
Art creation opens up to a rich and colorful social life (a picture of a well-off society in an all-round way)

Art creation opens up to a rich and colorful social life (a picture of a well-off society in an all-round way)

The print "Cultural Map Updated Year by Year", by Su Yansheng and Ma Yaping.

Art creation opens up to a rich and colorful social life (a picture of a well-off society in an all-round way)

"Fuchun Mountain Pavilion" in Fuyang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, architectural design Wang Shu and Lu Wenyu.

Art creation opens up to a rich and colorful social life (a picture of a well-off society in an all-round way)

The interior view of Shangping Village, Xiyuan Township, Jianning County, Sanming, Fujian Province, architectural design He Wei, etc., photography Jin Weiqi.

Art creation opens up to a rich and colorful social life (a picture of a well-off society in an all-round way)

Hubei Wuhan Optics Valley Square public art "Galaxy", design Wang Zhongzhong.

Art creation opens up to a rich and colorful social life (a picture of a well-off society in an all-round way)

Beijing Metro Line 6 Beihai North Station mural "Beihai Range Rover" group painting "Meditation in the Middle of the Moon" and "Qionghua under the Corridor", designed by Sun Tao, Tian Lu, Wang Changxing, Li Qing.

The prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries make the creation of beauty more dynamic. In the public landscape of cities and villages, novel public art, cultural and creative products, etc., meet people's spiritual and cultural needs. In the exhibition halls of art museums and cultural centers, the art works and design products that have emerged in recent years have enhanced people's aesthetic literacy and led the aesthetic fashion. Beauty, in the field, in the community, in life. How to better play the social function of fine arts and nourish people's spiritual life? This is not only an aesthetic topic in the new era, but also a realistic proposition in artistic creation. A group of art workers displayed their talents in the vast world and jointly wrote the answer sheet of beauty.

Encounter the poetic countryside

Rural public space is an important place to inherit local culture and retain nostalgic memories. In the construction of beautiful villages, public space governance has become an important starting point, and many designs have distinct local characteristics and bright spots.

At present, many places invite designers to transform the traditional rural public space, reshape the poetic and leisurely humanistic environment and the ecological environment of the green grass, so that the old villages can be revitalized and the beauty of the countryside can be displayed. In Shanchuan Township, Anji County, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, a former abandoned factory building has been transformed into a rural memory museum under the careful transformation of designers, bringing a different cultural experience to villagers and tourists. The village memory museum did not carry out too much decoration, but used local materials, built walls with the remaining red bricks of villagers to build houses, repaired the walls with traditional yellow mud wall technology, polished the ground with cement, and the roof retained the structural beauty of the original wooden house frame, the skylight not only met the needs of lighting, but also introduced the surrounding mountain scenery into the architectural space, so that the indoor and outdoor spaces were harmoniously integrated, becoming an important place for people to read books, leisure and entertainment, and appreciate traditional crafts. In Shangping Village, Xiyuan Township, Jianning County, Sanming, Fujian Province, a dilapidated utility shed was transformed by the designer into a modern water bar "Caiyun Room", and one side of the window panel was painted with seven colors, which looked like a rising rainbow from a distance, bringing a smart beauty to the village.

Deeply excavating the cultural symbols of rural characteristics and revitalizing cultural resources with regional characteristics have become an important means for many villages to educate people with beauty and culture. Some localities have given full play to the advantages of abundant intangible cultural heritage resources, explored and promoted the protection and development of intangible cultural heritage, and integrated it into contemporary life. For example, the Bamboo Art Village in Daoming Town, Chongzhou City, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, integrates traditional bamboo weaving culture into architecture, cultural activities, cultural and creative products, and explores a new path for rural development. Some localities have integrated fine arts into the lives of the masses, attracted the masses to participate in creation, and activated the endogenous power of art to help rural construction. For example, in Yudong Village, Gouxi Township, Kecheng District, Quzhou, Zhejiang Province, which has a history of more than 50 years of peasant paintings, colorful peasant paintings can be seen everywhere on the walls of residential buildings, making people feel as if they are wandering in open-air galleries. In the village, there is also a new and modern rural art museum, where visitors can feel the local taste, folk taste and nostalgia of peasant paintings, and can also take away unique cultural and creative products derived from peasant paintings.

On the vast rural land, the modern "mountain residence map" with different characteristics is slowly unfolding, and the pastoral scenery and nostalgia are intertwined, inheriting the ancient charm of history, exuding humanistic atmosphere, and shining with the beauty of art.

Paint a colorful new city

Art installations in the subway, pocket squares in the community, art galleries in the historic districts... In recent years, art has continuously added color to the city, improved the quality of urban functions, highlighted the characteristics and taste of the city, and made the city suitable for work, livability, pleasure and travel.

