
Huo Qigang announced his inauguration, deliberately wearing Guo Jingjing's same mask and the tie that Guo Jingjing picked

author:Dan flutter

After the successful election, Huo Qigang was also officially sworn in. On such an important occasion, Huo Qigang also seemed very nervous, because this was a very solemn and sacred moment.

Huo Qigang announced his inauguration, deliberately wearing Guo Jingjing's same mask and the tie that Guo Jingjing picked

Huo Qigang is also very attentive, deliberately wearing the same mask as Guo Jingjing, and this mask was worn by the Chinese Olympic delegation when she went to Tokyo before, when Guo Jingjing, as a staff member of the Olympic Games, also wore this mask. It should be that Guo Jingjing finished her work before, and there were still some masks left, so she brought them back.

Huo Qigang also deliberately chose to wear it on such an important occasion, because the mask was a five-pointed star pattern on it, and It was brought back by Guo Jingjing, which could just reflect the spirit of patriotism and love for the family. In addition, Huo Qigang also deliberately wore a striped tie personally selected by Guo Jingjing on the same day.

Huo Qigang announced his inauguration, deliberately wearing Guo Jingjing's same mask and the tie that Guo Jingjing picked

Guo Jingjing also specially posted that he saw that Huo Qigang worked very hard during this time, and every day he came out early and returned late, and his heart was very moved. Guo Jingjing left the arena over the years and became Huo Qigang's xiannai assistant. When Huo Qigang was running, Guo Jingjing also accompanied Huo Qigang to hand out leaflets on the street.

Three generations of Hong Kong giants and a four-time Olympic champion, two people holding roll-up flyers on the street to solicit tickets, is really admirable. Both men let go of their identities just to fulfill the dream in their hearts.

Huo Qigang finally achieved a key step in life, after becoming a parliamentarian, he must have higher goals, in fact, not only Huo Qigang himself, many people also hope that Huo Qigang can embark on a higher position, a talented and idealistic, and low-key and pragmatic young people in Hong Kong, should stand in a higher position, so that they can make more contributions to the city.

Huo Qigang announced his inauguration, deliberately wearing Guo Jingjing's same mask and the tie that Guo Jingjing picked

Hong Kong is a very important link for the Chinese economy, although the proportion of Hong Kong's economy in China's total Economic aggregate today is not so high, but Hong Kong's financial center, trade center, logistics center status is still irreplaceable. In addition, Hong Kong is a window, an international window, a large number of talents are concentrated here, a large number of entrepreneurs are concentrated here, and because of the different systems, Hong Kong can achieve goals that many mainland cities cannot achieve.

Of course, Hong Kong also faces many challenges, economic transformation has been said for more than 20 years, and there are people's livelihood problems to be solved, these are clichés. Many people have been talking for a long time, and many people have been hoping to change, but they have not been able to succeed. Hong Kong needs young people, all walks of life. Huo Qigang is now the rising sun, and he is the representative of Hong Kong's future. At the same time, Hong Kong needs more Fok Kai-gang.

Huo Qigang announced his inauguration, deliberately wearing Guo Jingjing's same mask and the tie that Guo Jingjing picked

In fact, for Huo Qigang, it should not be too difficult for him to embark on a higher position in the future, after all, he is very young, age is an advantage, he works well, that is, the next session is not OK, the next session is also a great opportunity. But the question is whether he can solve these problems when he comes to power.

Mr. Dong, who has a very deep relationship with the Huo family, wanted to do it 24 years ago, and the methods have been proposed a lot. In fact, the problem and the method are known to everyone, for example, to solve the problem of the house, it is necessary to solve the problem of land, to solve the problem of land reclamation can also be, or the development of green space can also be. But the problem is how to deal with those who stand in the way.

Why do some people want to hinder it, because you do it, it affects the interests of some people, and these people are rich and powerful, and they control a lot of things, even including public opinion. When Liang Jinsong and Mr. Dong reformed, these people could not sit still, so they used public opinion to first incite the middle class to make trouble, because the supply of land increased, and the guaranteed housing increased, then the house price would go down. The middle class has worked hard to buy a house, but the price of the house has now fallen, and they must be desperate. At the same time, they also used public opinion to attack Liang Jinsong, and eventually forced Liang Jinsong to step down.

Huo Qigang announced his inauguration, deliberately wearing Guo Jingjing's same mask and the tie that Guo Jingjing picked

What this matter shows, to complete the reform, the most important thing is not the idea, but the means of struggle, you must defeat the opponent, you can complete the reform. Every reform is about defeating vested interests, who, as a minority, take most of the benefits and leave most of them without food, and that's the problem.

Hong Kong's balance hilltop has the world's most expensive villas, and Hong Kong also has a coffin house that is almost rare in the mainland, a house of more than ten square meters but several people live. The key is that such conditions of the house, there are many people can not buy. You have to move green space to develop, or reclaim the sea to develop, and some people take environmental protection as a matter.

Hu Yingxiang said that letting animals run all over the world, but putting people in cages, this is the biggest ridiculousness. Many people don't know that 70% of Hong Kong's land is still undeveloped. This is also the relationship between Hong Kong and Hong Kong to invest in a new city in the New Territories in the future, on the one hand, to increase its connection with Shenzhen, and at the same time to broaden the development of the city.

Huo Qigang announced his inauguration, deliberately wearing Guo Jingjing's same mask and the tie that Guo Jingjing picked

In fact, these ideas are good, but in the process of execution, you have to find a way to solve the troublemakers, you have to catch their seven inches, know where their pigtails are. Hong Kong's giants almost all started on real estate, and the density of Hong Kong's rich people is also the world's largest. As long as you have a house in Hong Kong, you are almost a multi-millionaire.

Huo Qigang's future challenges are not small. In the final stage of Fok Ying Tung's life, he supported Mr. Dong because of this, he saw the problems in Hong Kong, so he supported Mr. Dong, who was not from a real estate tycoon, to come to power. Mr. Dong's ability and character are also outstanding, but he still has not completed this task.

Huo Qigang announced his inauguration, deliberately wearing Guo Jingjing's same mask and the tie that Guo Jingjing picked

Fok Ying Tung has passed away, Mr. Tung is also old, and Hong Kong needs young people like Fok Kai-gang. Huo Qigang still needs to hone himself, think of more ways to fight with these people, and learn more means to fight with these people. In fact, the best way is to treat others in the way they are.

In Stephen Chow's movie "Nine Pin Sesame Officers", there is a classic line that the bad guys want to rape, and the clean officials must be more adulterous, so that they can win those bad guys. In the Yongzheng Dynasty, Tian Wenjing and Li Wei, who helped Yongzheng reform in the front line, they all had the means and ability, and they were very good at dealing with bad people, and finally they helped Yongzheng complete this big thing. Huo Qigang's future actually has a long way to go.

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