
South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident

author:Pillow cat

In 1946, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill delivered the "Iron Curtain Speech" to open the Cold War. After that, the Western capitalist camp, led by the United States, fell into a state of confrontation with the socialist countries led by the Soviet Union. The whole situation is uncertain.

There is a peculiar balance between the two camps at the center of war and peace. This means that the confrontation and conflict between the two camps allows for a small amount of friction. But in setting off World War III, the two camps have a common tacit understanding.

That is, no matter what happens, the advent of World War III will not be allowed or preceded by any circumstances. In this context, the "bosses" of the two camps have personally gone down to teach each other's younger brothers. For example, the United States was involved in the Korean War.

The USSR was no exception. In the Korean War, the United States and South Korea were defeated by China and North Korea. Since then, North Korea has been eyeing South Korea. Kim Il-sung, the supreme leader of North Korea at the time, repeatedly ordered the complete liberation of South Korea. Why was Kim Il Sung able to shout such a slogan?

South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident

Actually, there are three main reasons. One is that North Korea received assistance from the Soviet Union after the war. While the economy is thriving and the post-war reconstruction is booming, South Korea is still devastated and devastated.

The trauma of war continues to ravage the nascent nation; Second, the US defeat in the Korean War had a direct impact on the US offensive and defensive posture on the Korean Peninsula. It can even be said that the United States has since adopted a considerable degree of defensive posture;

Third, South Korea's strength was relatively weak at that time, and the United States had no intention of allowing South Korea to stand on its own feet. As a result, North Korea was superior in terms of overall national strength, and many South Koreans wanted to go to North Korea at that time. This is the atmosphere of hostility that has permeated the skies over the Korean Peninsula for many years.

But it is also the background of the outbreak of the Silbi Island incident. In 1971, the assassins who had been secretly trained by South Korea to assassinate Kim Il Sung in North Korea turned against each other and went straight to the seat of the South Korean presidential palace. Behind it, however, is a political game...

South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident

A crisis of confidence in the US-South Korea alliance

The defeat of the United States and South Korea in the Korean War made it urgent for the two countries to find an extremely balanced way to coexist with China and North Korea. In short, the United States and South Korea do not want North Korea to take advantage of the opportunity to move south, nor do they want to remain at the forefront of the front. Against this backdrop, the United States and South Korea have formed an alliance.

For the United States, the alliance with South Korea is actually more used to involve North Korea, the mainland and other socialist camp forces; For South Korea, U.S. defense protection is paramount. Because South Korea is too close to the socialist camp.

It can be eaten at any time. This sense of crisis reached its peak after the end of the Korean War. At that time, South Korean President Syngman Rhee constantly increased pressure on the United States, and even openly clamored for "going north." But the United States is reluctant to focus on South Korea.

South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident

The United States has largely ignored many of South Korea's demands. This laid the groundwork for the later Blue House incident, when the United States and South Korea had completely different attitudes. As North Korea grew stronger with the support of the Soviet Union, Kim Il Sung wanted peaceful reunification.

In other words, Kim Il Sung wanted to achieve the reunification of the North and the South at the minimum cost. But South Korea couldn't sit still, and in the face of Kim Il-sung's raging ambitions almost in front of the stage, Syngman Rhee adopted a crazy strategy. That is: an attempt to end the separatist situation through constant war.

At this time, the offensive and defensive posture on the Korean Peninsula was that of North Korea; South Korea attacked. But that changed dramatically in 1968. After the collapse of the Syngman Rhee government, the Park Chung-hee government immediately decided to focus on economic construction and strengthen its comprehensive national strength as soon as possible.

South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident

Under his reforms, South Korea embarked on a path of rapid development. Kim Il Sung was very anxious in his eyes. But in the 60s of the 20th century, the situation within the socialist camp also changed. Relations between the Soviet Union and the mainland were extremely tense and at one point developed into mutual hostility.

Kim Il Sung wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to curb South Korea's thriving development, as the United States was mired in the Vietnam War. But on the other hand, Kim Il Sung was afraid that a rash start of war would provoke the displeasure of the Soviet Union. After all, the strength of the DPRK was built on the assistance of the Soviet Union.

In this situation, Kim Il Sung sent 31 assassins to assassinate Park Chung-hee. Attempts were made to halt the road to South Korea's rejuvenation. This was the "Blue House Incident" that shocked China and the rest of the world. Fortunately, Park Chung-hee was not killed by the assassins under the protection of the guards.

South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident

The beginning and end of the "Silmi Island Incident".

But Park Chung-hee was furious, and then he came up with a way to treat others the way of others. That is, he secretly trained 31 South Korean Assassins and sent them to North Korea to assassinate Kim Il Sung. This was the cause of the 1971 "Silmi Incident".

