
Father's wish

author:Shuanghe Fusions
Father's wish

Father's wish

Text\Yang Yu

My father, Yang Xuelian, joined the First Corps of the First Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in Longxi County, Gansu Province in August 1949, followed General Wang Zhen in liberating Xinjiang, and after three years of study in the first phase of military medicine at the Xinjiang Military Region Health College, in 1953, my father was assigned to the Hospital of the Sixteenth Division of the Sixth Army in Hami Barracks to engage in military medical work (in the 1980s, the first batch of cadets of the Xinjiang Military Region Health College enjoyed undergraduate treatment. The predecessor of the current Shihezi Medical College). Since then, he has been united with the soldiers for a lifetime without regrets.

In the early 1960s, some soldiers of the Army in Hamiken District developed long-term fever, sweating, joint pain and hepatosplenomegaly. The severity of the disease varies, and it is easy to recur and become chronic.

After case analysis, the father found that the illness was closely related to the occupation, and veterinarians, animal husbandry workers, slaughterhouse workers and fur factory workers were significantly higher than the general population. The age of onset is mainly young adults, with more men than women, and the incidence is higher in pastoral areas than in agricultural areas. After consulting his teacher, the father sent the patient's blood sample to Xi'an for testing, and the diagnosis was brucellosis.

It is a zoonotic, systemic, animal-derived infectious disease caused by Brucella, common in pastoral areas, mainly through direct contact with sick sheep, cattle, pigs, dogs and their excrement or by eating food and water contaminated with pathogens, as well as the meat and dairy products of unprocessed sick animals.

After symptomatic treatment and active prevention, this condition has been effectively controlled.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, some strange diseases appeared in part of the regimental field of the Fifth Division of Bole Nong, and the patients had a sudden onset of illness, with headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, followed by blurred vision, eyes that could not be opened, and severe cases with hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, and difficulty breathing. There have even been multiple deaths. Class after class of reclamation fighters fell ill, and my father was distraught, and after in-depth investigation, it was found that the patients had eaten the following foods:

Fermented soy products: stinky tofu, bean paste, stinky tempeh, moldy tofu, tofu residue, pea paste, broad bean paste, red bean paste, mold beans, etc.

The processing of these foods is basically anaerobic fermentation. 

The pathogenesis is characterized by a chain of diseases in the family hospital, often a family homemade fermented soy products or fermented noodle food, because the fermented soy products are mostly a small amount of food with meals, the onset is scattered first, the onset of different times, unlike other food poisoning, in a short period of time, many people of the same nature, the same type of clinical manifestations. Some families give poisoned fermented soy products to their neighbors, resulting in poisoning in the neighbors.

Finally, medical experts in the autonomous region confirmed that botulinum food poisoning was caused by eating homemade, fermented, beans containing botulinum exotoxin.

Botulinum toxin, also known as Bacillus botulinum, is a Gram-positive anaerobic Clostridium, is a neurotoxin, highly toxic, lethal to humans about 0.01mg, the toxin in dry, sealed and hypoxic conditions, can be stored for many years. Due to the strong toxicity of this toxin, and colorless, odorless, tasteless, and not easy to detect, most of the patients with severe diseases are not rescued in time, and the cause of death is respiratory failure caused by bulbar paralysis, cardiac insufficiency and secondary infection caused by aspiration pneumonia.

It is necessary to educate the agricultural reclamation workers and their families to guard against them at the source.

From trainee military doctors to assistant military doctors, from formal military doctors to attending military doctors, from physicians to internal medicine experts, from the discovery of the first case of brucellosis to the first case of botulism, the academic paper written by his father was published in the then state-level authoritative journal "Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine", which clearly defined the direction for the treatment of difficult and complicated diseases for the staff of the Fifth Division of the Corps.

In March 1963, as the Fifth Division moved west to Bortala, my father and more than 30 medical personnel rode in an open-top car all the way to the Bole Bo Management Office and established the First Hospital of the Fifth Agricultural Division.

When they first came to Bole, their parents and two other couples lived in the home of their parents in Shawuti, a Uighur compatriot (now a retired employee of the 86th Regiment and 5th Company). Shawut remembers that at that time, the family's income came from the output of farming, and there was no fixed income. However, whenever it came time to pay wages, his mother Shi Chunneng would take out three to five yuan of money to help Shawuti's family. "At that time, Shawuti's parents said that this Dr. Yang family is really the same as our family..." Shawuti's family encountered small problems such as headaches and fevers, so they came to Dr. Yang, and in the eyes of Shawuti's family, there was no problem that Dr. Yang could not solve.

