
The old farmers have been guarding the Nüwa Temple for generations, and the tombstone of Nüwa has been dug up at the bottom of the temple! Could it be that Nuwa is real?

The old farmers have been guarding the Nüwa Temple for generations, and the tombstone of Nüwa has been dug up at the bottom of the temple! Could it be that Nuwa is real?

After Pangu opened up the world, the sun, moon and stars appeared in the sky, and there were mountains, rivers and grasses on the earth, but there were no human beings between heaven and earth, and it was inevitable that there would be some desolation and loneliness. So The lady used yellow mud to imitate herself and became a human, and since then there have been human beings between heaven and earth, but soon after the sky suddenly collapsed. At this time, the human world is facing a huge disaster, Nuwa compassion for the rapid fire in the world, after all kinds of difficulties and dangers, finally refined into a multicolored sacred stone in the Kunlun Mountains, the heavens will be replenished, this is the legendary Nuwa creator and Nuwa to supplement the story of the heavens, Nuwa is also known as the Mother earth because of the creation of the opening. However, whether Nuwa really has her own person, or is just a myth and legend, has always been a puzzle that has plagued people, but in many ancient books and classics, Nüwa is recorded, is Nüwa really her person, then who is she, and where is she now buried?

The old farmers have been guarding the Nüwa Temple for generations, and the tombstone of Nüwa has been dug up at the bottom of the temple! Could it be that Nuwa is real?

In Pingli County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province, there is a mountain known locally as Nüwa Mountain, this Nüwa Mountain is more than 20 kilometers away from the county seat, and in the local area has always believed that Nüwa Niangniang is not a myth, but that there is indeed a person, and it is also their side of the people. Because there is not only a Nüwa Mountain in the local area, there is a Nüwa Temple on the mountain, and the temple is dedicated to Nüwa Niangniang. What is even more amazing is that there is a 70-year-old man living in the temple, according to the old man, his father left a will before his death, and he must take good care of this temple of Nuwa, which is the task of their family for generations. The old man has also been following his father's last wishes and taking good care of this temple of Nuwa. On the surface, this old man may be a temple watcher, and it cannot be proved that Nuwa really has someone, but the old man has told a surprising secret and told the mystery of it. It turned out that the old man's family also had a task that was not said to the outside world, that is, to guard the tomb of Nüwa, and the old man's father told him before his death that the tomb of Nüwa was under the temple of Nüwa. The tomb is used to bury the deceased, is it true that the Lady lady is buried under this temple? However, it is obviously untenable to prove that Nuwa really has her own person based on the old man's only words. Until 2003, the locals raised funds to renovate the Nüwa Temple, but this ordinary renovation made a major discovery, and the focus of the crowd was suddenly focused on a Nüwa Niangniang Temple.

The old farmers have been guarding the Nüwa Temple for generations, and the tombstone of Nüwa has been dug up at the bottom of the temple! Could it be that Nuwa is real?

It turned out that in the process of renovation, a tombstone was actually excavated, on which was written the tomb of the Holy Emperor of the Empress Clan of the Zhonghuang Mountain. This tombstone immediately attracted the attention of local archaeological staff. After checking the information, it was found that Nüwa originated from the Zhonghuang Mountain, so it is also called the Empress Clan, and the Zhonghuang Mountain is now the Nüwa Mountain, so Nüwa is really a person, and the Nüwa Tomb is under the Nüwa Temple? However, the archaeologists made a muttering, shouldn't the tombstone be standing, how can it be buried? It will not be moved from somewhere else. Experts have found clues after carefully examining this tombstone, which records that the tombstone was established in the Xianfeng period of the Qing Dynasty. According to myths and legends, Nuwa lived in the ancient period, but this tombstone is the Qing Dynasty, a few thousand years ago, a few hundred years ago, a hundred years ago, and a difference in time of 108,000 miles, why did people a hundred years ago carve a monument to people thousands of years ago?

The old farmers have been guarding the Nüwa Temple for generations, and the tombstone of Nüwa has been dug up at the bottom of the temple! Could it be that Nuwa is real?

