
In 1949, the bandits in eastern Hubei shot and killed 3 captured PEOPLE's Liberation Army and appointed 8 "regiment leaders"

Author: Lan Yan also fell into the city

At the end of January 1949, the three major battles of Liaoshen, Huaihai and Pingjin, which lasted 142 days, ended in victory. In less than 5 months, the People's Liberation Army annihilated 1.54 million enemies, and Chiang Kai-shek's three major military groups were almost destroyed, completely losing the capital that they had to shoulder hard with our army.

In his surprise, Bai Chongxi, the military and political chief of Central China, on the one hand, shrunk his Guizhou troops in an attempt to preserve his strength; on the other hand, he actively planned the "second battlefield," recruited scattered troops everywhere, and prepared to "do things" in the liberated areas in order to delay the PLA offensive.

In 1949, the bandits in eastern Hubei shot and killed 3 captured PEOPLE's Liberation Army and appointed 8 "regiment leaders"

【Bai Chongxi】

At this time, the northeast Hubei region had just been liberated, and all kinds of enemies were eager to move. Bai Chongxi decided to appoint a powerful man to organize a riot in northeastern Hubei.

Who to send? When Bai Chongxi was thinking about it, someone took the initiative to come to the door and introduced himself, this person was called Zhang Zhenjun.

Zhang Zhenjun, a native of Yicheng, Hubei Province, enrolled in the Northwest Army Cadre School founded by Feng Yuxiang in his early years, and after graduation, he was assigned to the 65th Division of the National Revolutionary Army as a platoon leader. He participated in the "Central Plains War" and the "Great Wall War". He was awarded the rank of major general in 1942 and served as chief of staff of the 181st Division in the later stages of the War of Resistance.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Zhang's entire army was disarmed and returned to the field. He successively served as the president of the Yicheng County Officers' Federation and the chief of the Yicheng County Police Bureau. In July 1947, he was framed and imprisoned, and a year later, he was released from prison and went to Wuhan to join Bai Chongxi. Bai Chongxi did not meet Zhang Zhenjun, who was soft-spoken, but only asked him to send him 500 oceans to show his condolences.

Zhang Zhenjun, who had been living in Wuhan for a long time, heard that Bai Chongxi was preparing to "do things" in eastern Edong, and felt that the opportunity to turn over had finally come, and hurried to visit the door again to ask for a meeting.

This time, Bai Chongxi was very happy to receive Zhang Zhenjun. The two hit it off, and Bai Chongxi appointed Zhang Zhenjun as the "commander-in-chief of the guerrilla forces in eastern Hubei" and promised to allocate two battalions of his backbone troops. Bai Chongxi encouraged Zhang Zhenjun and said, The times create heroes, I hope you will not live up to my expectations of you, in the future any difficulties can directly find me, I will try my best to help solve.

After lying dormant for such a long time, he was finally received and reused by Bai Chongxi. Zhang Zhenjun only felt that his whole body was boiling with blood, and he was eager to repay Bai Chongxi's "grace of knowing the encounter".

In 1949, the bandits in eastern Hubei shot and killed 3 captured PEOPLE's Liberation Army and appointed 8 "regiment leaders"

Subsequently, Zhang Zhenjun returned to the Liberated Area of Eastern Hubei with a big swing with his secretary and staff officers. After he returned to his hometown, he took the initiative to contact the local government and confess his history. He particularly emphasized his performance during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and his persecution by Chiang Kai-shek in the previous two years, and pretended to be bitter and vengeful.

In order to facilitate the collusion, Zhang Zhenjun also lied that he was going to Beijing to participate in the discussion of politics and needed to do some investigations among the people. Since much of what he said was true, everyone regarded him as an enlightened democrat and relaxed their vigilance against him.

Soon, Bai Chongxi also appointed Zhang Zhenjun as the "Commander of the Advancing Army in Northern Hubei", so that all the eastern Hubei and northern Hubei were under Zhang's "jurisdiction", which had some meaning of "high position and authority". The soldier died for the confidant, and Zhang Zhenjun made up his mind to do a big job in return for Bai Chongxi's promotion and cultivation of him.

Beginning on April 3, 1949 (the sixth day of the third lunar month), large-scale bandit riots occurred in Xiangyang, Yicheng, Nanzhang, Jingmen, Zhongxiang, Gwanghwa and other counties. Tens of thousands of bandits attacked districts and townships, killed grass-roots cadres, and smashed and burned everywhere, which is the famous "March 3 riot" (the bandits originally scheduled for the first three riots in early March, but for some reason postponed for three days, still called "March 3 riots").

