
In the harem of the last emperor Puyi, the concubines "palace fight" continuously, and the strange struggle between WanRong and Wen Embroidery

In the harem of the ancient emperor, the struggle of women was continuous, after all, the emperor only had one wife and concubine in groups, in this case, women in order to compete for the love of their husbands, the struggle for status will definitely have a secret struggle. However, when Puyi lived in the palace, there was only one empress and one concubine, but the two women also had a fierce competition for favors. When WanRong and Wen Xiu entered the palace, the Qing Dynasty was no longer there, so they did not enter the palace through the draft, but through photos.

In the harem of the last emperor Puyi, the concubines "palace fight" continuously, and the strange struggle between WanRong and Wen Embroidery

Although the empress selected by Puyi at the beginning was Wen Xiu, he went around and around, and finally let Wanrong become the empress. In 1922, the queen's wedding was held in the imperial palace. According to the rules of the Qing Dynasty, the concubine was to enter the palace one day earlier, because when the empress entered the palace, she needed to bring the women of the harem to perform the ceremony of kneeling. However, Wen Xiu, who had entered the palace a day earlier, persuaded the emperor to cancel this ceremony for himself, which made the empress very angry, and she wrote all this breath on Wen Xiu's body.

In the harem of the last emperor Puyi, the concubines "palace fight" continuously, and the strange struggle between WanRong and Wen Embroidery

Wanrong is a woman from a large family, educated in the West, and she advocates a monogamous married life, so she has always been very repulsive to literary embroidery. In the two years of living in the palace, the other party did not have a round room with the emperor, but they all thought that the emperor was fascinated by the other party, in fact, Puyi no one was favored, because he did not have the ability in this regard. Although they do not have a husband and wife life, it can be seen from the attitude that Puyi prefers Wanrong.

In the harem of the last emperor Puyi, the concubines "palace fight" continuously, and the strange struggle between WanRong and Wen Embroidery

Wanrong's family is good, her education is Western, which makes Puyi very interested, it is said that Wanrong has a fluent English, which makes Puyi very envious, and she also teaches Puyi to eat Western food, and the two people communicate in English. This point of hers is that Wen Xiu has no way to catch up, Wen Xiu lost her father since childhood, her mother pulled their sisters to grow up, life is relatively poor, and Wen Xiu's appearance is far inferior to that of the empress, so she can only be wronged in the palace.

In the harem of the last emperor Puyi, the concubines "palace fight" continuously, and the strange struggle between WanRong and Wen Embroidery

Two years after the two women entered the palace, the people in the palace were driven out, including Puyi and his two women. After leaving the Forbidden City, they went to Jingyuan in Tianjin. There, Wanrong was like coming to his own paradise, dressed up very fashionably every day, and once became a modern girl at that time, and Puyi was also constantly improving, he received Western education, and Wanrong had more and more common topics.

In the harem of the last emperor Puyi, the concubines "palace fight" continuously, and the strange struggle between WanRong and Wen Embroidery

It is said that Wanrong is a very luxurious person, she likes to go shopping often to consume, whether useful or not she buys it back, and Wen Xiu sees her doing this, she will also follow the consumption, so at that time to go shopping for things became an aspect of the contest between the two people. Because of the living environment, the living atmosphere there makes Wanrong like a fish, but Wenxiu is not used to it, so on some major occasions, Puyi will take Wanrong to socialize.

In the harem of the last emperor Puyi, the concubines "palace fight" continuously, and the strange struggle between WanRong and Wen Embroidery

Therefore, in this "palace fight", Wen Xiu soon failed, but Wanrong succeeded, but this also made her miserable life. After wenxiu failed, she was not desperate, she quickly made a choice, decisively divorced, and after the divorce also gained happiness, but Wanrong ended her life with an unfortunate tragedy in the end. In fact, in this palace fight, Wen Xiu is the winner, although she lost the contest of favors between women, but won in the contest of life.

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