In order to solve this mystery, the relevant departments of Pingli County held a national seminar on Nüwa culture, hoping that experts from all over the world would brainstorm ideas, but after more than ten days of research and discussion, in the end, everyone only determined that Pingli was the birthplace of Nüwa culture, and where Nüwa's tomb was still a mystery. Just when the puzzle has not yet been solved, I heard a news that made the experts extremely excited, someone found an ancient tomb on a small hill not far from the Nüwa Temple, will this ancient tomb be the tomb of Nüwa that has been looking for? Without further ado, the experts rushed to the scene with great excitement, but they were disappointed. It turned out that from the local villagers learned that this tomb has nothing to do with Nuwa, the older generation called this ancient tomb the Tomb of the Prince, the puzzle of the Tomb of the Princess has not been solved, what is the new Tomb of the Prince? Which dynasty and generation of tianzi was this prince's tomb on the Nuwa Mountain, and why was it buried here after death? Experts began to read the historical materials with doubts, because if there was really a prince of a certain dynasty buried here, it would certainly be recorded in the historical materials. However, when the experts consulted the historical materials, they did not find any information about the tomb of the prince, and the experts did not give up, in order to solve these mysteries as soon as possible, the experts visited and investigated the local area. There is a legend from the local population that Wu Zetian was the only female emperor in Chinese history, Wu Zetian ascended the throne and changed the name of the country to Zhou, while her son Li Xian was exiled to Fangzhou in Hubei Province, where he was crowned the King of Luling. And the feudal society is a man as the emperor, suddenly came a woman to be the emperor, many people can not accept, think that this is a great rebellion. Wu Zetian was even more aware that there were many people in the imperial court who were loyal to the Li family, but they only dared to be angry and did not dare to speak. In order to stabilize the situation, in addition to tough means, Wu Zetian was also eager to find a precedent for a woman to achieve great success in the world, in order to correct the situation. At this time, Wu Zetian thought of Nüwa again, so she decided to visit her son Li Xian as an excuse to go out to Fangzhou, in fact, she specifically went up the Nüwa Mountain to worship Nüwa, and found and created a basis for women to become emperors.

The old farmers have been guarding the Nüwa Temple for generations, and the tombstone of Nüwa has been dug up at the bottom of the temple! Could it be that Nuwa is real?
The old farmers have been guarding the Nüwa Temple for generations, and the tombstone of Nüwa has been dug up at the bottom of the temple! Could it be that Nuwa is real?
The old farmers have been guarding the Nüwa Temple for generations, and the tombstone of Nüwa has been dug up at the bottom of the temple! Could it be that Nuwa is real?

The reason why I say this is because all the tombs in southern Shaanxi are of the nose bridge type, that is, the same as the nose of the people, except for the prince's tomb, which is universal, and this burial custom originated from the Tang Dynasty royal family, but was quickly overthrown by experts. Because Ankang's current nose-bridge tomb can only be traced back to 100 years ago, it should be a tomb handed down in modern times, but the Tang Dynasty has been thousands of years ago, as for the Time of the Tang Dynasty, the tomb situation in the Ankang area has not yet been recorded, for the sake of prudence, so experts do not agree with this statement. Neither the royal tomb nor the tomb of Nüwa, who is the owner of this so-called prince tomb, experts do not have a definite answer to prove the identity of the owner of this tomb, but there is a suspicious point in Nüwa Mountain, but also next to the Nüwa Temple, perhaps the tombstone is the stele of this tomb, but this tomb is the tomb of the Qing Dynasty people to build for Nüwa and other tombs. For this doubt, experts are only imaginary, and there is no definite evidence, because there is no archaeological excavation, naturally can not be chaotic conclusions. Cultural sites need to have historical materials and evidence to prove it, and cannot rely on imagination alone, so so far, who the owner of the prince's tomb on Nüwa Mountain is still a mystery. If you want to know the mystery, you can only wait for the relevant departments to carry out archaeological excavations of the tomb after the conditions are ripe, and everything can be revealed. However, whether it is the tomb of Nuwa or the tomb of the prince, it is a place where the deceased rests in peace, and as a modern person, we should pay more attention to protection, look at the problem rationally, and maintain a reverent heart. Do you think the owner of the tomb is a nuwa or a prince?

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