
The Anti-Japanese Alliance Raised Grain for the Winter and Was Informed by Traitors The devils besieged the village and slaughtered fourteen people The beautiful countryside became a ruined wall

In November 1937, in Caojia Village, Xianglan Town, Tangyuan County, Heilongjiang Province, it was then known as Taojiawan. Just after a light snowfall, Li Deming, the liaison officer of the Anti-Japanese League, in order to raise clothes and food for the winter for the left-behind regiment led by Geng Dianjun of the 6th Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, came to Taojiawan and visited the people door to door for help.

The Anti-Japanese Alliance Raised Grain for the Winter and Was Informed by Traitors The devils besieged the village and slaughtered fourteen people The beautiful countryside became a ruined wall

After receiving this news, more than 50 members of the Japanese military police stationed in Jixinggou, Yubara County, went straight to Taojiawan overnight with full armor and prepared to arrest Li Deming.

On November 27, just after dawn, the Japanese army rushed into Taojiawan in two ways and began a bloody massacre.

At the villager Chen Fengwu's house, the Japanese army rushed into the door and couldn't help but say, raising a knife and slashing at Chen Fengwu, blood flowing from his head, and immediately fainted on the ground. Then the Japanese army. Pointing a knife at Hao Bingwen, a 14-year-old boy who was doing short-term work at Chen Fengwu's house, he forced him to ask him if there was an anti-league in the village. Hao Bingwen replied that there is no anti-coalition in the village, and I am just a person who cultivates land and works for others. When the Japanese army heard this, it was immediately furious, and with a saber raised, it slashed at Hao Bingwen's face, and Hao Bingwen fell to the ground. When the Japanese left, they stuffed straw with mats on the kang and set fire to the houses.

After the villager Ju Hongzhou was captured by the Japanese army, he was pierced by the Japanese army with a bayonet, and then twisted together with a wire string, causing him to die and live.

The Anti-Japanese Alliance Raised Grain for the Winter and Was Informed by Traitors The devils besieged the village and slaughtered fourteen people The beautiful countryside became a ruined wall

In the end, the Japanese army forced dozens of ordinary people, all of whom were bayoneted, into the courtyard of Ju Deping's house. All the men knelt on the ground with their hands tied behind their backs, surrounded by women and children. Then a Japanese officer walked to the middle of the courtyard, held up a saber and forced the people present to ask, "Where is Li Deming hiding?" The anti-coalition in the village must be explained to all! Otherwise, you're all dead! ”

Then the Japanese army dragged the 15-year-old Li Wanzhu out of the crowd, pushed him to the ground, picked up the leather whip and jerked it violently, constantly asking him for news of the Anti-League. However, although Li Wanzhu was rolling on the ground in pain, he still gritted his teeth and did not say a word. When the Japanese army saw Li Wanzhu, they still did not want to confess, so they hung him head down and hung him on the shelf where the villagers were drying corn.

At this time, Li Wanzhu's father in the crowd was both distressed about his son and afraid that his son could not bear to say the news of the Anti-League, and desperately shouted: "Pillar, your father's good son, we can't talk nonsense!" In the end, Li Wanzhu did not say a word until he passed out, and did not say a word in the face of the Japanese army's forced confession.

The Anti-Japanese Alliance Raised Grain for the Winter and Was Informed by Traitors The devils besieged the village and slaughtered fourteen people The beautiful countryside became a ruined wall

While the Japanese army was in the courtyard to force the people to confess the news of the Anti-League, another group of Japanese troops began to search in the field. Wang Kuan, a villager who was working in the fields at that time, and his son and daughter-in-law saw the Japanese army coming, turned around and ran. With two gunshots, Wang Kuan's father and son fell to the ground. The daughter-in-law also failed to escape the clutches of the Japanese army because she was pregnant, and was not only killed by the Japanese army, but also inhumanely cut open her stomach with a bayonet, and picked out the fetus in her abdomen and fell to the ground.

Li Deming, an anti-coalition liaison officer hidden in the field, was eventually discovered along with the Search by the Japanese Army. He was unfortunately shot and killed in an exchange of fire with the Japanese army. After verifying Li Deming's identity, the Japanese army was even more unscrupulous.

The Japanese army pointed at the people who were surrounded in the courtyard of Ju Deping's house and shouted, "You are all anti-coalition elements!" After saying this, he forced some of the villagers with bayonets to walk toward a large well outside the village. Ju Hongzhou, who had been pierced by a bayonet in both hands, was determined not to leave, and the Japanese army stabbed him to death on the side of the road with a bayonet.

The Anti-Japanese Alliance Raised Grain for the Winter and Was Informed by Traitors The devils besieged the village and slaughtered fourteen people The beautiful countryside became a ruined wall

The Japanese army forced The villagers of Taojiawan, Including Guo Guangfa, Guo Hengcai, and Xiao Yongchun, to the side of the large well at the mouth of the village, ordered them to kneel in a circle around the wellhead, and then at the sound of an order, the crazy Japanese army held up a bayonet and stabbed them. After the villagers were killed, the Japanese army threw all their bodies into the wellhead and pushed down the hundreds of pounds of large stone mills next to them and pressed them on the slain people.

The Japanese army killed a total of 14 innocent people in Taojiawan, and before leaving, the Japanese army burned all the houses in the village. Originally, this beautiful countryside surrounded by mountains and rivers was left with only a ruined wall and the miserable cries of orphans and widows.

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