
In 1945, the anti-japanese war veterans bid farewell to Japanese lovers, and have not married for life, and at the age of 98, they still look forward to seeing each other

Love in war is probably the most poignant and bitter love in the world.

The French film "Calm as the Sea" has touched many people, the German officer fell in love with a young girl who was encroached upon, but the huge difference between the identities made them unable to love each other, nor could they love each other, but they fell in love.

The greatest pain of love in war is

"The deepest love can only be expressed in silence because it goes beyond the bottom line that the soul can bear."

In 1945, the anti-japanese war veterans bid farewell to Japanese lovers, and have not married for life, and at the age of 98, they still look forward to seeing each other

In China, there are also such lovers, he is an anti-Japanese fighter, a fighter to defend the motherland, a fighter who has done his best for the liberation of the motherland; she is a Japanese teacher, although she is a kind woman, but after all, in that era, the Japanese Kou committed a heinous crime in China, and the contradictions between countries doomed them not to be together, and what she did not expect was that he waited for her for a lifetime.

Zhou Fukang was born in a scholarly mendi, his ancestors had been a high official in the Qing Dynasty, and had been appreciated by the emperor, and in his father's generation, although it was not a rich family, at least he could have food and clothing without worry, if it were not for the outbreak of war later, Zhou Fukang might have been able to live a peaceful and smooth life.

In 1937, Japan brazenly marched into the Central Plains and launched the Lugou Bridge Incident, which shocked China and the outside world, Chinese people rose up to resist and established an anti-Japanese national united front to resolutely defend national sovereignty and territory.

By around 1940, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression had reached the stage of strategic stalemate, the war situation was expanded, the front line was extended, and the two armies were in a stalemate, which could be said to have reached a white-hot stage, and every battle was related to the final outcome of the war.

In 1945, the anti-japanese war veterans bid farewell to Japanese lovers, and have not married for life, and at the age of 98, they still look forward to seeing each other

At that time, Zhou Fukang was 17 years old, studying at Shaoxing Jishan Middle School, he had excellent grades, but also deeply appreciated by teachers, according to this situation, he could study abroad after graduation, the family also had money to support him to go abroad, the danger of the war had not yet affected him, he could enjoy a good future and a stable and prosperous life.

However, the young man's heart was full of enthusiasm, how willing to choose such a road, to live that meticulous and stealing life, he resolutely put down the pen in his hand, picked up the gun, took off the green student clothes, put on the stiff military uniform, officially joined the 70 army of the national army, and opened his career as a horse.

The 17-year-old boy has an incomparably deep love for the motherland, he heroically killed the enemy on the battlefield, strategized properly, and also had quite a command and leadership ability, participated in important battles such as the Fuzhou Defense War, although he was very young, he made many military achievements, and soon rose from a nameless soldier to a lieutenant, which was deeply appreciated by the superior leaders.

At a young age, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant, and he looked like a table of talents, such a promising young talent, naturally indispensable to people's likes, there are many girls around him have launched a fierce pursuit of him, but he has never been caught in the private affairs of his children, the country is in danger, and personal affairs have long been forgotten.

In 1945, the anti-japanese war veterans bid farewell to Japanese lovers, and have not married for life, and at the age of 98, they still look forward to seeing each other

With the efforts of countless enthusiastic young people like Zhou Fukang and the vigorous struggle of all the sons and daughters of China, in 1945, the long-standing War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression finally ushered in the final result, and the Chinese people won the final victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan!

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Zhou Fukang followed the 70th Army of the Nationalist Army to Taiwan to participate in the surrender ceremony held in Taiwan on October 25, when Zhou Fukang was 22 years old, he never thought that this trip to Taiwan would make him meet a woman who loved him all his life, before this he definitely did not think that he would fall in love with a Japanese woman, but some things were already doomed.

Not only Japanese soldiers but also ordinary Japanese people who were relocated to China participated in the ceremony of surrender in Taiwan, including a woman named Keiko Benmisu, a teacher who taught children piano in a national elementary school, and the crime and cruelty of war had nothing to do with her, but she was a Japanese, and she had to participate in the ceremony.

It is not entirely true to say that the crimes of war have nothing to do with her, because after Japan invaded China, in order to "enslave China", many schools were established in China to teach Japanese language and Japanese culture, and tried to achieve the purpose of "enslaving" Chinese by instilling Japanese thought.

In 1945, the anti-japanese war veterans bid farewell to Japanese lovers, and have not married for life, and at the age of 98, they still look forward to seeing each other

After the ceremony, she was supposed to be sent back to her hometown in Japan, like other teachers in China, but for some reason she was left in Taiwan.

There was no way but for her to continue working at school, and it was this short stay that gave her an unforgettable love.

When she saw Su Keiko teaching the children to play the piano, there was a man who stopped outside the window to listen, and in that moment, as if she had a premonition, she turned to look out the window and found that there was a Chinese officer standing there, she hurriedly stood up and saluted the officer, but the officer showed a kind smile to her.

