
If these 3 parts of the male body "become larger", it is likely to affect the health, and you should be vigilant

If life is likened to a marathon, everyone's starting point is actually the same.

However, due to the influence of various factors, the end point reached by each person is very different, some people can successfully run to the end point and become long-lived elderly, while others are deeply troubled by diseases.

In the middle of the elimination, early loss of life, especially many men, due to busy work, mental pressure, coupled with a variety of bad living habits, so that the body prematurely began to age, is the final impact on life expectancy.

If these 3 parts of the male body "become larger", it is likely to affect the health, and you should be vigilant

In fact, the length of a person's life from the performance of the body can be glimpsed, the male body below the 3 parts if the size of the obvious change, is likely to affect the life expectancy, pay attention to timely maintenance!

1. Neck circumference

Studies have shown that the size of the neck circumference is positively correlated with the fat content of the upper body, and the thicker the neck circumference, the more fat there is in the upper body.

For men, the neck circumference should not exceed 38 cm, if the neck circumference is too thick, the risk of high blood lipids and heart disease can be increased.

The size of the neck circumference is also very much related to sleep apnea, and some surveys have found that in people with apnea syndrome, most of them are obese patients, and the neck circumference is also beyond normal levels.

If these 3 parts of the male body "become larger", it is likely to affect the health, and you should be vigilant

If there is also a problem with airway stenosis, the chance of developing apnea syndrome is also greater.

Men usually pay attention to their neck circumference, even if the weight is normal, but feel that the neckline is tightened, the necklace becomes shorter, it should be paid attention to. In addition to paying attention to healthy diet, it is also necessary to actively carry out physical exercise to reduce the fat content in the body and avoid affecting health.

If these 3 parts of the male body "become larger", it is likely to affect the health, and you should be vigilant

2. Waist circumference

By measuring waist circumference, it is also possible to measure the length of a person's lifespan.

There are many important organs in the waist and abdomen, such as the liver, pancreas, kidneys, etc. The more fat in the waist and abdomen, the easier it is to burden these organs, and it will also destroy the islet system and increase the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, fatty liver, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension.

In addition, studies have also shown that for every 1 inch increase in waist circumference, the risk of cancer increases by 8 times. Even if the weight is normal, if too much fat accumulates in the waist, it can also lead to an increased risk of heart disease.

The National Health and Family Planning Commission stipulates that once the waist circumference of men exceeds 85 cm, it is excessive, such men should develop a healthy lifestyle, adhere to exercise for more than 30 minutes a day, adhere to more than 5 days a week, and pay attention to reasonable diet, quit smoking and alcohol, eat more vegetables and fruits, and consume less high-oil and high-fat foods, which will help reduce weight.

If these 3 parts of the male body "become larger", it is likely to affect the health, and you should be vigilant

3. Prostate

The prostate gland is a male-specific organ and is especially important for men.

With the increase of age, coupled with the influence of obesity, alcoholism, smoking and other adverse factors, many men have an enlarged prostate, and symptoms such as poor urination, frequent urination, and incomplete urination, which seriously affect the quality of life.

If prostate hypertrophy is not treated for a long time, it is likely to induce bladder stones or hydronephrosis in the later stage, which further endangers the health of the kidneys, so the appearance of prostate enlargement should be treated in time.

If these 3 parts of the male body "become larger", it is likely to affect the health, and you should be vigilant

For men, if there is prostate enlargement and waist circumference, neck circumference and other symptoms, it is necessary to pay enough attention, otherwise it is easy to endanger health and even affect life.

It is recommended that men develop healthy living habits in life, avoid putting too much pressure on themselves, stay away from tobacco and alcohol, and adhere to a moderate amount of exercise, so that they can make their bodies healthier and hopefully prolong their lives.

If these 3 parts of the male body "become larger", it is likely to affect the health, and you should be vigilant

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