Father's wish

My sisters Yang Xiaoyu and Shawuti are the same age. My father found a wooden medicine box in the hospital pharmacy, and bricks were laid on the four corners to make a simple desk. In this way, every night, Yang Xiaoyu and Sha Wuti wrote their homework head-to-head under the kerosene lamp.

I was born in August 1963 in the 5th Division Hospital of Bole Nong, and after a full moon, I have been cared for by my landlord's wife (Shawuti's mother), and when I came to the kindergarten when I was almost three years old, I couldn't speak Chinese, only some simple Uyghur.

In the mid-to-late 1960s, the hospital built the first ward building (surgical, outpatient building), and bole had two other buildings at that time, one was the Hongqi Hotel, and the other was the powder building of the fifth division flour mill, but the surgical building was also like the other ward bungalows of the hospital, without plumbing. My father, like all medical staff, went to work in the morning to pick boiling water, cold water, and coal, and in the afternoon when he left work, he picked sewage and stove ashes.

When I was in elementary school, because my mother was out studying, it was usually my father who took me to sleep with me in the doctor's duty room of the department when he was on duty. I often woke up in the middle of the night, my father was dealing with patients, and I only saw the skeleton frame for teaching in the duty room, which scared me to sleep. At that time, there was only one internal medicine department, regardless of specialty, and all internal medicine diseases were accepted. Once I woke up in the morning, I didn't see my father, it turned out that a mentally ill person had gone missing, and my father and the gay men in general medicine went out all night to look for it, and it wasn't until the next day that they found the sleeping patient in the vegetable field of the hospital.

As the director of internal medicine, although his father studied Western medicine, he was able to get needles when he saw a doctor, and he was still a master of the ecG examination form of the whole division at that time. After reading his notes on anatomy at the military medical school in the 1950s, I found that the students at that time studied anatomy by drawing human organs with a stroke of a pen, and some of the pictures were colored, red represented arteries, and blue represented veins.

One winter, my father rescued Commander Xiao of the Bozhou Military Sub-district at that time, and after his condition stabilized, the Xinjiang Military Region sent helicopters to take Commander Xiao to the General Hospital of the Urumqi Military Region for continued treatment. On that day, my father got up early in the morning, put on the riding boots that he usually did not want to wear, and polished them brightly, and at my pleading, my father took me by ambulance to a flat and vast Gobi Desert next to the "May Day" reservoir, and I witnessed a dark green helicopter marked with the red characters "Bayi" that brought wild storms and snow when it landed, and my father wore a white coat blown up by the wind, like an army scientist participating in a nuclear experiment in Lop Nur, stepping on the snow with his riding boots and carrying a stretcher with PLA fighters, and sending patients to the plane. Later, I bragged around at school that my dad had taken a military helicopter to Urumqi. Later, my father said that this was his second time on a plane, and in 1949 he joined the army and entered Xinjiang, because he recruited student soldiers, not combat troops, and there were bandits at that time, and they were sent by Soviet planes from Hami to Urumqi.

Although my father did not do much housework, he developed a good habit in the army, and his clothes were washed by himself and sewn by himself when they were torn. Because her mother was a Xiang girl who joined the army in 1951, she also practiced medicine in the hospital and was very busy. At that time, I didn't cook at noon in the morning, I would call the meal back to the hospital canteen to eat, and only after work in the afternoon, I had a little time to cook at home. Although I have never seen my father how to stir-fry vegetables (in the 70s there were no conditions for stir-frying), but the noodles were basically wrapped by my father, most of the time it was baogu noodle cakes and loose rice (that is, baogu noodles were thick and pastey, Gansu people also called churning dough), in the 70s there were only 20% of fine grains, and the noodles that improved life were rolled by my father. Because the ration was two or two per person per month, my father was able to skillfully smear the bottom of the pan with a piece of pig skin hanging above the pot table. Despite this, when he met acquaintances who came to see patients from the tuanchang or colleagues who came to the tuan hospital to do things, his father would take people home to eat something, or eat in the canteen, but he never allowed others to bring agricultural and sideline products, so that a neighbor said that he was still the director of internal medicine, and the family's food was far worse than mine as a laboratory inspector, so his family had to bring me a bowl every time he made meat and ate rice.

In the late 70s, the family bought a "flying pigeon brand" weighted bicycle, on the rest day, my father rode the car, sitting in front of my sister, behind me, together to Bole's street park (in fact, there was no park at that time, just the most prosperous place of Bole) to take a turn, when he came back at the Fifth Division Headquarters Red Star Road Eighty-four Regiment Guest House, buy a few dime a dime sugar cake, that is the delicacy of the world. It is this bicycle that has become the "net red" of the whole division hospital. At that time, most of the single boys in the hospital were in the tuanchang, and there was no shuttle bus to the tuanchang, and the young people who were almost going home rode this bicycle of my family. Once a young man came to the house to return the car, because it was a bungalow, there was a threshold under the door frame, he wanted to lift the handlebars, let the front wheel cross the threshold, who knew that the front handle was lifted, the front wheel was off the shaft, rolled into the room, the young man was ashamed, my father also laughed, even said it was okay! Someone counted the itinerary of this bicycle, saying that the whole division may have been to everything except the ninety-first regiment, the eighty-second regiment, and the eighty-eighth regiment.