It is worth noting that the 31 Korean Assassins with a special purpose of training had another name, the "684 Northern Force", and their training location was on the inaccessible island of Simi. Why is South Korea so low-key and so secretive?

It is mainly positively related to the fact that the United States has gone on the defensive on the Korean Peninsula. America's defeat in the Korean War brought about a dramatic shift in America's attitude toward North Korea. The United States is not aggressive with North Korea, and at the same time, it also asks its younger brother South Korea not to launch provocations against North Korea.

South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident

Although Park Chung-hee is a president with dreams, he knows that South Korea's development depends on American assistance. If U.S. aid is cut off, South Korea will not be able to make a major economic breakthrough, let alone talk about the ultimate goal of long-term self-reliance.

What's more, in the 60s of the 20th century, the United States was deeply involved in the Vietnam War, and South Korea aided South Vietnam; North Korea aids North Vietnam. At this time, the United States no longer had time to take care of the Korean Peninsula. As a result, these 31 specially trained Korean assassins were completely unsightly.

It is worth mentioning that although the United States also knows that the "Blue House Incident" has a great impact on Park Chung-hee, the United States is on the side of North Korea. The United States believes that North Korea does not have the ability to start a second Korean War again, and that this assassination is just a petty maneuver.

South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident

But the Koreans felt too sad, and they couldn't fight back after being beaten, which was too wretched. Therefore, Park Chung-hee discussed giving Kim Il Sung such a visit. Park Chung-hee was very smart, and most of the assassins he found were outlaws who were easily overlooked.

Even if they want to make trouble, they can't make waves. But what Park Chung-hee didn't expect was that under the change of the situation, these unknown people really made a famous choice. After 7 months of secret training, the special forces that were originally preparing to attack were unexpectedly stopped.

In the situation of not being able to wait for the order to go north and at the same time the treatment plummeted, the "684 North Dispatch Force" made an unexpected choice. The outlaws gave up the assassination of Kim Il Sung and then turned to the Blue House in an attempt to kill South Korean President Park Chung-hee.

South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident

The situation has changed to an outcast

The end result was a failed resistance, and the "684 Northern Forces" were not only eager to be wiped out by Korea, but their true identities were well concealed. The South Korean side explained to the outside world that "there was a rebellion in the special forces of the Air Force." The intention is not to undermine the general trend of peace.

Why did the situation on the Korean Peninsula change so much in just three years from the outbreak of the Blue House Incident in 1968 to the outbreak of the Sibi Island Incident in 1971? In fact, this result is a combination of factors, but it is what makes the Korean Assassins an outcast.

Along with the Blue House incident, there was another incident, the "Pueblo" incident. It is said that the Pueblo, an armed spy ship of the United States, was intercepted by the North Korean side while carrying out a mission to monitor North Korea in the Sea of Japan.

South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident

After that, the United States originally intended to use force to intimidate. Unexpectedly, it attracted strong opposition and saber-rattling from the mainland, the Soviet Union, and many socialist countries. Mired in the Vietnam War, the United States and North Korea secretly sat down at the negotiating table.

The main reason why the word secret is used is that the United States deliberately bypassed South Korea. You must know that the US instructions to South Korea after the outbreak of the "Blue House" incident was not to act rashly and try to provoke. Therefore, this negotiation can only avoid South Korea, in order not to touch the nerves.

But then the South Korean side became aware of the negotiations. South Korea's attitude towards this is very angry, but there is nothing to be done. Park Chung-hee and a number of South Korean government officials have felt a deep sense of powerlessness as a small country in the game of great powers. The United States in order to appease this ally.

South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident

Many benefits are deliberately given, such as increasing aid to South Korea, especially economic aid; For example, South Korea is allowed to stand on its own feet and develop its military power within a controllable range; For example, the autonomy of the South Korean military will be expanded, and the South Korean side will no longer need the nod of the United States to use the army.

Park Chung-hee, who received another degree of compensation, even gave the Americans a package ticket, saying that he would not do anything to sabotage the negotiations between the United States and North Korea. As a result, the "684 Northern Forces," which were originally preparing to take revenge on Kim Il Sung, gradually began to be abandoned by the situation.

In December 1968, the United States publicly admitted that its ships had invaded North Korea's territorial waters to gather intelligence. This means that the United States and the DPRK have reached a preliminary consensus in the negotiations. This concession by the United States made Park Chung-hee afraid to give the order of the "684 North Troops" to attack.

According to relevant information, Park Chung-hee formed this unit in April 1968, but the time to prepare for the attack was in November. This is a critical moment in the US-DPRK negotiations. If Park Chung-hee gets in the way, the United States is likely to abandon South Korea completely.

