
At Chiang Kai-shek's memorial service, Chiang Ching-kuo said a word in public, and Soong Mei-ling went to the United States after listening to it

Song Meiling and Chiang Kai-shek do not have children, and her relationship with Chiang Ching-kuo has actually always been estranged, especially after Chiang Kai-shek was seriously ill, the power struggle between the two people has reached a white-hot point, as far as Chiang Ching-kuo is concerned, he grew up next to his birth mother Mao Fumei, mother and son have a deep affection, so he has always believed that Song Meiling has destroyed his family, so for this stepmother, the two have been in a state of face-to-face discord.

At Chiang Kai-shek's memorial service, Chiang Ching-kuo said a word in public, and Soong Mei-ling went to the United States after listening to it

After Chiang Kai-shek's death in 1975, Soong Mei-ling had lost her patron and protection in Taiwan Province, and originally she hoped to arrange her nephew before Chiang Kai-shek's death, hoping to compete with Chiang Ching-kuo for power, but she did not expect that Chiang Kai-shek stood on the side of her own son at the last moment of her life, so Song Meiling, who was keen on power, lost power in her later years, which made her feel an unprecedented sense of crisis.

At Chiang Kai-shek's memorial service, Chiang Ching-kuo said a word in public, and Soong Mei-ling went to the United States after listening to it

At her husband's memorial service, Song Meiling was very sad, but she did not expect Chiang Ching-kuo to announce something in public at the memorial service, he hoped to be able to bury her father and her birth mother Mao Fumei in the future, after hearing this sentence, Song Meiling sat on a needle felt, because this was equivalent to shaking her status as Mrs. Jiang in public, this sentence also made her very disappointed and cold, and she also understood that she had no foothold in Taiwan Province.

At Chiang Kai-shek's memorial service, Chiang Ching-kuo said a word in public, and Soong Mei-ling went to the United States after listening to it

Song Meiling has experienced many ups and downs in her life, she is a very wise woman, so she knows that she must leave as soon as possible, after a month she left Taiwan Province on the grounds that she is going to the United States to see a doctor, her old age was spent peacefully in the United States, although she has no heirs, but her family is in the United States, so in her later years Song Meiling still lives a well-deserved life, which is also her best destination.

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