In the early 1980s, when he learned that he was going to be appointed as the vice president of the division hospital, his father actually ran to the organization department to complain and refused to be the leader. After repeatedly doing the work of the organization, he asked his father directly: "Are you a member of the Communist Party?" If you are a party member, you must listen to the party. "In 1983, my father became the vice president, although the salary was handed over to the mother (because the father did not smoke and drink), but if he paid a duty fee or something, he stayed in the office, and the young people in the hospital office sometimes had to eat a popsicle, ice cream, snacks and so on, and everyone knew that Vice President Yang had money, which was absolutely a first choice.

At that time, the commander of the Fifth Division, Xiu Xinmin, was in a difficult position, and assigned a "Beijing 212" jeep to the hospital, and it did not take long for several Gansu leaders to discuss it too wastefully (President Hu Liang and Secretary of the Party Committee, Gansu Qing'an; Vice President Yang Xuelian, Gansu Longxi; Vice President Yang Chunyuan, Gansu Jiuquan people). At that time, the hospital joked that the Fifth Agricultural Division Hospital was in power by Gansu people, Shanghai people in charge of money in the finance department, Henan people in Sichuan people cooking in logistics), small bags of chartered cars were useless, neither could pull goods nor patients, called the division commander to change a "Nanjing 130" passenger and cargo dual-use car, to manage Kola's living materials.

In 1984, the hospital built the first family building, and my father did not divide the room according to his position and took the initiative to ask for the top floor. Because only a skylight in my bathroom in the whole building can go to the top of the building, it was the first time to live in the building, and I thought that the higher the better. At that time, I was already working in the hospital, and together with my father, I carried a lot of dirt to the roof and built a hanging garden.

In the 1990s, when the hospital's second larger residential building was completed, the hospital considered the difficulty of climbing a tall building near my father's retirement, and decided to give my family a lower floor in the new building. My mother excitedly went to the new building to measure and customize the curtains, but my father refused, saying that if the leader were like this, what would the masses think. After a period of cold war, the mother, who is a middle-level cadre in the hospital, also had to accept this reality. New curtains that did not fit the size were hung in the old building again. Later, the report I wrote, "A New Curtain", was awarded the first prize of the annual good news by the "Military Reclamation War Newspaper". Later, the conditions of the hospital became better and better, and at the end of the twentieth century, my father and a group of old comrades moved into a specialist building of more than 100 square meters.

In October 1985, my father wrote a letter to the Division Organization Department: I learned of this salary adjustment, I am also in the range, I am now paid 200 yuan per month, the family has a young daughter in middle school, everyone else has a job, compared to the heroes of the old mountain front, I have been very satisfied. I apply for waiver. In addition, it is suggested to the organization that if wages can be increased, they must also be able to fall, and they cannot engage in a lifelong system.

After graduating from the Bozhou Health School Medical Scholar Class in 1983, I was assigned to work in the surgery department of the Fifth Agricultural Division Hospital, and my father was already a member of the party committee and vice president. But my work father did not give care, since 1989, there is a chance to go to adult college, my father did not give arrangements, said that you are already a secondary school, there are many old comrades who have no education, from nursing staff to doctors, let them go first. Although I later served part-time as the general secretary of the hospital league branch and was elected to the standing committee of the division and youth league committee with excellent work performance, on the issue of joining the party, I was rejected by my father at the party committee of the hospital, saying that I still needed training. Later, after my father retired, I passed the selection examination in the hospital, and in 1993, I entered the junior college of adult education clinical medicine at Shihezi Medical College, and I was honored to join the party in the college.

In fact, my father is a loving heart, in 1980 I graduated from high school to participate in the college entrance examination, although the score far exceeded the local secondary school admission line, but my father in order to let me study medicine, inherit my father's business, actually took me, carrying gifts to find colleagues, acquaintances of the Bozhou Health School principal's home to intercede, this is the only time in my life that I know my father "walked the back door".

