
From "exploring the way" to "leading the way" to the dream of Hong Kong youth Chen Sheng

author:Bright Net
From "exploring the way" to "leading the way" to the dream of Hong Kong youth Chen Sheng

Chen Sheng photographed in the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone on April 8.

Chan Is a native of Hong Kong. After graduating from university, he entered a company to work, because of the working relationship often has to travel between Hong Kong and Shenzhen, seeing the rapid development of Shenzhen, let him have the idea of starting a business in Shenzhen.

In 2014, Chen Sheng officially came to Shenzhen. In 2015, Shenzhen Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Dream Factory was opened, chen Sheng led the team to become the first batch of residents, will be the mainland cross-border e-commerce to match overseas supply chain resources as the entrepreneurial direction, less than a year, the project received the first round of financing of 50 million yuan.

As a Hong Kong youth who started a business in the mainland, Chen Sheng has accumulated experience in the process of step-by-step exploration, and he also hopes to use his experience to help others. Therefore, when he learned that the Hong Kong Youth Professional Alliance (Qianhai) Co-working Space was established, Mao sui proposed himself as the director of co-creation space operation.

Chen Sheng said: "The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will become a new innovation engine, and what is most lacking here at present is talent, and striving to become talents and become talents needed for national development is our eternal entrepreneurial direction." ”

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Mao Siqian

From "exploring the way" to "leading the way" to the dream of Hong Kong youth Chen Sheng

On April 8, at the "UNI Hong Kong Youth Entrepreneurship Space" in the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone, Chen Sheng (middle) asked the Hong Kong team leaders about the needs.

From "exploring the way" to "leading the way" to the dream of Hong Kong youth Chen Sheng

On April 8, at the "UNI Hong Kong Youth Entrepreneurship Space" in the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone, Chen Sheng (right) and team members inspect the office area.

From "exploring the way" to "leading the way" to the dream of Hong Kong youth Chen Sheng

On April 8, at the "UNI Hong Kong Youth Entrepreneurship Space" in the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone, Chen Sheng inspected the office space.

From "exploring the way" to "leading the way" to the dream of Hong Kong youth Chen Sheng

On April 8, at the "UNI Hong Kong Youth Entrepreneurship Space" in the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone, Chen Sheng (second from left) asked the Hong Kong team leaders about the needs.

From "exploring the way" to "leading the way" to the dream of Hong Kong youth Chen Sheng

Chen Sheng was photographed at the "UNI Hong Kong Youth Entrepreneurship Space" in the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone on April 8.

From "exploring the way" to "leading the way" to the dream of Hong Kong youth Chen Sheng

On June 19, 2015, Chen Sheng (third from left) attended the ceremony of entering the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Dream Factory in Qianhai, Shenzhen.

Xinhua News Agency

From "exploring the way" to "leading the way" to the dream of Hong Kong youth Chen Sheng

In 2017, Chen Sheng worked at 3W coffee at Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Dream Factory (file photo).

From "exploring the way" to "leading the way" to the dream of Hong Kong youth Chen Sheng

On June 16, 2017, at the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone Development and Opening Forum held in Hong Kong, Chen Sheng shared his experience as a representative of Qianhai Entrepreneurship.

From "exploring the way" to "leading the way" to the dream of Hong Kong youth Chen Sheng

In August 2017, Chen Sheng (left) introduced the development of the base when receiving students of the Summer Vacation Exchange Program for Hong Kong University Students at Nanshan Wisdom Park in Shenzhen.

Source: Xinhua Net

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