
What does the first batch of scientific beauty spaces in Chengdu look like? Let's take a look at the public space in Shudu Xin Estate Community

Starry sky-like roofs, event spaces with aviation elements... Walking into the scientific beauty space of Shudu Xin estate Community in Pidu District, Pidu District, Chengdu, people feel modern and full of scientific and technological elements. Recently, with the transformation and upgrading of public spaces in the New Estate community of Shudu, a large wave of "beautiful photos" has become popular in the WeChat circle of friends of Pidu people.

This is also one of the first batch of scientific beauty spaces in Chengdu, what are the characteristics of such a space? Let's take a look.

What does the first batch of scientific beauty spaces in Chengdu look like? Let's take a look at the public space in Shudu Xin Estate Community

▲Shudu Xin estate community public space

The transformation and upgrading of community space was selected as the first batch of scientific beauty spaces in Chengdu

"The whole space has a strong sense of technology, and every weekend activity is carried out, and the children at home don't want to leave." For Liu Hong, the first batch of community residents who "tasted the early", in the community science beauty space, adults and children can find their own interests and hobbies, not only to learn programming, understand robot models, but also to explore simulated unmanned flight with volunteers from Chengdu University of Technology.

It is reported that Shudu Xin estate Community Science Beauty Space is located at No. 33, Shunhe Road, Piguan Street, relying on the Chengdu Institute of Technology and the community to jointly build the Chenggong Xin Estate Creative Space, with a total construction area of about 3600 square meters, a total of three floors, respectively, set up on the second floor of the youth science and technology innovation activity experience area, science bookstore, feitian academy, intelligent manufacturing workshop, etc.; the third floor youth science and technology innovation project incubation area and science lecture hall; as well as the fourth floor of the youth science and technology education training area and VR/AR virtual technology science popularization practice teaching area.

Different from the previous community public space, since the renovation and upgrading in 2019, the Shudu Xin estate Community Science Beauty Space has carried out comprehensive systematic science education activities for young people with participatory, interactive and experiential science education practice activities as the mainstay. So far, it has carried out more than 1,070 activities and served more than 53,200 people, and in 2021, it has been successfully selected as the first batch of scientific beauty spaces in Chengdu.

Carry out "school-site cooperation" to promote the implementation of the "double reduction" policy

"Our positioning is not limited to the popularization of scientific and technological knowledge and the display function of the latest scientific and technological achievements, but to further introduce international high-quality educational resources, equipped with innovative science and technology curriculum system, carry out scientific exploration, scientific and technological research and development, and focus on cultivating new talents with innovative thinking and innovative scientific and technological research and development capabilities." The relevant person in charge of Chengdu Institute of Technology introduced that with the in-depth promotion of the "double reduction" policy, Chengdu Institute of Technology is also actively exploring how to sink the resources of science education in colleges and universities, effectively support schools to carry out after-school services, better serve local residents, improve the scientific quality of the masses, and promote the comprehensive and healthy development of the people.

Nowadays, relying on the school-site cooperation model, the community science beauty space in Shudu Xin estate is quietly becoming a community public space that others yearn for. Li Qian, deputy director of the Shudu Xin estate Community Neighborhood Committee, introduced that in order to help the construction of Pidu's "Science and Technology Innovation Highland", the current community has transformed the social practice of some college students into community science popularization services through the Chengdu Institute of Technology, a local university, and the community and science education enterprises, and built a platform for the display and exchange of science popularization resources for the residents of the jurisdiction.

In 2021, with the help of the Pidu District Science and Technology Association, the community innovation and exploration of Shudu Xin estate will build the public space into a family education community science supply station, which can provide residents with popular courses such as robot splicing and STEAM education. Recently, with the winter vacation approaching, the community "tube" nursery school winter camp will soon open, which will provide courses such as drones, smart cars, and robots for residents in the jurisdiction. "Next, we also hope to promote community governance with the help of the community science beauty space, so that the Shudu Xin estate community will become a smarter and more international community." Li Qian said.

Liu Gangyu Red Star News reporter Gong Jingjie

Edited by Tan Wangyu

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