
Pepper scrambled eggs Step 1 put oil is wrong, no wonder it is not tender and fragrant, see the chef teaches you the correct method - scrambled eggs with peppers -

author:Chef Jiang Yizhou

#Headline Star Chef Plan# Scrambled eggs with peppers Step 1 Put oil on the wrong, no wonder it is not tender and fragrant, see the hotel chef teach the correct method. Hello, everyone, I'm Chef Jiang Yizhou. It's time to share your meal with you again, are you ready?

Pepper scrambled eggs Step 1 put oil is wrong, no wonder it is not tender and fragrant, see the chef teaches you the correct method - scrambled eggs with peppers -

Scrambled eggs with chili peppers are the most common delicacy in the family, this delicacy is mainly made of peppers and eggs, it is simple and simple, and it is not difficult to say. But many friends make scrambled eggs with peppers that are not tender or fragrant. So how to make scrambled eggs with sharp peppers to be delicious?

Pepper scrambled eggs Step 1 put oil is wrong, no wonder it is not tender and fragrant, see the chef teaches you the correct method - scrambled eggs with peppers -

When many friends make scrambled eggs with peppers at home, the first step is to put oil. If you make scrambled eggs with peppers at home, you must not put oil in the first step. Then many friends will have the problem, scrambled eggs with peppers do not put oil, so what to do? Well, not much to say. Let's see how the chef does it. If you also like to eat scrambled eggs with sharp peppers, you may wish to follow me to learn it!

Pepper scrambled eggs Step 1 put oil is wrong, no wonder it is not tender and fragrant, see the chef teaches you the correct method - scrambled eggs with peppers -

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > – scrambled eggs with peppers</h1>

Ingredients: 3 peppers, 4 eggs, white vinegar, salt, cooking oil.


1. First prepare three peppers, then we remove the seeds of its peppercorns. Use a knife to cut it into thin wires and put it in a bowl for later. The easiest way to remove the pepper seeds is to hold the pepper in your left hand and hold the handle of the pepper with your right hand and push it directly in.

Pepper scrambled eggs Step 1 put oil is wrong, no wonder it is not tender and fragrant, see the chef teaches you the correct method - scrambled eggs with peppers -

2. Beat four eggs into a bowl and add half a spoonful of white vinegar to the inside to remove the fish. Add the right amount of fine salt to taste. Stir well with chopsticks until it bubbles widely. The scrambled eggs are a little fluffier.

Pepper scrambled eggs Step 1 put oil is wrong, no wonder it is not tender and fragrant, see the chef teaches you the correct method - scrambled eggs with peppers -

3. Heat the wok and do not need cooking oil in it. At this time, we put the cut pepper shreds inside and sauté them over high heat for one minute. This step is mainly to remove the spicy taste inside the pepper, so that the pepper will not be particularly spicy when eating.

Pepper scrambled eggs Step 1 put oil is wrong, no wonder it is not tender and fragrant, see the chef teaches you the correct method - scrambled eggs with peppers -

4. Sauté the pepper for a minute, then immediately remove it and place it in a bowl. Heat the wok again, then add the right amount of wide oil slippery pan in it, when the oil pan is slightly smokey, then pour out the wide oil, and then add a spoonful of cool oil to the inside.

Pepper scrambled eggs Step 1 put oil is wrong, no wonder it is not tender and fragrant, see the chef teaches you the correct method - scrambled eggs with peppers -

5. Heat the pan with cold oil and put the processed egg mixture inside. According to the previous method of frying eggs, fry the eggs until they are eight minutes cooked. At this time we processed it at home, and the pepper shreds were poured inside.

Pepper scrambled eggs Step 1 put oil is wrong, no wonder it is not tender and fragrant, see the chef teaches you the correct method - scrambled eggs with peppers -

6. Stir-fry again on high heat for two minutes. The scrambled eggs with chili peppers produced in this way are enough to taste. If you like scrambled eggs with more spicy peppers, you can put a spoonful of soy sauce in it. When releasing the soy sauce, be sure to remember to stir-fry evenly over high heat to taste.

Pepper scrambled eggs Step 1 put oil is wrong, no wonder it is not tender and fragrant, see the chef teaches you the correct method - scrambled eggs with peppers -

A delicious, appetizing and unsatisfactory scrambled egg with peppers is ready. Doesn't it look particularly delicious? If you also like to eat scrambled eggs with sharp peppers, be sure to try this method.

Pepper scrambled eggs Step 1 put oil is wrong, no wonder it is not tender and fragrant, see the chef teaches you the correct method - scrambled eggs with peppers -

Summary of scrambled eggs with peppers: Peppers and eggs must not remember to directly fry, first put the pepper in a hot pan and stir-fry the spicy taste inside, so that the scrambled eggs of the pepper are delicious. To make scrambled eggs with sharp peppers, be sure to stir-fry them quickly over high heat and stir-fry out the pot gas inside, so that the taste inside comes out.

Pepper scrambled eggs Step 1 put oil is wrong, no wonder it is not tender and fragrant, see the chef teaches you the correct method - scrambled eggs with peppers -

Well, that's all for the right way to scramble eggs with peppers. Do you have any other different views on this? Welcome to share with us in the comment area. Like this article remember to collect and forward Oh. We'll see you next time!

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