
Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

There is one thing, which is called "Cover Bubble Noodle Artifact" with the iPad tablet.

It is estimated that everyone guessed it, and the machine brother said that the Kindle ink screen e-book reader.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

In the morning, when the machine brother looked at the Weibo hot search, he was swept away by a message:

Kindle or exit the Chinese market.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day
Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day
Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

With several hot searches in a row, it seems that there are many domestic Kindle users.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

The machine brother saw that in the comment area at the bottom, everyone felt sorry.

Either it's how good it is at the Amway Kindle, or it's sharing what books I've read on the Kindle and how long I've been with me.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day
Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day
Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

And the melon-eating masses are not idle, followed by spit: there is no Kindle cover instant noodles in the future, is it not fragrant noodles?

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

There is even a serious analysis of "understanding brother": the rise of the takeaway industry has affected the business of instant noodles. Instant noodle accessories, naturally not easy to do.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day
Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

Playing with the terrier is playing the terrier, we still have to sort out first, how did this rumor come about.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

Two days ago, someone found that only one product was left in the official Kindle store on the east side.

The machine brother went up to check it out today, and indeed only the cheapest youth version was left on sale.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

Other products are either sold out or removed from the shelves.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

What about a certain treasure?

Sorry, as early as the second half of last year, the official Kindle store of a certain treasure has announced that it will stop operating.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

Therefore, it is almost difficult for us to buy kindles in China through official channels.

It is no wonder that it is interpreted by many netizens as: Kindle or withdraw from the Chinese market. Even on the hot search, stayed for most of the day.

It's just, is that really the case?

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

In fact, throughout the day, Kindle's customer service also responded several times in a row: it did not receive an official notice, but because it was out of stock. It can still be purchased offline or in third-party online stores.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day
Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

At the same time, the machine brother also saw that some netizens followed and said that this situation did not occur recently.

Since the release of the new Kindle last year, it has often been out of stock. It is likely that similar to the lack of cores in mobile phones, the raw materials of the Kindle are also out of stock.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day
Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

However, the response of customer service cannot dispel everyone's doubts.

For those who are using kindle, out of stock is not the key to the problem, they are more concerned about whether the Kindle in hand can be used normally.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

For example, what about the Kindle's after-sales repairs? And what about the kindle subscription service that pays for it? After buying an e-book, can I still read it?

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day
Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

For a while, there was no accurate statement, which made these old users panic.

It was not easy to wait for the official response of Amazon.

The first sentence "We are committed to serving Chinese consumers" and the last sentence "Some models are sold out in the Chinese market" should mean that kindle will not withdraw from the Chinese market.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

Amazon has also promised to continue to provide customer service and warranty services.

It seems that users holding a Kindle do not have to worry about after-sales problems.

Perhaps, today is a false alarm. Everyone should still read the book, and the bubble noodles should be soaked.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

But today, as soon as this matter came out, many netizens rushed up and began to find alternatives, wanting to see what other options there were besides kindle.

As a result, many people looked around and found that there are too many domestic e-book reader brands to do, and the products seem to be passable, and the functions are dazzling.

Some netizens are complaining that the Kindle is not grounded enough in some aspects compared to domestic e-books.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day
Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

For example, now many people buy e-book readers and come back, that is, to read domestic online novels.

Like the top 200 boy's popular novels in WeChat reading, the machine brother went to see it today, and was almost slaughtered by the network.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

In this regard, Amazon's Kindle may be difficult to compete with domestic e-books.

Most of the domestic e-books use the magic version of the Android system, in other words, the commonly used WeChat reading, more reading, palm reading, Migu reading and other such Apps, can be run on it.

The machine brother read the current boy's popular novel Top 10 on WeChat, and went to the Kindle store to search for it, and only half of it could be searched.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day
Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day
Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

But isn't that that the Kindle has no advantages?

Brother Ji thinks that it depends on what books you usually like to read.

Some of the classic masterpieces, the Kindle not only has a comprehensive library, but also sells inexpensively, and has better typography.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

After all, Amazon has been selling books since 1995 and is still the world's largest online book retail store.

Therefore, in terms of book resources, the machine brother feels that the Kindle and domestic e-books are a 1:1 draw.

Just when it comes to the system, the Kindle may be a little bit worse now.

In recent years, domestic e-books such as ink cases, aragonites, and palm reading have been more or less experienced by machine brothers. Some small functions of domestic e-books have really won my heart.

For example, many domestic e-books now have their own systems that transmit books, documents, and notes through Baidu network disks, Wi-Fi, WeChat, and other ways.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

Because the Kindle is a closed system, it is not an easy task to transfer files.

Like amazon officially provided with mailbox transmission, when a small white user is first contacted, it is very likely that they are ignorant and do not know how to operate.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

After the first two years finally launched the WeChat article, everyone found that it was still necessary to go through cumbersome steps to bind the mailbox.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

In this regard, the machine brother really hopes that the Kindle can learn from domestic production and provide some simple methods.

To be fair, the Kindle's system is still a good system, but it lacks some grounded functionality. Perhaps because of this, it has given the opportunity for the rise of domestic e-books.

After talking about software, we may as well look at the hardware. In recent years, the hardware innovation of domestic e-books is definitely worth mentioning.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

We usually read books, not just words. You may also see color illustrations, or you may also see color cartoons.

Previously limited to the black and white ink screen, so Mo had to do it.

But in the past two years, with the color ink screen technology coming out, there are now two or three domestic e-books that have launched color screen e-books.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

E-books can read color comics, and perhaps the possibility of accumulation of dust is reduced.

Although kindle has also been rumored for a long time to launch a color screen version, it has not moved so far.

In addition, the biggest advantage of ink screen e-books is eye protection and close to paper reading perception. So many people naturally think about it, use it to take notes, write comments, and read documents.

If you think about it, it's like taking a pen and writing and drawing directly in a book, which is still quite a good feeling.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

In the past two years, domestic e-books have been very ambitious in this regard.

Some have done large-screen e-books, some have done support for stylus, and even used as a display screen...

Although the experience may still be underpolished, it also proposes new possibilities for ink screens.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

Kindle is the grandmaster of the ink screen, which is true. But Over the years, Kindle has rarely explored more possibilities, and the machine brother feels that it is also a pity.

This had to remind the brother of the machine of the old saying, sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

Whether it is software or hardware, although domestic e-books do not completely surpass the Kindle, some small functions do a good job.

In fact, before everyone ridiculed the Kindle as a bubble noodle artifact, perhaps or use the scene is relatively small, most of the cases can only read books.

Kindle or quit the Chinese market, and even stayed on the hot search for most of the day

Now the idea of domestic e-books creates more use scenarios, reading comics, turning over documents, taking notes... Inject fresh air into the e-book market, the machine brother thinks it is still quite good.

In today's gradual rise of domestic e-books, the machine brother still hopes that kindle can come up with some new gadgets.

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