
Impressions · Bayeri

Impressions · Bayeri


A location where many North Korean movies have been filmed

It is also the place where Jin Yonglu concentrated his creation

Impressions · Bayeri

A lot of times

The artist's love for an area

It will slowly grow into a deeply rooted feeling

Impressions · Bayeri

It's like the filming location in many film and television works

Before it has been placed on the big screen

Many people can't understand its special and beautiful

Impressions · Bayeri

But when it borrows the lens

Or the artist's hand is on display

Its beauty can be seen, magnified, recognized

Impressions · Bayeri

Jin Yonglu is like this

Borrow time in Bayeri

Express the feeling of the moment

Keep your heart and your life in your place

Overflowing colors

Driven by light and shadow

Impressions · Bayeri

Jin Yonglu made more breakthroughs in composition

This allows bayeux's scenery to be more sensual

This resonance brings us closer to Bayerry

Impressions · Bayeri

Scenery is everyday

This is the concept that Jin Yonglu has always adhered to in his creation

Hence in his work

More important than the aesthetic scenery is the daily attention

Because it is seen

So the mundane scene also becomes meaningful

The daily life also began to shine brightly

Impressions · Bayeri

Beauty becomes eternal in that moment

Source of content (Imagasai Museum of Art)

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