
Tesla recalled nearly 200,000 vehicles, bringing together nearly 1.3 million vehicles in December

On the last day of the end of 2021, the automotive industry staged a whistle recall, with the number of recalls of the six major brands exceeding 210,000 vehicles.

Tesla recalled nearly 200,000 vehicles, bringing together nearly 1.3 million vehicles in December

On December 31, Tesla, Mercedes-Benz China, Changan Ford and other six major brands have announced recall plans, of which Tesla released three recall plans, recalling nearly 200,000 vehicles. The number of recalls of Dayun automobiles is only 15, but there are two defects in a single recall, which also sets a precedent for "double yolk eggs".

Judging from the recalled models, Tesla and Dayun Motors are both recalled electric vehicles. Among them, Tesla recalled the imported Model S, imported Model 3, domestic Model 3, both imported models and domestic series, the time span is also relatively large, from 2015 to the end of 2020.

The reasons for the recall of Tess are also different, among which the imported Model S front load compartment lock latch and lock buckle are defective, and there is a risk that the front load compartment cover may suddenly open during the vehicle's driving, causing a collision accident. Imported Model 3 and domestic Model 3 electric vehicles, a total of 144208 recalled, the reason for the recall is that the trunk cover after a long period of repeated opening and closing, may cause excessive wear of the trunk wiring harness, may lead to reversing images can not work properly.

Tesla recalled nearly 200,000 vehicles, bringing together nearly 1.3 million vehicles in December

One defect is the front cover, the other is the trunk cover, although they are not the main components, but the risk that may be caused is not small. However, this time Tesla did not announce that it was due to supplier reasons, and Tuopu became the "back pot man" recalled at the beginning of the month.

It is worth noting that this is Tesla's second recall in December, with a total recall of 220,000 vehicles, involving domestic and imported Model 3 and Model Y, and almost all models on sale. In recent years, Tesla's sales have grown rapidly, and product quality control still needs to be improved.

In December, many luxury brand models were recalled, and McLaren and Maserati have been recalled. Due to the fuel pressure sensor joint of the vehicle's low-pressure fuel line due to material molding process problems, Alfa Romeo recalled 127 imported Juliet and Staway cars; Chrysler (China) recalled 519 imported Wranglers due to the combination of instrumentation software; Mercedes-Benz China recalled 177 imported AMG GT due to the vehicle's carbon fiber drive shaft problem.

Tesla recalled nearly 200,000 vehicles, bringing together nearly 1.3 million vehicles in December

Because the sales of the above models are not large, the number of recalls is not large. The recall was caused by both hardware defects and software reasons. The imported AMG GT is more because of the residue in the production process, resulting in problems in the connection between the carbon fiber material and the flange, which shows that the use of new materials has higher requirements for the production process.

As a popular model in the family car market, Changan Ford Forros is no longer in glory. Forres is one of the few joint venture car in this recall, because of the lack of "hood not closed" prompt function, Changan Ford 15497 Fores model.

Tesla recalled nearly 200,000 vehicles, bringing together nearly 1.3 million vehicles in December

As the only brand carried out in this recall activity in the case of the state administration of market supervision and administration launched a defect investigation, Dayun Automobile recalled 15 4×2 pure electric van transport vehicles, which belong to the scope of special vehicles, the number is not much only 15, but the recall defect is two, which can be said to be a "double yolk egg".

Defect 1, the rear wheel brake carried by the vehicle is a two-way self-increasing brake, and there is a quality problem (material problem) in the internal brake lining, and the wear and tear is faster and the replacement cycle is shorter during the operation of the real car, which increases the risk of collision of the vehicle. Defect 2: The sealing and protective performance of the steering oil pump controller of the vehicle is unstable, and there is a risk of losing the steering power function during driving. It can be said that one involves the braking function and the other is the steering mechanism, which are important configurations related to driving safety.

Tesla recalled nearly 200,000 vehicles, bringing together nearly 1.3 million vehicles in December

Since December, the automotive industry has recalled 1299861 cars, and the brand design has been more than 20 brands such as Tesla, Toyota Motor, Mercedes-Benz, Dongfeng Nissan, FAW-Volkswagen, etc., of which the number of Carmeries recalls is the largest 344898 Asian Dragon, Rongfang RAV4, Tesla Model 3 and other models are recalled more than 100,000 vehicles. As sales of pure electric vehicles increased, so did the number of recalled models.

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