
Teach you a few tips to let your baby go to the toilet on his own

How to let the baby get out of the diaper to learn to go to the toilet this is a lot of novice parents are more concerned, according to the survey research shows that the general one and a half years old to 2 years old baby, digestive system and bladder system can control urination, the following Annushi Xiaobian will give you a few tips to let the baby go to the toilet independently!

Teach you a few tips to let your baby go to the toilet on his own

So how to guide your baby to go to the toilet on his own? Here are three tips to recommend to you: choose when your baby is in stable and good shape, and don't train when your baby is sick. Avoid too cold weather, facilitate the change of baby's wet clothes, and avoid catching a cold because of wet washing. The baby is still small, in order to be safe can not be arranged to the adult toilet toilet, so parents should prepare a brightly colored children's toilet for the baby, the general little girl can choose to sit toilet, the little boy can choose the wall hanging male urinal.

The baby is still small, for the independent toilet is a gradual guidance process, parents in the usual can be through some story picture books to educate the baby, in addition to pay attention to observe the baby is about to defecate when the action of the look, timely to the baby to hand the toilet, guide them to defecate in the toilet.

Mom and Dad found that the baby has these characteristics: can stay during the day for more than 2 hours without urinating or urinating during napping, can verbally or in action express the willingness to urinate, can understand the simple instructions of adults, is willing to imitate adults going to the toilet, can easily take off and pull up pants, then congratulations, you can take advantage of this time to start guiding your baby out of diapers. Especially now that the temperature is higher in the summer, if you try to wet your pants a few times, don't be afraid, and it is more convenient and easy to change the baby than in the winter.

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