
Before the beautiful woman was shot, she took out a piece of evidence and was immediately acquitted and lived to be 94 years old

On September 7, 2014, a well-known Japanese star died of heart failure in a Tokyo apartment at the age of 94, and on the day of his death, all walks of life in Japan attended the memorial service, and the Japanese media coverage was overwhelming.

Before the beautiful woman was shot, she took out a piece of evidence and was immediately acquitted and lived to be 94 years old

In China, there are reports of this person, but not many, and none of them are mainstream media, and all this is only related to her identity, this person's name is Li Xianglan, the only foreign singer in the "Seven Great Song Queens" in the old Shanghai in the last century.

Li Xianglan in China is not only the identity of a singer, in the eyes of the people, she is also a traitor, in 1945 pseudo-Manchuria was destroyed by the Soviet Red Army, Li Xianglan, who was in the puppet Manchurian Ministry of Culture, was immediately arrested by the Nationalist government.

At the Beiping Special Court, Li Xianglan was convicted by the Nationalist government of being a traitor on the grounds that the cultural traitors and the consequences caused to the people were extremely bad, and sentenced her to death, and immediately executed.

Before the beautiful woman was shot, she took out a piece of evidence and was immediately acquitted and lived to be 94 years old

However, on the eve of Li Xianglan's shooting, something that everyone did not expect happened, Li Xianglan obtained the Japanese household registration certificate through his Soviet friend Liu Ba, and submitted it to the special trial court, with which Li Xianglan was acquitted.

Many people here can't understand why Li Xianglan submitted evidence that she was Japanese, Li Xianglan would be acquitted by the special court, first of all, Li Xianglan was sentenced for the crime of traitor, the so-called traitor, that is, in the identity of Chinese can be established.

Li Xianglan submitted his household registration certificate that he was Japanese, which also proved that Li Xianglan was not a Chinese, but a Japanese, so the crime of traitor was not established, and the Japanese at that time, as long as they were not the most heinous war criminals, were all sent back to Japan.

Before the beautiful woman was shot, she took out a piece of evidence and was immediately acquitted and lived to be 94 years old

It was Chiang Kai-shek who issued this order, and it was precisely because of Chiang Kai-shek's order that many Japanese soldiers and Japanese spies returned to Japan safely, and only then did the Japanese people thank Chiang Kai-shek for building the "Chiang Kai-shek Shrine."

It is reported that Li Xianglan was born in Fengtian, China on February 12, 1920, his mother is Chinese, and his father Yamaguchi Fumio is Japanese, so Li Xianglan can speak fluent Chinese and Japanese bilingualism, and when she became an adult, Li Xianglan, under the recommendation of her father, worked for the South Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd.

After growing up, Li Xianglan was selected by the "Pseudo-Manchurian Film Association", and under their packaging, Li Xianglan became popular, the Pseudo-Manchurian Film Association, affiliated with Japanese militarism, whose main responsibility was to invade China culturally and brainwash the Chinese people in the enemy-occupied areas.

Before the beautiful woman was shot, she took out a piece of evidence and was immediately acquitted and lived to be 94 years old

At first, Li Xianglan's singing voice spread throughout the Japanese enemy-occupied areas, and after becoming popular, he began to shoot movies, of course, these films were all propaganda for Japanese militarism, or whitewashed the war crimes of his Japanese invaders, reducing Chinese hatred for the Japanese, and thus being completely enslaved.

It can be said that the power of cultural traitors is not inferior to that of foreign guns and artillery, but the harm is deeper, one is the spiritual level, the other is pure flesh, and it is clear at a glance which is stronger and which is weaker.

Based on this, Li Xianglan was quickly arrested after the war and sentenced to death, without expecting Li Xianglan to produce evidence to prove that she was Japanese, so as to escape the punishment of the law.

Nowadays, the Japanese cultural invasion has not disappeared, but has a growing trend, such as the recent boiling "Jingri" elements, which are the products of cultural invasion.

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