The Chinese officer who saw Xu Hui playing the piano outside the window was Zhou Fukang, who was in charge of the local patrol after he arrived in Taiwan, and when he passed a primary school, he heard the beautiful sound of the piano coming from inside, so he stopped to watch, and the electric flint at that moment made his heart move, and he couldn't move his feet for a while, and he looked at her like that for a long time.

Seeing that Zhou Fukang was actually afraid, she understood that her country had committed heinous crimes against China, and she was sorry in her heart, but she did not know how to express it, but she did not expect that the officer had shown herself a kind smile, and they quickly talked and left a good impression on each other.

In 1945, the anti-japanese war veterans bid farewell to Japanese lovers, and have not married for life, and at the age of 98, they still look forward to seeing each other

Later, Zhou Fukang would often bring some snacks to meet Keiko Su, and when he saw Su Keiko, he was also looking forward to meeting the young and handsome officer, you came and went, over time, they gradually fell in love, went for a walk together, went to dinner together, the feelings that spread in their hearts were increasingly wrapped around them, and they even thought of getting married.

But he was Chinese, and she was Japanese.

The huge difference in identity made them doomed not to be together, not to mention that soon Zhou Fukang would return to the mainland, and Keiko Benmisu was about to be sent back to Japan, and they could not be together for as long as ordinary lovers.

So the two made an agreement, and when everything was over, they returned to Zhejiang to get married.

In 1945, on the day he saw Thateko Su was repatriated, Zhou Fukang ran to the dock, looked at his beloved, and said softly with tears:

"I'm here to say goodbye to you, and I'll miss you."

He saw clearly the tears in Keiko's eyes as he watched Himeko leave, but he believed that he would see Keiko Biki again one day, when he never thought that the parting on the dock would become a farewell, and they would never see each other again.

In 1945, the anti-japanese war veterans bid farewell to Japanese lovers, and have not married for life, and at the age of 98, they still look forward to seeing each other

After bidding farewell to See Su Keiko, Zhou Fukang received an order from his superiors and immediately set off to return to the mainland. The soldier's duty was to obey orders, and although he was reluctant to leave here, he finally followed the army back to the mainland, back to this familiar land.

Although the War of Resistance Against Japan was over, the shadow of the war hung over the land of China and did not dissipate for a long time; the internal contradictions temporarily alleviated by the War of Resistance Against Japan were once again aroused, and the civil war was almost imminent, and Zhou Fukang was naturally unwilling to open fire on his compatriots, but he had to obey the orders of his superiors and rush to the battlefield.

Two years later, Zhou Fukang was tired of such a life, he did not want to turn the muzzle of the gun on his compatriots, even if it was the order of his superiors, it could not sway his will, and he silently left the Kuomintang troops and returned to his hometown alone, he was waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to go to find keiko Bikiko, wait for the war to end, and wait to see Keiko Biki again.

The time of silent waiting is always long, everything around him is changing, only in his heart his thoughts of seeing Su Keiko are intensifying day by day, he loves to see Su Keiko deeply, he wants to be with her, but under the chaotic situation, let alone going to find Su Keiko, leaving the mainland is a luxury.

In 1945, the anti-japanese war veterans bid farewell to Japanese lovers, and have not married for life, and at the age of 98, they still look forward to seeing each other

His family introduced him to many women at this time, but he refused, and his heart could not forget to see Keiko Biji.

When he was a soldier, he had actually reached the age of starting a family, and a spirited officer naturally had the affection of many girls, but those girls did not enter his heart in the end, not to mention that he was busy with the affairs of the family and the country at that time, and he had no intention of having children.

He waited silently, and finally waited until the end of the Kuomintang civil war, the Kuomintang retreated to Taiwan, and his friends who had been in the army asked him to go to Taiwan with him, but he refused, he stayed in the mainland, stayed in Zhejiang and other borders to see Su Keiko, but he was once a national officer, which made him suffer a lot on the mainland.

Soon after the founding of New China, he was sentenced to counter-revolution, imprisoned and died of labor reform, he wanted to find su keiko's desire is even more distant, can only silently in prison to miss his beloved, in the 1870s, Zhou Fukang gained freedom, but more than ten years of prison life made him completely out of touch with society, the former arrogance has long gone, he can no longer go to find The side to see Su Keiko.

In 1945, the anti-japanese war veterans bid farewell to Japanese lovers, and have not married for life, and at the age of 98, they still look forward to seeing each other

He can't even live anymore, he can only go home to rely on his family, but unfortunately, his family has long been relocated, he has completely lost contact with his family, there is no way, he can only rely on odd jobs for a living, but because of his identity, many shops are reluctant to want him, he once lived on the street.

Finally, with the help of well-wishers, he received a low-income subsidy, barely survived by subsidies, and lived a very hard life by picking up garbage to subsidize his family, he could only rely on those thoughts to get by, he no longer had the luxury of being able to be with Keiko Bianmi, he only hoped to see her and ask her if she was doing well, which was the only thing he cared about for so many years.

