
Baoying lotus root is listed, have you eaten these lotus delicacies?

author:Lotus treasure should be

Recently, the reporter saw that the netizen "Chinese people eat north and south" mentioned in the "Whole Lotus Feast": Reasonable Combination of Meat and Vegetables, Achievement Banquet in the Top Quality", mentioning the whole Lotus Feast, and "Whole Fish Feast" and "Whole Sheep Feast", etc. Have the same magic, however, the real big fish and big meat are placed in the feast, which inevitably makes people tired, so the whole lotus feast has just become a clear stream. July is the season when Baoying Lotus Root is on the market, in Yangzhou, how is the development of the whole lotus feast with industry standards and rated as intangible cultural heritage? Reporters investigated.

Baoying lotus root is listed, have you eaten these lotus delicacies?

A restaurant makes hundreds of tables large a year, and the whole lotus feast is one of the special banquets of Baoying

Today, the reporter visited the Yangzhou catering market and learned that the whole lotus feast is mainly from Baoying, the hometown of Yangzhou lotus root, and is also one of the special banquets for Baoying people.

"Restaurants like ours, last year's full lotus feast made hundreds of tables." Shao Lianyun, the inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage skills of Yangzhou Baoying Quan Lotus Banquet and the executive chef of the Oriental Tiandi Hotel, told reporters that as a non-genetic person, the hotel he serves can receive dozens of tables of full lotus feasts on average every month, with an average of two or three tables a day, "the most time to pick up the team, a day can reach seven or eight tables, the main consumer group is foreign tourists or locals to entertain foreign guests." ”

Baoying lotus root is listed, have you eaten these lotus delicacies?

The reporter learned that the whole lotus feast includes honey juice pounding lotus, sugar water flower lotus, fried lotus clip, green onion lotus cake, turtle lotus seed soup, lotus vegetable eight treasure rice, lotus leaf powder steamed meat, lotus silk cake, glutinous rice rotten lotus, lotus pond play duck, lotus flour round seeds, etc., each dish has a little-known story, is a kind of inheritance on the tip of the tongue.

"We will also adapt and improve according to the new dishes, and launch innovative dishes for the whole lotus feast, hoping to surprise the guests more." Shao Lianyun told reporters.

After the 90s, Baoying young men brought lotus food to the city to open a branch

It is understood that at present, there are 10 restaurants in Baoying that supply full lotus banquets like the Oriental Heaven and Earth Hotel, which is the local demonstration point for full lotus banquets, but in Yangzhou city, full lotus banquets are almost difficult to find. However, lotus root is also one of the most recent seasonal dishes.

Baoying lotus root is listed, have you eaten these lotus delicacies?

At the Yangzhou Banquet, the recently held "Summer in Yangzhou" food festival has freshly squeezed lotus root juice and lotus root that can be eaten as a fruit. It is understood that the juice of the freshly squeezed lotus root is from Baoying, which is the best lotus root on the market in this season, with a crisp and tender taste and less starch.

"Every year, new lotus roots are on the market, and before the Mid-Autumn Festival, fresh lotus roots can be used to juice, which is also the best drinking time of the year for freshly squeezed lotus root juice." Li Yuxiao, the chief manager of Lotus Rhyme on Siwangting Road, said that as a post-90s, he contracted lotus pond in his hometown Baoying Sheyang Lake, and supplied the freshest lotus root and lotus root products for his store every day, "There is no trick to make food, Lotus Rhyme carefully selects raw materials, selects fresh lotus root with the most abundant juice, decapitates the tail, only the thickest part is selected, each piece is thin and even, stuffed with thick pork filling, and each lotus clip is full of ingredients." ”

Baoying lotus root is listed, have you eaten these lotus delicacies?

It is understood that lotus rhymes have creamy purple potato lotus flour rounds, caramel red bean lotus powder circles, sea salt fresh taro root powder rounds, red bean lotus round waves, lotus powder red bean taro rounds, matcha lotus powder soup, silky lotus cakes, lotus clips, lotus cakes and other lotus products, "If the whole lotus feast is a hall of elegance, we are catering to the fast-paced needs of modern young people." Li Yuxiao has opened 3 lotus stores in Yangzhou at present, and there are some franchise stores in Changshu and other places.

The reporter learned that the daily lotus consumption of each store is about 40 pounds, while the amount of lotus for a table of lotus feasts is more than 10 pounds, and the per capita consumption of the whole lotus banquet is 150 yuan / guest, and the production process is more complicated.

Industry insiders, the market niche, summer and autumn are the peak of consumption

Shao Lianyun told reporters that whether it is a special food shop of lotus root or a whole lotus feast, there are requirements for the freshness, tenderness and size selection of lotus root, and the use of tender lotus root for cold dishes, especially the newly listed new flower root; the fried lotus should not be more water and starch should not be more; the starchy lotus is suitable for stew soup; the best way to do the lotus is to use the middle and large sections of the lotus root.

The reporter learned that the Baoying Whole Lotus Feast currently has an industry standard, and for many chefs, it is not difficult to make, but the current market is relatively niche, and the market needs to be further developed.

In this regard, Yangzhou catering industry insiders told reporters that Baoying lotus root, as a seasonal ingredient, is one of the more important ingredients in Huaiyang cuisine, and the summer and autumn seasons are the peak consumption of the whole lotus feast, and it is also the season with the most lotus dishes in various restaurants.

Source: Yangzhou Release

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