
He is a descendant of Ai Xin Jueluo, known as the "first driver of the capital", and charges 150 yuan an hour

The wheels of history are rolling forward, and no one can stop it. Yang Shen, a great talent of the Ming Dynasty, once wrote in a poem: "How many things in ancient and modern times are paid for laughter and talk", with the passage of time, the past also goes with the wind, and everything can be used as a joke after tea and dinner.

The year 1912 was a turning point in history, when the Xinhai Revolution overthrew a feudal dynasty that lasted for thousands of years and the Qing government disappeared into time. With the collapse of the dynasty, all the aristocratic lives of the Qing Dynasty have undergone earth-shaking changes, they are no longer high people, and everyone is equal in the future era.

He is a descendant of Ai Xin Jueluo, known as the "first driver of the capital", and charges 150 yuan an hour

For the imperial family Ai XinJueluo, such a change was difficult for many people to accept, such as the last emperor Puyi, from the emperor to the commoner, his psychological gap was extremely large, so he later took the risk of becoming a puppet emperor, for which he spent an extra ten years in prison. In contrast, some members of the royal family are more calm, and there is a descendant of Ai Xinjueluo who sees a business opportunity to work as a tricycle driver in Beijing, known as the "first driver in Beijing", charging up to 150 yuan an hour, and the people who look for him to pull the car have to queue.

The tricycle driver's name was An Lin, and his father was a Qing dynasty prince. After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the entire family was reduced to commoners, and my father always lived by hand. By the time of Anlin's generation, the family was no different from ordinary people, and Anlin was also married to a local woman under the arrangement of his parents, and his father wanted him to inherit his career and do the business of carpenter.

He is a descendant of Ai Xin Jueluo, known as the "first driver of the capital", and charges 150 yuan an hour

But the young An Lin is not willing to spend a lifetime so ordinary, he hopes to find other opportunities, to make more money for the family, improve the living conditions, just in the 1980s, Beijing city traffic is still very backward, people travel mostly choose to take a tricycle, An lin believes that this is a good opportunity to make money, so he borrowed a large amount of money from his father to buy a tricycle.

After buying a car, Anlin became a tricycle driver, never thinking that the job would make money more than he thought, he only worked for one day to earn back all the costs, and his money came easier than the hard work of his family. For the next few months, Anlin continued to live like this, getting up early every day to pull a tricycle, although stable, but it was difficult to earn more money.

He is a descendant of Ai Xin Jueluo, known as the "first driver of the capital", and charges 150 yuan an hour

Later, a random thing changed this situation, An Lin pulled the guests to run in Beijing City as usual, at this time the guest asked him about the stories in the Beijing hutongs, the talkative An Lin told the other party a lot of historical stories in detail, originally just to pull the car to relieve the boredom, did not expect that the guest was very satisfied with these stories, after the end of the trip gave An Lin a lot of tips, the clever An Lin immediately found a business opportunity: to tell stories as part of the charge.

At that time, people's living standards were generally not high, so there were not many people willing to buy Anlin's storytelling project. However, An Lin did not choose to give up, he still insisted on his own approach, even if the other party did not want him, he would still communicate more with the guests, and learn more knowledge from the dialogue to enrich himself. Today, many of the stories in the old hutongs of Beijing have been forgotten, and the history told by An lin is even more eye-catching.

He is a descendant of Ai Xin Jueluo, known as the "first driver of the capital", and charges 150 yuan an hour

Many travelers to Beijing hope to take a ride on his tricycle and hear the story of old Beijing. During the holidays, Anlin's tricycle even has to queue up for a long time, which is enough to see its attractiveness, of course, after decades of precipitation, Anlin has also become a veritable person, and when telling stories, guests also need to take it seriously, if the other party is not interested in his own story, then he will politely ask people to get off.

In addition to An Lin, there is also a member of the Ai Xin Jue Luo clan who also works as a coachman in Beijing, but his identity has brought him a lot of trouble. This man's name was Yan Sen, the county king of the Qing Dynasty Doro keqin, he could not accept the reality of the collapse of the dynasty, and after becoming a commoner, he still maintained the consumption habits of the year and did nothing all day. In order to maintain his aristocratic demeanor, he had to change the assets in the seller, starting with antique vases and paintings, and almost all the valuable items in the home were sold.

He is a descendant of Ai Xin Jueluo, known as the "first driver of the capital", and charges 150 yuan an hour

However, even the richest family's wealth also had a depleted day, and after running out of money, Yan Sen finally realized the problem, and he woke up at this time to find a profitable job. However, Yan Sen did not have any skills, and it was very difficult to find a job in Beijing, so he had no choice but to become a rickshaw driver. Unfortunately, Yan Sen still has a pride in his heart, and when pulling the car, he always likes to reveal his past glory to customers.

In 1931, a guest exposed the matter of Yan Sen, for a time many people were talking about the story of the former Wang Ye becoming a coachman, and at the same time many people came to Yan Sen's pulling place to see the real face, when the Qing government was not long after the demise, everyone still maintained a sense of awe for Wang Ye, at most just to see the hilarity, few people dared to take his car. In this way, the business that Yan Sen had worked so hard to build was unsustainable, so he had to change his career and do other things.

He is a descendant of Ai Xin Jueluo, known as the "first driver of the capital", and charges 150 yuan an hour

An Lin and Yan Sen, as former royals, chose to become coachmen after the fall of the dynasty, but the final fate was very different, and the reason was self-positioning. An Lin has always regarded himself as an ordinary person, and the story he tells is also the story of old Beijing, very close to the people, and Yan Sen has always regarded himself as a prince, which also led to the final failure. People should focus on the present, bravely face any challenge, and not immerse themselves in the glory of the past, so that they can develop smoothly.


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