
What is the success rate of IVF in Hangzhou? What is the probability of success at one time?

Since you choose to do IVF, you must be hoping to be able to conceive and have your own children, and for patient friends, the best IVF technology is a success. However, IVF technology is not yet able to achieve a 100% success rate, so for people who choose IVF fertility, it is also more doubtful, how high is the IVF success rate in Thailand? What is the probability of success at one time?

What is the success rate of IVF in Hangzhou? What is the probability of success at one time?

Hengjian Overseas said that according to statistical analysis, the number of infertility patients has been rising in recent years, and many patients have placed their hopes of pregnancy on IVF. They are very concerned about the success rate of IVF, in fact, in recent years, domestic IVF technology is also constantly improving, but compared with foreign IVF technology, there is still a certain gap, so the success rate is also lower than abroad.

It is understood that at present, the success rate of IVF can be as high as 70% abroad, and in China, it is only about 40%. However, patients still cannot relax. Because IVF is still not guaranteed to be 100% successful. Therefore, if the patient wants to improve the chance of a successful pregnancy, it is still necessary to do a good job to improve the chance of pregnancy.

What is the success rate of IVF in Hangzhou? What is the probability of success at one time?

So, what does the IVF success rate depend on? Take a look at the professional analysis of an IVF doctor.

There are many factors that affect the success rate of IVF, such as female age, the cause of infertility, and the quality of the IVF central laboratory.

1. Age

It is an important factor affecting the success rate of IVF, with age, the number of eggs decreases, the quality decreases, the fertilization rate decreases, the pregnancy rate decreases significantly, and the miscarriage rate increases. The pregnancy rate for IVF in women aged 41 to 42 years is 12%, the live birth rate per transferred embryo for women over 42 years of age is only 5.9%, and the abortion rate for women over 43 years of age is 50%.

2. Hydrosalpinx

Significantly reduced embryo implantation and pregnancy rates, resulting in a 50% reduction in pregnancy rates. Therefore, women with hydrosalpinx should have their hydrosalpinx tubes removed before performing IVF.

3. Uterine abnormalities

Endometrial injuries such as endometrial polyps, endometritis, previous surgery, or inflammation (most commonly tuberculosis) can affect embryo implantation.

4. Choice of hospital

Doing IVF also requires the ivy technology of the patient's chosen hospital. Often qualified hospitals are more professional in their techniques for doing IVF and have a higher success rate. The advantages of IVF in this regard are a large part.

What is the success rate of IVF in Hangzhou? What is the probability of success at one time?

How to increase the success rate of test tubes? There are ways to do it.

Before doing test tubes, it is recommended to carry out three months of physical exercise, after pregnancy up to nine months of pregnancy without getting sick will provide health protection for the baby, at the same time you can see if you need to drink some Chinese medicine to adjust the body, improve the pregnancy environment, sisters with better physique can be ignored. Drinking fresh soy milk every day and supplementing with more protein is also beneficial.

Before the test tube, the doctor will prescribe various examination lists for both husband and wife, wait for the next menstruation, and basically enter the test tube cycle through the B ultrasound examination. The doctor will formulate a suitable induction program according to the individual situation. In general, a long regimen with good ovarian function is recommended for younger people, and micro-stimulation is recommended for poor ovarian function at older ages.

Y sheng each time through the results of blood checks, such as estradiol, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, progesterone and other blood value indicators to develop the dosage of ovulation drugs, originally each month each woman only one follicle can grow and mature, after Y stimulation, there will be multiple follicles grow and mature together, each woman's physical condition is different, the reaction with Y is also different, some people use Y less follicles but grow very well, some people use more drugs, but grow very slowly, so the cost will also be different. Do not exercise a lot during the promotion period, and eat more foods with high protein.

Hengjian overseas reminder: after returning home proper rest, work can also go to work, do not have to lie all day, lie down all day long, do not do strenuous exercise, normal diet. Some sisters lie inactive all day, constipated, and lying down has nothing to do with success or failure. Friends on the fifth day of the stomach has a pinprick-like feeling, it is estimated that it is a signal of the baby to implant, some sisters do not have any feelings and become, some people may be sensitive and some people are not sensitive.

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