
Hunan Daily commentator丨 Consolidate and expand the achievements of learning and education Firmly grasp the historical initiative of development

author:New Hunan

Commentator of Hunan Daily

In the past 2021, from early spring to mid-winter, a comprehensive and profound party history study and education set off a boom in Sanxiang. At the beginning of the new year, the province held a summary meeting on the study and education of party history, implemented the spirit of the central party history study and education summary meeting, conscientiously summed up the results and practices of the study and education of party history in our province, consolidated and expanded the results of study and education, and encouraged the vast number of party members and cadres to carry forward the great spirit of party building, inherit the red gene, continue the red blood, and show a new atmosphere and achieve new deeds on the new journey of the new era.

Like a tidal wave, like wind and thunder. In the past year, this concentrated study and education, which was personally planned and deployed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, guided and promoted throughout the process, and carried out in a solid and in-depth manner, has produced fruitful results in the land of Sanxiang, and the majority of party members and cadres have received a profound political education, ideological refinement and spiritual baptism. Closely following the requirements of studying history to be clear and reasonable, studying history to increase credibility, studying history with reverence, and practicing the study of history, the broad masses of party members and cadres have enhanced their consciousness and firmness in studying and implementing the party's innovative theories, tempered their political consciousness, enhanced their self-confidence in history, firmly established a sense of purpose and feelings for the people, enhanced their spirit of forging ahead on a new journey and building a new era of meritorious service, and enhanced their ability to cope with changes and open up new bureaus.

Know where you came from, and know where you are going. The practice of promoting the study and education of party history in Hunan has fully proved that carrying out party history study and education is an effective way and an important platform for us to increase our self-confidence in history, enhance unity and unity, and enhance the spirit of struggle. Looking forward to the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" and forging ahead in a new journey, the mission before the sons and daughters of Sanxiang is more glorious, the task is more arduous, and the challenges are more severe; only by consolidating and expanding the valuable achievements in the study and education of party history, and consistently adhering to the effective experience and practices of improving the position, taking the lead above, accurately implementing policies, and relying on the masses, and promoting the normalization and institutionalization of party history study and education, can we firmly grasp the historical initiative of the development of various undertakings in Hunan.

"Stick to the outline and be self-explanatory, stick to the book and end it up." The continuous struggle on the new journey of pursuing dreams stems from the profound consciousness of ideology and theory. To summarize, consolidate and expand the achievements of party history study and education, the most important thing is to re-study, re-understand, and re-benchmark General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on party history study and education. In recent years, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a series of important speeches and made a series of important expositions, profoundly expounding the historical value of the party's century-old struggle, profoundly expounding the fundamental purpose, basic requirements, focus points and scientific attitudes of studying party history, and leading the study and education of party history to continue to go deep and solid. To promote the study of party history and the use of party history in depth in the correct direction, it is necessary to make efforts to study and innovate regularly, to see the true chapter in regular study and common understanding, to seek practical results in common study, to persist in the integration of learning and thinking, to unify knowledge and faith, and to use the major achievements and historical experience of the party's century-old struggle to increase wisdom, enhance unity, increase confidence, and enhance fighting spirit.

The history of the Party is the most vivid and convincing textbook, and the history of the Chinese revolution is the best nourishment. The study and education of party history is a long-term task, and it must be integrated into daily life, grasped on a regular basis, and established a normalized and long-term institutional mechanism. As far as party members and cadres in our province are concerned, they must always have the mentality of "catching up with the examination," regard strengthening theoretical armament as a fundamental task, build a solid ideological foundation for loyally defending the "two establishments" and resolutely achieving the "two safeguards"; regard the party's historical experience as a magic weapon for victory and blaze a new trail in promoting high-quality development; take the traditional revolutionary resources as valuable teaching materials and vigorously carry forward the great spirit of party building; regard practicing the supremacy of the people as a value pursuit and constantly enhance the well-being of the people of the whole province; and regard the promotion of self-revolution as an eternal task. With the persistence and tenacity of always being on the road, we will promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party.

There is a time limit for concentrated study and education, and there is no limit to the implementation of the original mission. The new road of catching up with the examination has given a new era of responsibility, and a new journey of struggle calls for a new mission. With the focus on studying and implementing the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, we should focus on consolidating the achievements in the study and education of party history, guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to adhere to the party's historical experience in the past century of struggle, enhance the spirit of historical initiative, and shine bright light of truth and the scorching fire of faith, which will surely illuminate the road ahead of the struggle for comprehensively building a new socialist modern Hunan.

Originally published in Hunan Daily (January 5, 2022, 01 edition)

[Editor-in-charge: Dai Rong]

[Source: Hunan Daily· New Hunan Client]

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