Zhou Fukang could have gone to Taiwan, but in order to comply with his agreement with Keiko Bianmi, they originally said that they would marry in Zhejiang for a lifetime, so they stayed in Zhejiang, waited bitterly, and never married, but many things in this world are not willing, and he still did not wait for his lover after all.

In this way, 75 years of time hurriedly flowed through his fingertips, and he was no longer the spirited young man he was, he became an old man in his 90s, but for so many years he had not given up inquiring about her news, he had inquired many times in Taiwan, had a woman ever looked for him? Or has anyone ever heard the whereabouts of Keiko Motomi.

In 1945, the anti-japanese war veterans bid farewell to Japanese lovers, and have not married for life, and at the age of 98, they still look forward to seeing each other

But he didn't get any reliable results.

He was even told that when the Japanese instructor was repatriated to Japan, a ship overturned on the way, and that ship contained keiko Motomi's name, and that the man he loved had died.

But Zhou Fukang did not believe it, he felt that his beloved must still be alive in this world. He had never had the luxury of expecting Keiko Tokiko to marry him, and he hoped to see Keiko Su to draw a happy end to the beginning of his love affair, which was his only last wish.

Zhou Fukang's story gradually became known to more people, with the development of network technology, more people participated in the "activities to help the anti-war veterans find their first love", and some well-wishers even went to Japan to inquire about Keiko Motoko, but they did not find out the whereabouts of Keiko Su.

Only some people heard that the ship on which Keiko Su was riding did not arrive safely in Japan, and the mines that touched the ship were blown up and sunk during the trip, and none of the people on board were spared, which was exactly the same as the news that Zhou Fukang heard at that time, but the social media of that year was not developed, the truth of this matter can not be judged so far, and Zhou Fukang is still earnestly looking forward to seeing each other again in his lifetime.

In 1945, the anti-japanese war veterans bid farewell to Japanese lovers, and have not married for life, and at the age of 98, they still look forward to seeing each other

In 2014, with the help of volunteers caring for veterans in Hangzhou, Zhou Fukang's exotic relationship with Keiko Bianmisu was made public, which attracted great attention from all walks of life and news media friends. Soon after, the writer Fang Jun told the story of the elderly Zhou Fukang to Japan.

Yomiuri News

Makino, a reporter.

Makino was touched by this love, so he specially arrived in China to interview this old man who is more than 90 years old, although more than 70 years have passed, but when it comes to his beloved, Zhou Fukang's eyes are still red, and he is extremely excited to ask the Japanese reporter to help him find Keiko Bianmisu.

Makino was touched by this deep love, saying that he would do his best to help the old man investigate this matter, and when there was news, he would take the old man to Japan to find his lover, Zhou Fukang was very excited, and he looked forward to reuniting with his lover after more than half a century, even if it was just to see him from a distance.

However, this matter was not completed after all, because the clues of the age were limited, and the search work was difficult to progress, but Zhou Fukang still firmly believed in his heart that he could see Sue Keiko again, and this powerful idea supported him to go on, and he always believed that he would see that person again.

In 1945, the anti-japanese war veterans bid farewell to Japanese lovers, and have not married for life, and at the age of 98, they still look forward to seeing each other

Today's zhou fukang old man is 98 years old, the desolation and sadness of time is a person's unforgettable affection, from the moment he fell in love with The moment he fell in love with Keiko Susu, this love was doomed to tragedy, but what can be done? Most of the emotional things are unclear and unclear.

Zhou Fukang only loved one person in his life, even if there was no way to hold her hand to the end, but he still hid that love deep in his heart, never changed, did not know what it was, always deep, he did his best to find the whereabouts of Su Keiko, and even sent letters to the relevant Japanese authorities, but never got a response.

Although he lived in poverty, he always remained optimistic, saying that he himself was "unwilling to cause trouble for the country", did not receive any social assistance, and although he was very old, he still insisted on picking up garbage to maintain his life, in addition to which he spent a long time thinking about the love of his youth.

But he is 98 years old, all sectors of society are still very concerned about his old age life, he is an anti-Japanese veteran, once went to the battlefield to defend the country, for the Chinese nation's anti-aggression cause has made great contributions, should not be so lonely and miserable to spend his old age, in many ways of attention he was received to an old age apartment, under the attention of all walks of life, safely spend his old age.

In 1945, the anti-japanese war veterans bid farewell to Japanese lovers, and have not married for life, and at the age of 98, they still look forward to seeing each other

"The heart of the remembrance is like the water of the West River, and there is no rest in the east day and night." Love is the most mysterious thing in the world, because no one can predict what will happen in the future, but there are always people who insist on a love affair, desperately love a person, do not ask for any return, and tell the greatness and romance of love to this cool world.

The chances of seeing Keiko Biansu are still in the world is very slim, but Zhou Fukang is still looking forward to a miracle, and still firmly feels that he can still see Keiko Biansu in his lifetime, and may there be lovers in the world who will eventually become dependents, although this sentence has been said many times, I still hope that this sentence will become a reality in the body of the old man Zhou Fukang, so that he can see the side of the person he loves deeply again.

This is Zhou Fukang's love, poignant but romantic love that makes people cry.

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