South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident

Political appendages under the great power game

At the same time, Park Chung-hee did not dare to let the Americans know about the existence of this unit. As a result, the South Korean top brass unanimously decided to use the method of soft elimination to secretly wipe out this force. From good treatment to very poor treatment, this is only a gap between the negotiations on US-North Korean relations...

Of course, what is of direct significance is President Nixon's decision to withdraw from the Vietnam War immediately after taking office, and to vigorously promote the relaxation of Sino-US relations. This move by the United States made the Soviet Union very afraid, because the relaxation of relations between the mainland and the United States was very likely to threaten the Soviet Union.

Therefore, the Soviet Union did not want the United States to take advantage of this great opportunity to take over Korea. At the behest of the Soviet Union, North Korea put away its aggressive posture toward South Korea and turned to maintaining peace with South Korea. In 1972, the two sides issued a joint statement.

South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident

At this point, the DPRK and the ROK have entered a new era of peaceful reunification. However, the "Silbi Island Incident" is one of them that cannot be ignored. This is because the essence of the "Silbi Island Incident" illustrates the practical dilemma of a small country having no national interests under the coercion of a big country.

The background of the "Sibi Incident" is rooted in the Cold War, but it is also a follow-up to the Korean War. Kim Il-sung first created the "Blue House Incident" after seeing that the way of peaceful reunification would not work, and the "Sibi Island Incident" in 1971 was regarded as South Korea's retaliation against North Korea.

However, because the United States has always adopted a posture of relaxation and a defensive bias toward China and the DPRK, the prominent provocation and offensive implications of the "Simi Island incident" have no choice but to be abandoned. This was the political game that followed the 1971 "Sibi Incident".

However, it also shows the indisputable fact that the "684 Northern Troops" as a whole are political victims. In a way, this is a scandal in South Korea, which is under the rule of liberal democracy. It would have been understandable to raise the same number of assassin-killers in retaliation against North Korea.

South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident

But when the situation changes, it is difficult to hide the evil purpose by choosing to sacrifice this killer army. Of course, the South Korean side's subsequent extreme secrecy is also desperately trying to cover up its own shame. In this way, the truth of the "Shibi Island Incident" has been sealed for many years.

Overall, the "Silwei Island Incident" is not only a political appendage that will inevitably be sacrificed under the great power game, but also a massacre that exterminates humanity and exterminates people. It is ironic at a time when the two old enemies, the two old enemies, have decided to coexist peacefully and issue a joint statement.

It is worth mentioning that the South Korean president, who focused heavily on economic construction, was assassinated in 1979. The reason is that although Park Chung-hee and Kim Il-sung issued the "7.4" North-South joint statement, Park Chung-hee is deeply aware that South Korea must stand on its own.

Only by being self-reliant and self-reliant can we get rid of the fate of being controlled and bound by the United States all the time. However, the president's hasty and hard-line attitude has made things irreconcilable. It turned out that Park Chung-hee not only wanted to get rid of the puppet status, but also did not want to be unified.

South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident

He did not forget the 31 assassins sent by Kim Il Sung and the humiliation that the United States had given him. As a result, with the starting point of centering on economic construction, Park Chung-hee accelerated the pace of forming a dictatorial government to rule. This has caused strong dissatisfaction among the South Korean people.

In 1974, Park Chung-hee was assassinated by Moon Shiguang, and his wife Lu Yingxiu was killed. In 1979, Park Chung-hee was assassinated by his subordinate Kim Jae-gyu and eventually died on the spot. Perhaps for the "684 Northern Troops", this ending played a considerable role in comfort.

Finally, in December 2003, a film was released in South Korea that reproduced the "Inmido Riots". The name is "Silo Island", and those who are interested can go and watch it. This is the first film in the history of Korean cinema to exceed 10 million views.

From the perspective of human nature, the film creatively lists political factors as the background of the beginning and end of the event. Then, by showing the duty of soldiers to obey orders, it expresses that individuals have a strong sense of belonging to the fate of the country and the nation. No matter what kind of person you are, you are no exception.



  1. Liang Zhi.The Tension on the Korean Peninsula and the Crisis of Trust between the United States and South Korea in 1968[J].A Study on the History of Modern and Contemporary International Relations. 2014(02).
South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident
South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident
South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident
South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident
South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident
  1. Feng Dongxing.1968 Korean Peninsula Crisis and US-South Korea Relations[J].Journal of Eastern Liaoning University(Social Sciences). 2012,14(04).
South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident
South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident
South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident
South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident
  1. SHAO Jiande. The Complex Fingers and Paradoxes of Human Nature and Politics: An Analysis of the Internal Structure of the Movie "Shiwei Island Fengyun"[J].Film Literature. 2008(14).
South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident
South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident
South Korean special forces were ordered to go to North Korea to assassinate, but they killed their own president, the 1971 Sibi Island incident

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