
8 yuan pot helmet does not have to queue up to buy, learn to make at home, golden crisp, fragrant

author:Small taste

Every time he went out to the night market with his husband, he had to buy 2 pot helmets every time, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, crispy crust, with the salty aroma of meat, and eat happily. When I first ate the pot helmet, I was also attracted by the name of the pot helmet, and I thought what kind of food it was? The name is so funny, eating a bite of crispy and crispy, I can't resist such food at all, immediately planted grass, and later on the street can also buy, very delicious.

8 yuan pot helmet does not have to queue up to buy, learn to make at home, golden crisp, fragrant

The outer pot helmet costs 8 yuan, which is slightly cheaper, and there are 10 yuan. That time downstairs at home to eat a pot helmet that is called a bad taste, and the hard filling is still less, eat my cheeks are painful, and then see the Internet to make their own pot helmet at home, like that or do it yourself. The pot helmet made by yourself actually tastes no less than the outside, the aroma of the pot helmet in the room is very crisp, especially satisfied, let's try it together.

8 yuan pot helmet does not have to queue up to buy, learn to make at home, golden crisp, fragrant

【Fresh meat pot helmet】

——Required ingredients——

Dough portion: 200 g flour, 2 g yeast, 120 g water, 10 g corn oil.

Filling: 4 grams of oyster sauce, 100 grams of pork, 5 grams of soy sauce, pepper, 2 grams of dark soy sauce, edible salt, 2 grams of salt, 120 grams of apricot abalone mushrooms, sesame oil.

【Preparation steps】:

1, we first pour yeast, corn oil into the flour, while stirring and then pouring water, with chopsticks to stir the flour into a flocculent.

8 yuan pot helmet does not have to queue up to buy, learn to make at home, golden crisp, fragrant

2, knead into a smooth and soft surface of the dough, put into the glass pot with a lid to ferment for 40 minutes, put into the glass pot in order to observe the state of dough fermentation. If you do not have a glass pot, you can also use plastic wrap.

8 yuan pot helmet does not have to queue up to buy, learn to make at home, golden crisp, fragrant

3, after cleaning the apricot abalone mushrooms, drain the water, cut into small cubes and put them into a small bowl, add a little salt to marinate the water, and squeeze out the excess water in the apricot abalone mushrooms.

8 yuan pot helmet does not have to queue up to buy, learn to make at home, golden crisp, fragrant

4: Add apricot abalone mushrooms and minced meat in advance to the bowl, add a little pepper, salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, cooking oil, and finally a few drops of balsamic vinegar. Stir the minced meat in one direction.

8 yuan pot helmet does not have to queue up to buy, learn to make at home, golden crisp, fragrant
8 yuan pot helmet does not have to queue up to buy, learn to make at home, golden crisp, fragrant

5: Remove the fermented dough and knead evenly into long strips. Divide the kneaded dough into 6 small doughs, each about 54 grams.

8 yuan pot helmet does not have to queue up to buy, learn to make at home, golden crisp, fragrant
8 yuan pot helmet does not have to queue up to buy, learn to make at home, golden crisp, fragrant

6: Put equal portions of dough into the pot, brush the surface evenly with a layer of cooking oil, cover and relax for about 10 minutes.

8 yuan pot helmet does not have to queue up to buy, learn to make at home, golden crisp, fragrant

7: Take out one of the dough and gently flatten it by hand, put the mixed filling inside the dough, and pinch the dough tightly like a bun.

8 yuan pot helmet does not have to queue up to buy, learn to make at home, golden crisp, fragrant
8 yuan pot helmet does not have to queue up to buy, learn to make at home, golden crisp, fragrant

8: Roll out a rolling pin into a cow's tongue shape, sprinkle a little sesame seeds on it, and roll a few more times with a rolling pin.

8 yuan pot helmet does not have to queue up to buy, learn to make at home, golden crisp, fragrant
8 yuan pot helmet does not have to queue up to buy, learn to make at home, golden crisp, fragrant

9, flat bottom non-stick pan inside brush a little bit of bottom oil, put the prepared raw embryo into it, burn to both sides of the color can be out of the pot. Very crispy, full of sauce and full of pot helmets are ready. Really delicious, recommend everyone to make more, these 6 pot helmets, 5 minutes I ate 3.

8 yuan pot helmet does not have to queue up to buy, learn to make at home, golden crisp, fragrant


1, the filling inside the pot helmet can be pure meat, no apricot abalone mushroom can not be put, pure meat is more fragrant.

2. The amount of seasoning can be increased or decreased according to their own taste.

3, in the rolling of raw embryos, if the surface is slightly rolled out of the place does not matter, the meat after hot frying until super fragrant.

[Copywriting Editor]: Mehai Food Food Diary

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