
Why do people who are strong in civil wars always lose foreign wars? - Ping Pong National Ball Club

An important indicator of the Chinese team's selection of talents in the international arena is the winning rate of foreign wars. Many outstanding athletes in China have been complained about by fans because of their experience of losing foreign wars, and some people have even been crowned with the title of "civil war insider, foreign war layman".

Why do some athletes fight civil wars very well, and everyone thinks that he is very strong, but it is always easy to lose some foreign wars that should not be lost? How long is the road from civil war to foreign war? This article analyzes this problem from three perspectives.

Why do people who are strong in civil wars always lose foreign wars? - Ping Pong National Ball Club

Angle one: technical level

Fighting a good civil war places high demands on hard power. Teammates train together every day, and there are no secrets to speak of. Many times, fighting a civil war is to fight a stalemate, to play the basic skills, to see who has more of a board. Therefore, those who can be called the king of civil war must have solid basic skills and excellent ability to hold each other.

Why do people who are strong in civil wars always lose foreign wars? - Ping Pong National Ball Club

But civil war does not fully reflect technical capabilities. Specifically, although there are different strengths in the national team and some differences in technical actions, on the whole, the characteristics of the players of the national team have a high degree of consistency, that is, the technology is comprehensive, the ball path is regular, and there is no obvious loophole. This makes the athletes face similar styles of play and play, from hair catches to holding each other, everything is a familiar routine.

Why do people who are strong in civil wars always lose foreign wars? - Ping Pong National Ball Club

However, when we came to the foreign war, the nature of the war changed a lot. The stylistic differences between athletes from different countries are enormous. Some foreign athletes are not even so "formal", but people have their own specialties, and the rotation, rhythm and route of the ball they play are different from what we think. National table tennis players who are accustomed to playing regular balls, in the face of various strange playing styles, can adapt well to this rhythm, which is the key to whether they can handle foreign wars well.

Why do people who are strong in civil wars always lose foreign wars? - Ping Pong National Ball Club

The same is true in the amateur field. For example, we learned a technique of pulling down the spinning ball with the forehand, and the coach fed us the ball, and we have played it very accurately, but we still can't use it in the game, and the error rate is very high. This is precisely because the opponent will not give you a very comfortable and suitable ball in the game. Swing a short, split a long, or even a little lighter to support the past, some plus a little side rotation, will create a lot of difficulty for pulling the ball.

Why do people who are strong in civil wars always lose foreign wars? - Ping Pong National Ball Club

In amateur competitions, whether a technique is really strong depends on whether the incoming balls facing different opponents can be handled well, and the quality and success rate of playing are played. Often we say that amateur golfers practice a technique and want to use it well in the game, which generally takes more than a year or even longer.

Angle two: the tactical level

With excellent technology, there must also be a strong ability to adapt, that is, the ability to read the game. Familiar teammates, what are the strengths and weaknesses, everyone knows each other very well, and the game will be targeted. For example, no matter who encounters Xu Xin, they all know to suppress the reverse adjustment, tie the other party by changing lines and angles, and avoid Xu Xin's forehand and sideways front.

Why do people who are strong in civil wars always lose foreign wars? - Ping Pong National Ball Club

But when you encounter a foreign player who doesn't know anything, how should you develop tactics?

On the one hand, in the preparation before the game, you can understand the opponent in advance by watching videos and other ways, and adopt the corresponding strategy; on the other hand, it is more important to temporarily adapt to the situation on the field, find the loopholes of the opponent, and at the same time try to play to your own strengths. How to quickly and accurately find the opponent's problems on the field, and find the right tactics, limit the opponent's play, fully reflect the athlete's adaptability and ability to read the game, which requires not only thinking in the process of the game, but also the experience of various competitions to enrich their experience.

Why do people who are strong in civil wars always lose foreign wars? - Ping Pong National Ball Club

Angle three: psychological level

Most foreign association players, when facing national table tennis, will fight Chinese athletes with the posture of the following hand, and often choose fierce in the choice of fierceness and stability, and more often adopt the strategy of fighting and killing to deal with it. Once you catch up with yourself in good shape and can hit the ball, it is often time to test the national table tennis players. The more you get to the big game, the more obvious this phenomenon becomes.

Why do people who are strong in civil wars always lose foreign wars? - Ping Pong National Ball Club

In the 2016 Rio Olympics, Malone met the entanglement of Zheng Rongshi, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics met Ochalov, and Fan Zhendong also encountered the challenge of Lin Yunru, and in the end, they were the fruits of victory in the seven-game battle.

Why do people who are strong in civil wars always lose foreign wars? - Ping Pong National Ball Club

How to control the rhythm of the game on the field and stabilize their own mentality when the other party is in a hot state and fight fiercely requires athletes to have a strong psychology, lead without distraction, lag behind without giving up, and the key ball is not soft. Zhang Jike did it, Ma Long did it, Fan Zhendong did it, and they can achieve today's achievements. Being able to withstand the pressure at critical moments is the ultimate test for athletes in foreign competitions.

Why do people who are strong in civil wars always lose foreign wars? - Ping Pong National Ball Club

There is a long way to go from being good at civil warfare to being good at foreign warfare. How long this journey will take, and the answer will be different for different people. Some athletes are naturally good at strain, with excellent technology, they can always have a stable performance in the competition, known as the big heart; some athletes, but in the entire career have not been able to solve this problem.

Why do people who are strong in civil wars always lose foreign wars? - Ping Pong National Ball Club

From the technical level, to the tactical level, to the psychological level of progress and improvement, it is the only way from civil war to foreign war. At the technical level, all kinds of boring training are needed, and targeted exercises are needed; at the tactical level, excellent technical ability and the accumulation of competition experience are needed; at the psychological level, it is not only necessary to have technology and tactics as support, but also to see the athlete's own talent, and even the opportunity and luck in the game.

As a young player, if you want to go to the super first-class, and even carry the banner of national table tennis, these abilities are indispensable. Step by step, solid progress is the only way to realize dreams.

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