
Zhao Minghui Tarot Card Test: How can I be with him?

Zhao Minghui Tarot Card Test: How can I be with him?

Maybe you like him and may be actively pursuing him, so wonder how to be with him. So let's take a divination test this time.

Tarot divination rules: Don't look at the answer analysis, relax your heart, keep calm, meditate on the question, and then choose a card from the 4 cards on the chart that you think is in line with your current emotional situation, and then look at the answer analysis.

Zhao Minghui Tarot Card Test: How can I be with him?

A: Queen

This card shows that if you want to be with him, then you have to show your unique charm as a woman to attract him, you need to become more beautiful, more gentle, more generous, so that he feels happy with you.

B: Chariots

This card shows that if you want to be with him, then you need to be braver, don't be afraid of competition, don't be afraid of any love enemies and so on.

C: StarCoin Seven

This card shows that if you want to be with him, then you must first cultivate the relationship between the two of you, the emotional foundation of the two of you, and don't be afraid of any difficulties and obstacles in the process, and you should not give up.

D: Holy Grail Six

This card shows that if you want to be with him, then you should take more care of him emotionally in life, care more about him, and protect him when necessary, share some difficulties, some dangerous things, etc. for him.

Note: This tarot divination article can only be regarded as a small test, a small game, whether you feel accurate or not, don't take it too seriously, and don't just rely on this to make some major choices and decisions.

Moreover, this kind of chart test tarot divination is very different from formal divination, such as method, process, experience, accuracy, etc.

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