
The Food and Drug Administration explicitly prohibits it! This medicine secretly destroys the height of the baby, and many places are still prescribed, and parents are vigilant

Many people may think that nofloxacin has not heard of it, but haloperidine is certainly not unfamiliar to everyone.

When I was a child, as long as I had diarrhea, the elders would take out the usual "anti-diarrhea miracle drug" - haloperidine.

It feels like as soon as you eat it, the diarrhea can be relieved immediately.

The Food and Drug Administration explicitly prohibits it! This medicine secretly destroys the height of the baby, and many places are still prescribed, and parents are vigilant

But the bacteria here to remind parents:

Although the "miracle medicine" is good, it is not suitable for everyone to eat!

Children must not eat!!!


Inhibits bone growth

Hinders your child's development

Haloperidine, also known as norfloxacin, is a synthetic antibacterial drug of quinolones.

There are many advantages of this type of antibacterial drug, not only a large killing range, rapid combat, but also easy to be absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, can easily penetrate into the infected tissue to kill bacteria, almost can be called the perfect bacteria killer.

However, although haloperid acid is godly, it is harmful to the cartilage of our human body, which can make the epiphyseal line of the human body ossified in advance, and has the characteristics of "bullying soft and afraid of hard".

The Food and Drug Administration explicitly prohibits it! This medicine secretly destroys the height of the baby, and many places are still prescribed, and parents are vigilant

There is damage to immature cartilage, but no effect on mature cartilage, and the younger the child, the greater the chance of chondropathy; the longer the medication, the higher the concentration, the more serious the occurrence of toxicity.

That is, haloperid acid can hinder the growth and development of children's bones.

The Food and Drug Administration explicitly prohibits it! This medicine secretly destroys the height of the baby, and many places are still prescribed, and parents are vigilant

Therefore it is only suitable for adults and should not be used in children.

Therefore, parents should never give their children a haloperid acid!

In daily life, parents see drugs with the word "sathorin" and try to avoid using them for their children.

Since the "antidiarrheal miracle drug" is not suitable for children, what should children do with diarrhea?


Your child has diarrhea

More important than anti-diarrhea is the prevention of dehydration

Bacteria have also mentioned many times before that when a child has diarrhea, it is more important to prevent dehydration than to stop diarrhea.


Children's diarrhea can be divided into two categories: infectious diarrhea and non-infectious diarrhea.

The Food and Drug Administration explicitly prohibits it! This medicine secretly destroys the height of the baby, and many places are still prescribed, and parents are vigilant

Among them, the causes of infectious diarrhea in children are mainly bacterial infections and viral infections.

●Bacterial infection: taking food or drinks contaminated with bacteria can cause bacterial diarrhea, common bacteria such as Vibrio cholerae, Bacillus dysentery, Bacillus typhoid, Salmonella, etc.;

●Viral infection: Viral diarrhea caused by infection with the virus through food or other means, and the common viruses are rotavirus, coxsackievirus, echovirus, etc.

When a child is infected with diarrhea, the diarrhea at this time is a protective mechanism for the body.

It can excrete harmful bacteria, viruses and toxins in the child's intestines, which has certain benefits for the baby.

If the child just has diarrhea and takes antidiarrheal medicine, it may not only make the toxin unable to be fully discharged and cause symptoms of poisoning, but also easily cover up the condition and affect the doctor's judgment.

The Food and Drug Administration explicitly prohibits it! This medicine secretly destroys the height of the baby, and many places are still prescribed, and parents are vigilant

And when the child has diarrhea, the water enters the intestine before it can be absorbed and excreted, so the human body will have symptoms of dehydration.

Coupled with the fact that children need more water and electrolytes per kilogram of body weight than adults, they are also more likely to experience dehydration.

If dehydration is severe, there may also be a risk of shock or even death.

