
To make lamb stuffed dumplings, the seasoning can not be put more, put 4 samples is enough, the meat filling is tender and not woody and juicy

author:Zou Bajie food

In winter, even if the sun is shining outside, the inside of the house is also very cold and shivering, especially in the south without heating, which seems to be even longer and more difficult in winter, so in order to warm up, we must often make some hot food, eat comfortable and not afraid of cold. Lamb is very suitable for winter consumption, warm nourishment, and warm and supplementary nutrition, often eat lamb, the body is great, and then the cold winter is not afraid.

To make lamb stuffed dumplings, the seasoning can not be put more, put 4 samples is enough, the meat filling is tender and not woody and juicy

Speaking of lamb, many people think of stewed lamb soup, or use lamb shabu-shabu, these ways to eat are really good, people can't get tired of eating, but there is a way to eat more evocative, that is, using lamb to make lamb stuffed dumplings, fresh dumplings bite by bite, eat well.

Speaking of lamb stuffed dumplings, there are very few people who can make them by hand, because the taste of lamb is too heavy, once the wrong ingredients are used, the lamb is wasted, so many people would rather spend money to eat outside than make it by hand.

To make lamb stuffed dumplings, the seasoning can not be put more, put 4 samples is enough, the meat filling is tender and not woody and juicy

In fact, it is very simple to make lamb stuffed dumplings, as long as the right seasoning is put when adjusting the filling, what can be put, what can not be put, remember clearly, so that you are not afraid of doing wrong, after understanding the correct approach, you will find that making lamb stuffed dumplings is simpler than making other meat stuffed dumplings.

Do lamb stuffed dumplings, spices can not be put more, many people do not do well, is because the spices are placed haphazardly, resulting in dumplings are unpalatable, special attention, lamb and star anise are very incompatible, the aroma of star anise is too strong, will cover the original umami taste of lamb, and the smell can not be removed, but also increase the odor, so the star anise must not be put!

To make lamb stuffed dumplings, the seasoning can not be put more, put 4 samples is enough, the meat filling is tender and not woody and juicy

So what to put in? In fact, only 4 samples are enough, the meat filling is tender and juicy, how to do it, please take a look.

Lamb stuffed dumplings

Ingredients: Lamb, carrots, ginger, green onion, peppercorns, salt, soy sauce, cooking oil

To make lamb stuffed dumplings, the seasoning can not be put more, put 4 samples is enough, the meat filling is tender and not woody and juicy

Want to prepare a little dried peppercorns, after cleaning, add a bowl of water to the pot, boil over high heat and open into the peppercorns, cook for a minute or two, put it out and let it cool to use, make the pepper water used to adjust the lamb filling, has a good fishy effect, and can also make the lamb stuffing more tender, but also juicy, so this material is indispensable.

Lamb should be prepared with fat and lean kinds, the filling is more delicious, if you use pure lean meat, the taste will be much worse.

After rinsing the lamb, chop into a delicate minced meat, place in a large clean bowl and stir with salt.

To make lamb stuffed dumplings, the seasoning can not be put more, put 4 samples is enough, the meat filling is tender and not woody and juicy

Then pour pepper water into the lamb filling, pepper water should be poured in parts, each time after pouring pepper water, you must stir in one direction, after the meat filling absorbs the water, and then pour the second pepper water until the lamb filling looks very moist.

Then add a little soy sauce to the filling to play a fresh effect, then add minced ginger and green onion, stir until the meat filling is strong, pour in the appropriate amount of cooked oil and stir.

This way the meat filling is adjusted, then add the chopped carrots, stir well, and the lamb filling is complete.

To make lamb stuffed dumplings, the seasoning can not be put more, put 4 samples is enough, the meat filling is tender and not woody and juicy

Then wrap the appropriate amount of filling with the skin of the dumplings rolled by hand, wrap them into the shape of dumplings, and then cook the dumplings, bite into the meat filling so tender, not a little wood but also juicy, delicious!

When making lamb stuffed dumplings, remember not to put more spices, put 4 things are enough, they are pepper water, onions, ginger, soy sauce, with these ingredients, lamb dumplings are full of umami, very delicious, if you put it wrong, there will be a peculiar smell, remember that the five-spice powder containing star anise and thirteen spices can not be put, which will cause dumplings to be unpalatable.

To make lamb stuffed dumplings, the seasoning can not be put more, put 4 samples is enough, the meat filling is tender and not woody and juicy

Learned? Try it, make sure you can make delicious lamb dumplings too, and you don't need to deliberately go out to eat them.

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