
She was a notorious female demon leader during World War II, a high-ranking official at the age of 20, and made a shameless request before her death

She was a notorious female demon leader during World War II, a high-ranking official at the age of 20, and made a shameless request before her death

On the topic of World War II, during the Nazi rule of Germany, most people remember a variety of leaders, and for those who carry out orders may not be very concerned, and the high-ranking official today, at a young age, received the Iron Cross at the age of 18, at the age of 20, became the most brutal Nazi high-ranking official in the concentration camp, and her initial identity was only a nurse who saved lives and helped the injured! She is Irma Glazer.

She was a notorious female demon leader during World War II, a high-ranking official at the age of 20, and made a shameless request before her death

Ilmagretze, born in a small city in Germany, became the most loyal believer in the Nazis at a very young age, and under the call of Hitler, embarked on this path, originally she studied nursing, but did not have the appearance of an angel in white, when she was a teenager, she became a female guard in a Nazi concentration camp, and later became the director of the detention center, although he looked very beautiful, but her style was really unpretentious.

She was a notorious female demon leader during World War II, a high-ranking official at the age of 20, and made a shameless request before her death

Not long after she met a Nazi officer, the two soon fell in love, and also married him, and from then on a demonic couple was born, as a female guard of a Nazi concentration camp, with a little power in her hands, there was no pity for female prisoners, seeing unpleasant female prisoners, especially female prisoners who were more beautiful than themselves, not only tortured by all means, but also in the end they could smile at the corners of their mouths, even if there were female prisoners who could survive, they were also dying and scarred. It can be seen that Glazer has been occupied by demons in a good heart.

She later spent $25,000 to build an indoor gymnasium where she could practice riding. And the money was undoubtedly looted and looted from prisoners. Her early years of accounting studies and working life did not teach her to be diligent and thrifty, but on the contrary, it promoted her extravagant style. However, despite the fact that she built a gymnasium, she did not use it very often, and compared to the same person who rode alone in the museum, this woman preferred to ride her horse around the camp like a queen.

She was a notorious female demon leader during World War II, a high-ranking official at the age of 20, and made a shameless request before her death

Irma Glazer's highest record was to kill 30 female prisoners in one day, thus becoming the notorious female butcher of the concentration camp. And that's not all, in the camp, her obscene nature was also revealed, and there were at least 10 male prisoners around him for pleasure, but her husband turned a blind eye to it. She was so abominable, but she became the pride of the Nazi Party. Until the end of World War II, when she was captured, she did not care about her various evil deeds.

But later in the face of overwhelming evidence, Irma Glazer began to panic, so she cried and begged the judge to forgive her, trying to win everyone's mercy, and even when facing the god of death, she quietly gave an old judge a request, that is, she was willing to be her maid and serve you for a lifetime, but the old judge did not move after listening, only because of the depth of the sin. Irma Glazer was then hanged and died at the age of 22.

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