
Daichi masa Nikkei Series - January 5 Nikkei

The Daily Horoscope of the Great Seven


Daichi masa Nikkei Series - January 5 Nikkei

Today's weather is fierce, today will be more busy, easy to do more chores, unfavorable communication, transportation, logistics and transportation, media publicity, business negotiations, sales, network communication equipment, means of transportation is also prone to failure, important information in time to save backup, in case of trouble should not be impatient;

Today is easy to meet competitors or villains, things are not easy to execute as planned, today we must also be wary of scammers and rotten peach blossoms, as well as old and young love, unrequited love and other polyamorous love, the body may appear eczema and other skin itching;

Lucky color: Green

Lucky numbers: 3, 8

Lucky Directions: East, Southeast

Lucky zodiac signs: Taurus, Libra


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