In the impression of the family, the father pays more attention to the affairs of the public than to everything personal, the public table and chair, he wants to maintain, every grass and tree, he will water, a book and a newspaper, he goes to bind. Father's wardrobe, there was not a single decent piece of clothing, and new clothes were never wanted. My father was stingy with himself, but he was very generous to others. Funding relatives and friends around you, donating public welfare, relieving party members in difficulty, and helping villagers in the townships, in these aspects, you will never be distressed about the payment of money.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the college and secondary school medical staff assigned to the hospital were all traditional education in the history of the development of the hospital given to them by their fathers. They were all amazed that the old man who wore yellow rubber shoes and yellow military pants all day and often swept the floor and fiddled with flowers and plants at the entrance of the hospital office was not a cleaner, but a vice president. This job was still done until my father retired.

In 1992, after his father left, he refused to be hired by a private clinic and continued to attend outpatient clinics in the internal medicine department of the hospital, and his father was particularly good at communicating with patients in popular language, and could also speak some daily Uyghur languages, which was recognized by ethnic minority patients. The father is sympathetic to the patient, has a deep heart of benevolence, always thinks about the patient, does not let the patient spend more money, and is called the old expert who is closest to the people. His father's clinic was always full of patients, and patients came to his house at night to see him.

In 1996, his father served as the secretary of the elderly party branch of the hospital, the major affairs and small feelings of retired workers he was worried about, organized everyone to study, entertainment, organized the elderly nursing home team, advised the hospital leaders, paid attention to the development of the hospital at any time, he loved the grass and trees of the hospital, he saw that the chair in the ward was broken, he would take nails, there were some flowers he had planted for many years in the ward, he regularly came to water and fertilize, winter came, he spent money to hire people to move all the flower pots into the hospital auditorium, and then moved out in the spring, year after year, Many wards still store the potted flowers he cultivated, which may not be very expensive, may not be very gorgeous, but can allow patients to see green and see life.

Father loves life, bole city major activities can see his figure in all the major activities of the fifth division of the agricultural hospital yangge team can see his figure, he is also the head of the division of the elderly sports association, and the head of the hospital customs work committee, every time the hospital organizes a free clinic in the countryside, he is always available, whether it is the league branch of the party branch, because he knows Uyghur, because many patients know him, because he is the symbol of the fifth division hospital of the corps. He also continues to learn new knowledge, and he listens to the academic lectures in the college, and then summarizes them, and gives free lectures on health education for community residents in a language that the people can understand.

Father has a responsibility to the family, respect the mother, care for both relatives, in the sixties and seventies of the last century, the family's economic conditions are not good, but you try to create a joy of life for us, even in recent years in a wheelchair life can not take care of themselves, did not put themselves in the heart, do not want to add trouble to the family.

Father loves life, can sing, can dance, paste kites, do handicrafts, like flowers and plants and write and draw, as a father's child, we learn from your dedication, tolerance and selflessness. As father's child, we have inherited open-mindedness, kindness and sincerity.

At the end of 2015, my father began to use a wheelchair because of a waist and leg disease, and even if he later suffered a cerebral infarction, he could still read the newspaper. As long as the weather permits, the family can also push the wheelchair to participate in the activities organized by the party branch of the old cadres of the hospital. I often say to myself in my sleep: I'm going to work. When hospitalized, young medical staff were also encouraged to be bold.

Although carefully cared for by his mother and family, his father died on 11 January 2021 at the age of 89 due to a lung infection caused by prolonged bed rest.

At the memorial service, pictures reflecting his father's work and life in various periods were played on the big screen, and the background music was "Revolutionaries Are Always Young". The son of an old Uyghur landlord 58 years ago, Shawuti said with tears: "Dean Yang is a good old brother."

"Tong Sheng is in Longzhi Tianshan, hard, simple and thrifty. Exquisite medical skills, high medical ethics, a lifetime of silent dedication. "This is a true portrayal of the life of my father, a veteran reclamation warrior.

For my father, the most precious must be the commemorative medal commemorating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, who has personally experienced the years of passion, completed a life without regrets in the original intention of communist party members, and adhered to the sacred mission of the doctor.

Father, please rest assured that we will not fail to live up to your heritage, and at the same time, we will do our best to take care of my mother and let her enjoy warmth and happiness in her lifetime.

My father left with regret that, as a veteran of more than 60 years of party experience, he was unable to attend the party's 100th birthday on July 1, 2021.

Father, please rest assured that on July 1, 2021, the day of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, we have fulfilled our wishes for you.

Father's wish

About the Author

Father's wish

Yang Yu, graduated from Bozhou Health School in 1983, engaged in medical work in Shi hospital, engaged in journalism and literary writing in his spare time, loves photography, and is a member of shishi photographers association. The newsletter "A New Curtain" won the first prize of the Corps Journalism Award. He currently works for the Shishi Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau.

Father's wish
Father's wish

Source | Fifth Division Shuanghe City Literary Association

Edit | Sun Jingjing

Responsible Editor | Li Haixia Li Fangfang

The Executive Director | Mao Yan

Audit | What a marker

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