
Penny_Capricorn_Horoscope 2022


Decades ago, when economic contraction and social unrest dominated, "get on your bike" became a British buzzword. In 2022, the same unstable pattern will benefit Capricorn, who will integrate resources and get out of the predicament. Jupiter is in the travel and communication area, face-to-face with people, or no matter how far away, Jupiter is active in your community palace to speed up your progress, opening up attractive and unexpected possibilities.

Jupiter is a constant gift to be given.

From May to October, Jupiter will escort you in the rear with its vast possessions, so as some of you climb upwards, others will welcome new family members to join, whether a child is born or married. Siblings will also emerge, in some cases with legal overtones.

This year's eclipse highlights collaborations and businesses, as well as the ability to market your ideas and talents, which can be the difference between a mediocre and brilliant year.

Important horoscopic note: Jupiter is in the third and fourth houses

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