In 1949, the bandits in eastern Hubei shot and killed 3 captured PEOPLE's Liberation Army and appointed 8 "regiment leaders"

On the morning of April 3, hundreds of bandits wrapped up in some unknown masses and took large knives and spears and directly attacked the Yuan Chong district government in Gwanghwa County. Li Yunxian, secretary of Laohekou and secretary of the Guanghua County CPC Committee, who was arranging the task of suppressing the bandits in Yuan Chong, immediately commanded the 6th Company and the district squadron of the county independent battalion stationed in Yuan Chong to suppress the bandits to meet the enemy.

The sinister and cunning bandits let the encircled masses rush to the front, and Li Yunxian could not bear to hurt the masses, and ordered the troops to shoot at the sky to warn. When the bandits saw this, they became more and more rampant, shouting and scattering the PLA troops, and knives, guns and sticks fell on the PLA soldiers like raindrops. In order to reduce losses, Li Yunxian could only command the troops to retreat. In the process of retreating, Li Yunxian was shot by bandits and died heroically.

After the bandits occupied Yuan Chong, they turned to Laohekou City. As the bandit leader walked, he spread rumors that Chen Beisan, the commander of the joint defense of Gwanghwa Valley City, who had been captured before, had escaped from prison and that he had organized the riot. If anyone did not follow the riot, Commander Chen would return and kill his entire family. Under the intimidation of the bandits, more and more people participated in the riots, and by the time they reached the mouth of the Old River, there were already thousands of people.

In 1949, the bandits in eastern Hubei shot and killed 3 captured PEOPLE's Liberation Army and appointed 8 "regiment leaders"

【Founding Major General Zhang Tingfa】

The Xiangyang Military Subdistrict was surprised to learn of the riots at the mouth of the Laohe River. Zhang Tingfa, commander of the military sub-district, led a company of guards to quell the riot. When the guard company arrived at Zhulinqiao Town in Xueji District, the bandits were driving the masses to storm the township government. Commander Zhang immediately made a decision and launched an attack on the bandits with guns from behind the enemy. The overwhelmed bandits were suddenly struck, and suddenly the position was chaotic, and they fled in all directions, and the siege of the old estuary was lifted.

At dawn on April 6, Zhang Quanjun personally went out on horseback, commanded nearly 10,000 bandits and the crowd that were wrapped up, and attacked the county seat of Yicheng in three ways. At this time, most of the People's Liberation Army in Yicheng had sent out various districts to collect grain and suppress bandits, leaving only a platoon of troops to guard important places in the city.

The bandits had a clear division of labor, and after rushing into the city, they went all the way to the ordnance factory; attacked the supply station all the way; and attacked the chengxiang district government on the other.

The People's Liberation Army guarded the ordnance factory by less than one squad, and the ordnance factory was quickly occupied, and nearly a thousand guns were snatched away by bandits. The supply station was also guarded by only 4 soldiers, and it was impossible to resist the bandits who flocked to the station, so they could only fight and retreat, and all the supplies were swept away by the bandits.

The situation in chengxiang district was not optimistic, and Zhu Chongliang, the district political commissar, led more than 10 fighters to seize the commanding heights of the Catholic Church in the city. Taking advantage of the terrain, he temporarily held his position.

By 10:00 a.m., 4 soldiers had been killed, and there was not much ammunition left. Fortunately, at this time, most of the bandits snatched things, and the firepower of the siege was much sparser.

In 1949, the bandits in eastern Hubei shot and killed 3 captured PEOPLE's Liberation Army and appointed 8 "regiment leaders"

Zhu Chongliang took the opportunity to lead the fighters to break out desperately, the bandits chased after them, 3 soldiers were wounded and captured in the melee, only Zhu Chongliang and 2 fighters withdrew to the Xiaohe District Government. Yu Yisan, the secretary of Xiaohe District, told him that there was also an accident in Zhushi Township in the district.

It turned out that on the evening of the 5th, the bandit leaders Zhu Shougui and Zhu Shouru asked the inner line Wang Changhua to trick Ma Xizhen, the township mayor of Zhushi, into going to Wangjiawan to suppress the bandits. Ma Xizhen led 11 soldiers from the township detachment to tossing and turning in Wangjiawan for one night, and did not find the bandits.

