people who hear this name will not think that she is actually a Japanese woman.

In fact, her original name was Nemoto Nanahoko, born in 1940 in Japan to a family of carpenters, the family life was difficult, Nanaboko was forced to drop out of high school before finishing high school. So how did they meet?

She worked as a geisha in Japan at the age of 15, became the president's wife at the age of 19 with her beauty, and still walked on the catwalk at the age of 76!

In 1955, the 15-year-old Nanaboko was invited to participate in a famous movie because of her outstanding beauty, and although she was only a student role without lines, she was very impressive. Nanaboko gave up her studies and entered the Imperial Hotel Club in Tokyo as a geisha. Nanaboko just wanted to earn money for her brother's education, but she didn't expect to usher in a fate-changing opportunity in her life when she was 19 years old

She worked as a geisha in Japan at the age of 15, became the president's wife at the age of 19 with her beauty, and still walked on the catwalk at the age of 76!

In June 1959, during a visit to Japan, Sukarno met the geisha Nanaboko at the bar of the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo under the guidance of the businessman Masao Kubo. At that time, Qibaozi was in full bloom, especially those pair of sparkling eyes, so that Sukarno fell into it at a glance, and the two of you talked back and forth for a while Sukarno and then sukarno was fascinated. After returning home from this trip, Sukarno was impatient to summon Qibaozi to Jakarta.

She worked as a geisha in Japan at the age of 15, became the president's wife at the age of 19 with her beauty, and still walked on the catwalk at the age of 76!

On September 15, 1959, Qibaozi set foot on Indonesian soil and was directly stationed in the presidential palace. In a memoir written later by Nanahoko, she described that from that night on, Sukarno and I began to live together, and in a dark corner of the presidential palace without electric lights, it became a place for our long-term dating.

This secret relationship lasted until June 6, 1962. The 59-year-old Sukarno and the 22-year-old Shichihoko held a wedding ceremony in the presidential palace, which was not publicized to the world, and few people knew about it. In this regard, Nanahoko was given the name Ofona Sally Devi Sukarno.

She worked as a geisha in Japan at the age of 15, became the president's wife at the age of 19 with her beauty, and still walked on the catwalk at the age of 76!

Shortly after their marriage, Sukarno wrote an edict: "I have a wife whom I love with all my heart, and her name is Ratona Sally Devi. When Devi died, she was buried in my grave. I want to be with Devi forever. This shows the president's love for Shichihoko, but soon after the marriage, a group of officers launched a coup d'état, and Su was imprisoned in the Yasang Men's Palace. Devi, who was already pregnant, had to go into exile in France.

She worked as a geisha in Japan at the age of 15, became the president's wife at the age of 19 with her beauty, and still walked on the catwalk at the age of 76!

Sukarno died of illness soon after, and Nanaboko returned to Japan with her daughter. In 1993, the 53-year-old Shichihoko filmed a photo album "Xiuya", which once again attracted the attention of the world. At the age of 76, he also appeared on the catwalk stage and performed pole dancing in public. Some people say that she is a madman, and some people say that it is the character she dared to think and dare to do that finally created her legendary life.

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