
The ideal life: clean circles, regular life, favorite people!

Repeat. The relics are the void phases of the dharmas, which are neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor pure, neither increasing nor decreasing.

The ideal life: clean circles, regular life, favorite people!

In this life, the most ideal life is probably: friends do not need too much, two or three friends are enough; life does not need to be magnificent, plain and meaningful is the truth; love does not have to be vigorous, a lifetime to get one person is complete.

The ideal life: clean circles, regular life, favorite people!

First, clean circles

Studies have shown that the scope of human social interaction in a lifetime is actually very small, because the number of people whose human intelligence will allow humans to have a stable social circle is 150 people.

And of these 150 people, there are many people who can add to your icing on the cake. But when you really encounter difficulties and need help, there are very few people who can send charcoal in the snow, which is human nature.

Two or three close friends are better than thousands of general friends.

Therefore, it does not make sense to know how many people you know, and it is the person who really understands life to remove irrelevant people from the circle and concentrate on maintaining true beneficial friends.

Confucius said: "Gentlemen are reserved but not contentious, and the masses are not party." ”

Zhou Guoping said: The friend in my mind is neither an acquaintance of general friendship, nor does it have to be a lover of the heart, the degree should be between the two.

The circle formed by using each other is easy to knot and easy to disperse. The real circle is because your beauty accepts you, not because you have the use value to include you.

The circle is clean, and your life will be easier. Subtracting from your circle and saying goodbye to low-quality social networking is adding to your own life.

It doesn't matter whether the circle is big or not, the important thing is whether it's clean or not.

The ideal life: clean circles, regular life, favorite people!

Second, regular life

Regular life, may easily make people think of retired elderly, some monotonous, not "exciting" enough, not "cool" enough.

But in fact, the movement of celestial bodies, the growth of all things, and the development of society have laws, and people's lives must also have laws.

Lao Tzu said, "Man's law and earth, earth law and heaven, heaven's law and tao, and dao's nature." ”

When the laws of man and heaven and earth act in harmony, it is called "the unity of heaven and man."

For a simple example, living regularly, regular work and rest, not overeating, insisting on proper exercise, the body will be in a state of vitality.

The morning and dusk are upside down, the meal time is not fixed, and if you want to play all night, not only hurt your body, these are also the manifestations of lack of self-control.

People who live a regular life must be very self-disciplined.

Having a regular life starts with taking every detail of life seriously: when to get up, when to go to bed; when to eat, when to rest; when to exercise, when to entertain; and to develop good habits.

When this habit becomes natural, you will deeply feel that every day, although ordinary, can make your heart happy.

A regular life can produce a lot of energy, and I use this energy to think about life.

The ideal life: clean circles, regular life, favorite people!

Third, the person who likes it

The Book of Poetry Yun: Death and Life Qikuo, and Zi Cheng said. Holding the hand of the son, growing old with the son.

The beauty of love is the topic and pursuit of human beings that will never go out of style. It is a blessing to meet a favorite person among thousands of people.

"Golden Age" said that in this life, there are very few things that people can choose, there is no way to choose how to be born, there is no way to choose how to die, we can choose, there are only two things, how to love in this life, how to live in this life.

No matter how much everyone is in the wind and rain, there is always a home and a home of love, and being with a favorite person is a good time.

If you ask, what does the best love look like?

Some people say that when you mention the other person's name, you will smile; some people say that you feel warm in your heart when you think of the other person's appearance; and some people say that you know that I am cold and warm, and I understand your sorrow and joy.

The best state of love: although white haired, still holding hands and looking at each other, if there is no time to be together in this life, then the next life is willing to accompany each other for another life.

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