When the sleepy township detachment returned, it casually ate some food, fell asleep on its head, and did not even put down the sentry. Estimating that the detachment was asleep, Zhu Shougui and Zhu Shouru rushed in with the bandits, easily handed over the weapons of the township detachment, and escorted them to the river beach to shoot them all.

After listening to the analysis, Zhu Chongliang said that the bandits would definitely come to attack the district government at night, so it would be better for the squadron of the gathering district to ambush the bandits on the road from Zhushi Township to Xiaohe District and make an ambush. Yu Yisan also felt that the bandits would not give up easily, so it was better to take the initiative to attack, so he and Zhu Chongliang studied and decided on a strategy to ambush the enemy.

At about 11 o'clock that night, hundreds of bandits, armed with torches, marched into the ambush circle of the district squadron. Under Yu Yisan's order, the rifles and machine guns opened fire together, and one grenade after another exploded in the enemy group, killing and injuring nearly a hundred bandits on the spot, and the remaining bandits panicked and scattered and fled.

In 1949, the bandits in eastern Hubei shot and killed 3 captured PEOPLE's Liberation Army and appointed 8 "regiment leaders"

After the bandits suffered a crushing defeat in the small river area, they all retreated to The Great Rush to rest. In order to win over the bandits, Zhang Quanjun distributed all the stolen materials to the bandits, and also issued a "blank cheque", appointing 8 regimental commanders at a time, and planned to attack Xiaohekou again on the evening of the 11th. In order to deter the crowd that was surrounded by him, Zhang Zhenjun also held a meeting and shot and killed the three captured PLA fighters.

At the same time, the Xiaohe District Committee also held an emergency meeting and decided to take the initiative to attack and first eliminate the 4th and 5th Regiments of bandits stationed in Dingjiaying.

At 8:00 a.m. on November, Zhang Xuemeng, director of the YuYisanhe County Public Security Bureau, and Wu Haibao, the district chief, led a squadron of more than 80 people to the Ding family camp, ready to catch the enemy by surprise. When the troops arrived less than a mile away from the Ding family camp, a member of the team named Zhang Naifu suddenly fired three shots in a row to report to the bandits. Afterwards, it was found that Zhang Naifu and Zhang Zhenjun were cousins and nephews.

Yu Yisan saw that a sneak attack was no longer possible, so he had to command his troops to quickly launch an attack to seize the opportunity. A vicious battle broke out in an instant, and although the bandits were numerous, their equipment and combat effectiveness were far inferior to those of the People's Liberation Army, and the two sides fought fiercely for a long time and could not stand each other.

In 1949, the bandits in eastern Hubei shot and killed 3 captured PEOPLE's Liberation Army and appointed 8 "regiment leaders"

In order to quickly crush the enemy, Yu Yisan ordered the 1st platoon leader to detour back to the back of the bandits with more than 10 fighters, and suddenly launched an attack, and Yu Yisan took advantage of the situation to organize a counter-charge. After a series of attacks, the 5th and 4th Regiments of bandits quickly collapsed, and Zhang's plan to attack Xiaohe District Again was aborted.

During the more than 10 days of the "March 3rd Riots," the bandits gathered and scattered from time to time, harassed each district and township, and successively killed more than 10 people, including Wang Weijun, the financial and grain officer of Huji District, and Liu Jie, secretary of Tianli Township, and snatched a large number of materials.

After hearing the report, the Jianghan Military Region quickly dispatched the 43rd and 44th regiments to Yicheng, Xiangyang, and other places to suppress the rebellion. Under the thunderous blow of the counterinsurgency forces, the bandits were quickly suppressed, and most of the bandit capitals that participated in the riots were arrested and arrested, and only Zhang Zhenjun escaped by chance. Later, he fled to Sichuan alone and worked as a teacher and doctor in anonymity.

In 1949, the bandits in eastern Hubei shot and killed 3 captured PEOPLE's Liberation Army and appointed 8 "regiment leaders"

Skynet was restored, neglected but not leaked. In 1954, Zhang Zhenjun, who assumed the pseudonym Zhang Jingwu, was finally arrested by the local public security organs and received the punishment he deserved.

【Deeply cultivate the history of war, carry forward positive energy, welcome to submit, private messages will be restored】

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