
Armored Cavalry – the pinnacle of realistic robot animation unlike Gundam

author:Dimensional time travel

"Armored Cavalry" was first broadcast from April 1, 1983 to March 23, 1984, originally named: Armored Cavalry, Armored Cavalry,

Armored Cavalry – the pinnacle of realistic robot animation unlike Gundam

Set against the backdrop of an alternate interstellar war, the game depicts the protagonist, Qiligu' battles and adventures, as well as his love affair with Fiana. This game has been called the pinnacle of Japanese realistic robot animation in the late 1980s.

The story is roughly:

Under the promotion of Kirugames and Balalet, two of the opposing star realms, the Hundred Years' War that divided the Astrakis Galaxy in two finally came to an end, and at this time the protagonists, Qiligu, Chubby participated in a mysterious battle, but this battle was to attack the asteroid Reed guarded by his partner, and in this battle, Qiligu not only saw a mysterious woman but was also betrayed by his colleagues to the point of being hunted down by the Melkee runners.

After the end of the Hundred Years' War, Qiligu met again with the mysterious maiden who wandered down the streets of Udo, whose body was actually the army's top secret "prime body", and she was born because the army wanted to create the perfect soldier "perfect warrior". However, the girl falls in love with Ziligu like an ordinary girl, and Ziligu also names her Fiana and acts with her, and they finally arrive after a series of battles.

Armored Cavalry – the pinnacle of realistic robot animation unlike Gundam

The anime begins with the theme of "Exploring the Existence Value of Soldiers Who Lost Their Places after the War", but as the plot progresses, the theme of this story changes greatly, and by the end it has become a story synopsis such as "The existence of Qiligu is getting closer and closer to God".

Another point that can be focused on is the "robot animation with multiple major robots", the story does not arrange for a single robot to appear, and the mechs used are recycled like disposable tools. From this point of view, many people evaluate this animation as a culmination of realistic robot works after "Mobile Suit Gundam".

Armored Cavalry – the pinnacle of realistic robot animation unlike Gundam

The superintendent of this game was Ryosuke Takahashi, who created a more rigid style than the previous work "Sun Teeth Dagram", and his characteristic evaluation was determined after this battle. Toshio Ryuzawa, who was active in "Legendary God Idian", was responsible for the performance, while Norio Shioyama, who played the role design, and Kunio Ogawara, who was responsible for the mechanical design, were also well-known producers who participated in the game after completing "Dagram".

Producing a large number of high-quality scripts, Gotake Toshishi (in "Dagram" under the name of Yoshitake Suzuki) and veteran producer Torikai Junzo, plus Soji Yoshikawa (who played the role of character setting and painting in "Dagram"), these three people have carried out many developments in the novel, OVA, and sequel after the end of the 52-episode TV series of this game, which also contributed to the formation of a major narrative poem of this realistic robot work.

Armored Cavalry – the pinnacle of realistic robot animation unlike Gundam

Among them, a large number of OVA works occupy a very important part. There are "Behind the Glory of the Armored Cavalry", "The Lone Shadow of the Armored Cavalry" and "The Phantom of the Armored Cavalry" as a sequel to the TV series, as well as "Person the Armored Cavalry, Foyluz" as a prequel story, and there are also sequels that are not related to the TV series, such as "Meroll Hunter Myrolink", "VOTOMSFAINDER" and "Armored Cavalry VOTOMS Case: IRVINE".

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