
The uncle of beijing pedaling three wheels, pedaling 38 years of three wheels to buy a set of courtyards, the real identity is "Baylor"

Friends who like to see the palace drama will certainly not feel strange to the role of Grandpa Belle. Because in many Qing Palace dramas, there will be some characters with such identities. The so-called Grandpa Belle is actually a hereditary royal title. The status of a person who holds this title is very noble. The reason why I want to mention Grandpa Baylor here is mainly because the content we are going to introduce to you next is related to a special Baylor grandpa from Beijing- although he is a baylor grandfather, he lives an embarrassing life to the point of making a living by pedaling three wheels. So, why did he, who was originally Grandpa Belle, become a coachman in Beijing? Hurry up and find out!

The uncle of beijing pedaling three wheels, pedaling 38 years of three wheels to buy a set of courtyards, the real identity is "Baylor"

First, the relationship between An Lin and the Qing Dynasty royal family

The "he" mentioned above refers to a Beijing man named An Lin. Born in 1947, he is an authentic Beijing native. The reason why he is Grandpa Belle is because his family has a relatively close relationship with the Qing Dynasty royal family. Specifically, we have to start with An Lin's father before the fall of the Qing Dynasty. As we all know, after Puyi officially issued the abdication edict, the Qing Dynasty has ceased to exist. But before that, even though the situation in China was already very bad, the Ai Xin Jue Luo family, headed by Puyi, was still dominant in the country. And An Lin's father, just like Puyi, is also surnamed Ai Xinjueluo, and he is still a cousin to Puyi. Therefore, if we continue to deduce according to this relationship, then when the Qing Dynasty did not fall, An Lin's identity was enough to be a Baylor grandfather.

The uncle of beijing pedaling three wheels, pedaling 38 years of three wheels to buy a set of courtyards, the real identity is "Baylor"

Second, Anlin's embarrassing life after marriage

Although calculated in the above way, Anlin should be Grandpa Belle. But in fact, when An Lin was born, the Qing Dynasty had long since perished for a long time. Therefore, in Anlin's generation, he not only did not have such a noble status as Grandpa Belle, but also lived a rather poor life. Especially after getting married, the family suddenly had more mouths to eat, so that An lin, who was originally living in poverty, had to choose to make more money by working more jobs. When his wife gave birth to him, the family's expenses became even greater. If ann Lin could still find a way to solve the difficulties he was facing even if he was like this, then his mother's sudden illness would really become the last straw that crushed the camel.

The uncle of beijing pedaling three wheels, pedaling 38 years of three wheels to buy a set of courtyards, the real identity is "Baylor"

Three, in order to make a living, began to pedal three wheels

In order to raise his wife and children and treat his sick old mother, Anlin had to find another life. Fortunately, at the critical moment, he found that pedaling three wheels as a coachman can make a lot of money. Soon, he began to try to borrow a car to make money. It is said that after only one day of work, he earned far more than he did other work. This made him very happy and full of hope for the future. Later, in order to concentrate on making money by pedaling a tricycle, Anlin quit his other previous work. And after doing this, it is really as he thinks, and he can earn a lot of money every day.

The uncle of beijing pedaling three wheels, pedaling 38 years of three wheels to buy a set of courtyards, the real identity is "Baylor"

Fourth, a person who has earned a large family by relying on the income from three rounds of pedaling

Although in the beginning, Anlin made a lot of money. But after all, it is money earned by borrowing other people's cars, and it will feel uncomfortable in my heart. So before long, after making enough money to buy a new tricycle, the first thing Anlin did was to run to buy the stainless steel tricycle that he had already caught up with. And since he had his own car, Anlin has worked harder. Then, he earned money to support the whole family by pedaling three wheels, and he also used the extra money for the children of the family to go abroad to study. Even later, he had the money to buy a complete set of courtyards in Beijing, which was really the envy of many people.

The uncle of beijing pedaling three wheels, pedaling 38 years of three wheels to buy a set of courtyards, the real identity is "Baylor"

Fifth, as he got older, Anlin was still pedaling three wheels

With the passage of time, anlin, who was originally young and strong, began to become white-haired. Even so, it is reasonable to say that he should "retire" and go home to spend his old age. In reality, however, Anlin is still pedaling three wheels as he gets older. It's just that at this time, he pedaled three wheels to enjoy a feeling, not to make a living. And even though he's getting older, tourists who are willing to take his car to Beijing are still pouring in. As for the reasons, there are actually two main reasons. The first reason is that Anlin has always deliberately emphasized his "Belle Grandpa" identity when soliciting business, and the second reason is that Anlin will tell tourists more stories related to Beijing city in the process of pedaling three wheels.

The uncle of beijing pedaling three wheels, pedaling 38 years of three wheels to buy a set of courtyards, the real identity is "Baylor"


By reading the above content, we mainly want to let everyone learn from the elderly Anlin a spirit of daring to be flexible and insisting on maintaining themselves. Among them, the courage to be flexible means that he can know how to lay down his body to earn a living when the Qing Dynasty has been extinguished. And not only is he not afraid of others laughing at himself after knowing his "special identity", but he also dares to use this identity as a gimmick to solicit business. As for insisting on keeping himself, it means that he still insists on continuing to work in his later years. And not like other people, always like to do some things that rely on the old and sell the old.

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