In urban public space, large-scale art works created using different techniques not only interpret the spirit of urban culture from multiple angles, but also dress up the space and bring people the enjoyment of beauty. Like the overall planning of public art at Beijing Daxing International Airport, the goal is to build "the world's busiest art museum". Here, "One Line, One City" uses copper square bricks to connect the classic landscape on the central axis of Beijing, so that passengers can feel the historical and cultural heritage of the city; the dynamic installation "Flower of Time" borrows from the traditional Chinese folding fan system and poetically shows the time of each time zone; the dynamic installation "Flower Language", which allows the flowers composed of elastic fiber fabrics to bloom calmly according to the changes in sunshine and the rhythm of music... Public works of art have made the airport an art space that connects public life, shows humanistic care and highlights cultural self-confidence. Subway murals with different characteristics have also become a bright color in people's daily travel. Stepping into the Nansha Passenger Terminal Station of the southern extension of Guangzhou Metro Line 4, seagull-shaped lamps, blue stone ground, and treasure ship-shaped art installations make people feel as if they have come to the seashore and breathe in the taste of the ocean; walking into the Danan Campus Station of Hohhot Metro Line 2, the public art "Shushan You road" deeply fits the strong educational atmosphere around the station, and the work takes Hohhot Daqingshan as the source of inspiration, so that the texture of the paper is integrated with the colors of the traditional Chinese green landscape and the cultural atmosphere is rich. With the help of art, subway stations are becoming the window of urban culture, showing the historical style and style of the times of the city.

Inside and outside the community, in the streets and alleys, the micro-renewal of the city continues to advance, and many areas have become beautiful homes where people and people and nature coexist in harmony. In the old town of Shanghai, Pocket Plaza, Lane 309, Yongjia Road, has become a new space for surrounding residents to activity, communicate and rest. The square is surrounded by a steel and wood open porch, the floor is paved with red permeable bricks, the benches are made of light-colored logs, and the columns are bright green. In the dense and old neighborhood, the atmosphere here is particularly relaxed, natural and relaxed, which is not only a living room in front of the house, an amusement park for children, but also an open-air exhibition hall and an art space. Under the Central Bridge on Beizhai Road in Shanghai, the pink-colored basketball court, bridge pillar painting and spiral staircase reshape the "sleeping" space under the bridge and meet the leisure and sports needs of the citizens.

With the help of public art and design means, urban space continues to bloom the beauty of art in organic renewal, enriching people's spiritual life, and enhancing the aesthetic positioning and cultural taste of the city image.

Inherit Chinese aesthetics

Whether it is the beauty of the countryside or the beauty of the city, it is inseparable from the integration of artistic creativity and Chinese cultural values, and the combination of Chinese aesthetic spirit and contemporary aesthetic pursuit. In recent years, major thematic design activities and exhibitions have focused on the beauty of contemporary life under the influence of traditional culture.

In the major theme design activities, whether it is visual image shaping, space and place design, or supplies manufacturing, it has more highlighted the chinese aesthetic interest. For example, in the upcoming Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, the design idea of the medal "Tongxin" originates from the ancient Chinese concentric circle Yubi; the design idea of the Tinder lamp originates from the lamp of the Changxin Palace of the Western Han Dynasty; the design idea of the Tinder Table originates from the traditional Chinese bronze ceremonial vessel - Zun ... Distinct Chinese elements and strong Chinese charm add cultural beauty to the grand ice and snow covenant. Sports venues such as the National Speed Skating Hall "Ice Ribbon" and the National Ski Jumping Center "Snow Ruyi" tell wonderful Chinese stories with smart and beautiful shapes. A series of design practices have continuously promoted the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture.

In the design exhibition, a large number of outstanding works profoundly reflect the changes of the times and the newness of life. Jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the People's Government of Guangdong Province and the People's Government of Shenzhen Municipality, the "China Design Exhibition and Public Art Special Exhibition" has been held for 3 sessions. Looking at the works exhibited in the past 10 years, it can be seen that more and more designers are rediscovering tradition, understanding tradition, and creatively combining it with contemporary life, highlighting Chinese style with new designs. Some designers introduce traditional handicrafts into contemporary clothing design to make classics more fashionable; some designers draw nutrition from ancient furniture to make modern furniture design more charming; some designers integrate the aesthetic concepts of "both shape and god" and "vivid charm" into industrial designs such as high-speed rail, so that products have both the beauty of art and technology... In people's lives, with the help of artistic creation, the dialogue between tradition and modernity, the dialogue between humanities and nature quietly occurs, creating a unique aesthetic mood and promoting the improvement of people's quality of life.

It is expected that more professionals will "open up artistic creation to the great struggle of hundreds of millions of people and to the rich and colorful social life", serve economic and social development with excellent works of art, urban and rural landscapes, and design products, highlight the style of the times, and let the beauty of art, tradition and spirit spread throughout the land of Shenzhou.

(The author is a researcher at the China Academy of Arts)

Layout design: Zhao Kairu

People's Daily ( 2022-01-04 20th edition)

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