The Food and Drug Administration explicitly prohibits it! This medicine secretly destroys the height of the baby, and many places are still prescribed, and parents are vigilant

Therefore, when the child has diarrhea, it is more important to prevent dehydration than to stop diarrhea immediately!!!

Oral rehydration salts

It is the drug of choice for babies with diarrhea and dehydration

To prevent diarrhea and dehydration in your baby, both the World Health Organization and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend oral salt rehydration solution (ORS).

Oral salt night can safely and effectively treat about 90% of diarrhea and dehydration, ORS also has a slight antidiarrheal effect, which can help reduce the number of diarrhea and the amount of stool in your baby.

There are three generations of oral rehydration solutions, and the formulations are slightly different, but the bacteria most recommend the third generation of oral rehydration solutions - oral rehydration salt III.

The Food and Drug Administration explicitly prohibits it! This medicine secretly destroys the height of the baby, and many places are still prescribed, and parents are vigilant

Although oral salt replenishment solution is good, the dosage is also exquisite.

◆ If the baby's spirit and reaction are good, the eyes are not sunken, and the elasticity of the skin is also unsettled, at this time, the medicine can be administered according to the baby's age:

For babies within 6 months, use 50 ml each time;

6 months - 2 years old, 100 ml per use;

2 years old - 10 years old, 150 ml per dose.

◆ If the baby has mild or severe dehydration, the medicine should be given according to the baby's weight.

The Food and Drug Administration explicitly prohibits it! This medicine secretly destroys the height of the baby, and many places are still prescribed, and parents are vigilant

60 ml of oral rehydration salts per kilogram of body weight;

After 4 hours of drinking rehydration salt, if your baby is still diarrhea, feed it at 10 ml per kilogram.

When parents feed medicine to their babies, do not be in a hurry.

For babies who do not yet use a cup, you can use a small spoon or bottle to feed an amount of 10-20 ml or less every 3-5 minutes.

Babies who can use cups can let them drink slowly in the cups themselves.

The Food and Drug Administration explicitly prohibits it! This medicine secretly destroys the height of the baby, and many places are still prescribed, and parents are vigilant

Also note that never use milk, juice, or other beverages to mix with rehydration salts, and do not add extra sugar and salt to rehydration solutions.

Instead of having the effect of hydration, this may worsen diarrhea and even have side effects.

Parents are also best not to configure their own rehydration salts, be sure to follow the instructions to the baby to mix!

The Food and Drug Administration explicitly prohibits it! This medicine secretly destroys the height of the baby, and many places are still prescribed, and parents are vigilant

When your child has the following symptoms, be sure to rush to the hospital for treatment!

Increased or frequent stools, or blood in the stool;

diarrhea worsens or persists for more than 2 weeks;

Frequent vomiting, inability to eat or drink;

Fever in children under 3 months of age, or persistent and recurrent high fever in children over 3 months of age;

Irritability, mental malaise, drowsiness, convulsions, etc.;

The older child has persistent abdominal pain in a fixed area, or the infant cries incessantly;

Symptoms of dehydration such as less or no urination than usual (no urine within 6 hours), less or no tears when crying, dry mucosa of the lips, sunken eye sockets, depression of the front fontanelle in small babies, weight loss, etc.;

Parents themselves cannot judge the severity of their illness.

The Food and Drug Administration explicitly prohibits it! This medicine secretly destroys the height of the baby, and many places are still prescribed, and parents are vigilant

As a parent, the bacteria understand the parents' anxious mood after the child is sick.

But don't rush to the doctor, otherwise it will bring double harm to the baby, such as blindly using antidiarrheal drugs when diarrhea, not only can not stop diarrhea, but also may affect the child's development.

Therefore, when the child is uncomfortable, he must follow the scientific method and follow the doctor's instructions for treatment.

Finally, please like + watch the arrangement to save every diarrhea baby

Editor-in-Charge: Twenty-one

Image/Video Source: Network/Baby Care Comics Group, Invasion and Deletion


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