
Original God: The female character's skin appearance is adjusted and 1200 rough stones are compensated, but the player is not happy

The original god updated the 2.4 version today, but it has not yet been served, a new announcement has made the enthusiasm of the players cool down at once, this is the adjustment of the skin appearance of the female character, which ones have been adjusted? Let's take a look!

2.4 version adjustment object:

Original God: The female character's skin appearance is adjusted and 1200 rough stones are compensated, but the player is not happy

Chin, Amber, Rosalia, Mona

As can be seen through the adjusted design drawings, the four characters have been fine-tuned on the basis of the original, the head of the piano has increased the fabric of the top, Amber has also made slight adjustments, Rosalia and Mona have changed the most, almost a new style of clothing.

Original God: The female character's skin appearance is adjusted and 1200 rough stones are compensated, but the player is not happy

What is more bizarre is that even the appearance of Amber to this extent has to be adjusted, is it not Mihayou who is transmitting a message that other female characters are almost unable to escape.

Original God: The female character's skin appearance is adjusted and 1200 rough stones are compensated, but the player is not happy

Because of this skin appearance adjustment, Mihayu also compensated the player with 1200 rough, but most of the players were not satisfied, on the one hand, the compensation of the rough was too small, on the other hand, compared to these rough, the players wanted to maintain the original appearance.

Original God: The female character's skin appearance is adjusted and 1200 rough stones are compensated, but the player is not happy

2.5 version adjustments:

Version 2.5 will also adjust the standing and plot of the above four characters, and more female characters will also be adjusted, such as the roles of Rizuki and Ina's wife.

Original God: The female character's skin appearance is adjusted and 1200 rough stones are compensated, but the player is not happy
Original God: The female character's skin appearance is adjusted and 1200 rough stones are compensated, but the player is not happy

Female characters that may be greatly changed in the future:

The first to bear the brunt of it are Gan Yu and Shen He, as well as Thor's clothes can also be changed, as to whether Thor's big move will be changed, it is still uncertain here.

Original God: The female character's skin appearance is adjusted and 1200 rough stones are compensated, but the player is not happy

It is foreseeable that future characters will hardly have shoulder-off, black silk dress, which is a big blow to a two-dimensional game, and it is also a relatively hit on the enthusiasm of players.

Have the outer garments also been changed?

The player of the outer suit can get a new appearance skin, but at the same time retains the original appearance, but the outer clothing does not have a rough compensation of 1200, compared to the player of the outer clothing wins the hemp, the two skins can be switched at will.

So, what do you think of this character change?

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